Live Podcast This Friday
Wow! We've added about 100 new subscribers this week. Thanks for your comments and feedback, keep them coming!
A couple of people have asked me about our setup and how to participate in the call. Our main recording device until now has been a call in to LiveMeeting session (mainly for ease in recording). Of course, that only gives us phone-quality recording. Going forward, I've got some more high-quality equipment on the way. If you want to ask us anything, or if you simply want to listen live on your phone, dial the number below. You will be prompted for a participant passcode. Once you enter the passcode, you'll be able to hear the podcast, but your phone will be muted. We'll periodically open the lines (you'll hear a couple of beeps) to open the floor up for questions. If you have a question but won't be able to attend, you can also reply to this thread, send email to sbspod at, or leave voicemail at 206-984-0184.
Probably the second most popular question is "what exactly is a podcast". Basically, you can think of it as a recorded radio show that you download to your portable media player or desktop. This gives you the freedom to listen at your liesure, fast-forward, rewind, etc, etc.
We're once again going live this Friday. Inside SBS episode 4 will begin recording at 11:00 CST and we will again be fielding email, calls, voicemail - you name it, if it is related to SBS, we'll discuss it. The more the merrier!
Phone number for the live call-in portion of the podcast:
(866) 500-6738
Use participant code:8612341 (changes weekly)
- Anonymous
October 13, 2005
I have a question, and I'm in a timezone that's inconvenient to call-ine live, so I hope you'll take it.
I find it really useful to use the POP3 connector to aggregate lots of email accounts, often picking up email from various web-based and POP3 email accounts that the customer had before they got SBS. So far, I've managed to get to every webmail provider that provides any kind of POP3 interface, except one: Gmail.
I know Outlook 2003 can talk to Gmail, because Gmail have instructions on how to do it. But SBS doesn't seem to support Gmail's non-standard ports. Is there a way of getting customers' email out of Gmail and into SBS? - Anonymous
October 13, 2005
Question to stump you guys.
SBS2003 + RWW
If Require Authentication (a SP1 feature) is enabled within Terminal Services (again using TLS rather than native encryption) then RWW cannot connect to the instance.
Is there a way round this as the server I'm trying to connect to does not have tcp/3389 open (only 443 and 4125)
Thanks - Anonymous
October 14, 2005
Out here in cricket land...
How can I get Exchange to immediately shrink the data base size after users delete email?
We're running into HD space issues with some clients.