The Quick Web Service Guide
The Quick Web Service Guide
The Windows SharePoint Services Web Services provided in the Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer namespace provide numerous methods for accessing site content. These include methods for working with lists, site data as well as methods for customizing meeting, document workspaces, imaging and search. The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interfaces used in these services provide .NET developers with object models that are used to create solutions that work with both WSS and SPS. The Web Service interfaces are integrated with the server-side object models of the Windows SharePoint Services assembly, and their design has been optimized to reduce the number of roundtrips transacted between client computer and server.
Web services provide their functionality through the _vti_bin virtual directory, which maps to the Local_Drive:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions60ISAPI physical directory in the file system.
Adding a reference
To create a reference within a Microsoft Visual Studio .NET project to a Web service in Windows SharePoint Services, right-click References in Solution Explorer and click Add Web Reference in the shortcut menu. In the address bar of the Add Web Reference browser, enter the Web service address as shown below.
Methods that are part of the Administrative service specify a path that goes to the administration port and uses the _vti_adm as the virtual directory, as shown below.
Instantiating a service
Instantiate a Web service within code by using a constructor as follows:
Web_Reference_Folder_Name.Service_Name ServiceInstanceName = new Web_Reference_Folder_Name.Service_Name();
Web_Reference_Folder_Name represents the folder name used for the reference to the Web service in Visual Studio .NET, and Service_Name represents the name of the class providing methods that can be called through the Web service.
Establishing user credentials
To establish system credentials for the current security context in which the application is running, add the following line, which authenticates the user running the code by passing their default credentials to the Web Service from the system credential cache:
[Visual Basic .NET]
ServiceInstanceName.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
The List
Administration Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name:Port_Number/_vti_adm/Admin.asmx
Alerts Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Alerts.asmx
Document Workspace Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/_vti_bin/Dws.asmx
Forms Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Forms.asmx
Imaging Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/_vti_bin/Imaging.asmx
List Data Retrieval Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.Dsp.Sts
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint.Dsp.Sts (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Dsp.Sts.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/DspSts.asmx
Lists Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Lists.asmx
Meetings Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/_vti_bin/Meetings.asmx
Permissions Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Permissions.asmx
Site Data Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/SiteData.asmx
Site Service Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Sites.asmx
Users and Groups Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/UserGroup.asmx
Versions Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Versions.asmx
Views Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Views.asmx
Webs Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Windows SharePoint Services Web Service (in STSSOAP.dll)
Web Reference: https://Server_Name/[sites/][Site_Name/]_vti_bin/Webs.asmx
Query Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.WebQueryService
Platforms: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.dll)
Web Reference: https://server_name/_vti_bin/search.asmx
Area Web Service
Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal
Platforms: Windows Server 2003
Assembly: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal (in Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.dll)
Web Reference: https://server_name/_vti_bin/areaservice.asmx
Security: Code Access Security
- Anonymous
August 25, 2004
This page is definately going into my sharepoint bookmarks. I have been looking into web services recently. MSDN has got examples for many of the webmethods now. Here are a couple links which I have found useful:
One interesting article I've found on MSD2D was just posted yesterday. It discusses how to return use owssrv.dll to return XML data.§ion=Sharepoint - Anonymous
August 26, 2004
Thanks - I didn't know about these. The other source that I have found to be pretty good is the SDK.