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Know your content - Part 2

In one of my previous posts I was showing a script to analyze your SharePoint content. This script came from a customer engagement where I was able to run the script on the SharePoint server. Currently I am on an engagement where I am facing the same requirements but will not have  any access to the server.

I was wondering on how to get the same metrics without having server access and the only solution that came into my mind was using the SharePoint web services. Mainly I will use the following two web services:

With these two web services I am able to get information on my content from the client side assuming that I have access to the content. At the end of this posting you will find the entire PowerShell code to get the content information.

The code will create a .csv-file that you can then analyze with Excel. The following screenshot will show you an example of such an analysis:


PowerShell code:

The infile for this code is simply a notepad file that contains the URLs that should be analyzed. The following screenshot will show you an example:



# ------------------------------------------
# This script will analyze a given list of SharePoint sites regarding their content.
# Especially the lists and libraries will analyzed to get an impression on how many information
# is stored to the site and how complex the structure of the site is


# activate/deactivate debug mode
$DEBUG = $false

# URLs to be analyzed will be fetched from this file
$inFile = "infile.txt"

# Parameters for this script
$noiseLists = @("Content and Structure Reports", "Form Templates", "Reusable Content", "Style Library", "Workflow Tasks")
$fileInfo = "AnalysisResults.csv"
$errorFile = "error.txt"

# *************************************
# S C R I P T L O G I C
# Do not edit anything from now on
# *************************************

# for speeding up execution time we keep a list with all processed URLs not not analyze them multiple times
$global:processedURLs = @()

# clean the error variable

# *************************************
# F U N C T I O N S
# *************************************

function AnalyzeWeb {
    param ($siteUrl, $webURL)
    # initialize variable that will capture our needed data
    $numLists = 0
    $numLibs = 0
    $numItems = 0
    $numFolders = 0
    Write-Host ("Analyzing web with URL: {0}" -f $webURL)
    # set the URI of the webservice
    $uriLists = ("{0}/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx?WSDL" -f $webURL)

    # create the web service handles
    $wsLists = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $uriLists -Namespace SpWs -UseDefaultCredential             
    # call the needed web service method
    $xmlListCollectionResult = $wsLists.GetListCollection()

    foreach ($oneList in $xmlListCollectionResult.List) {
        if ($oneList.Hidden -eq $false) {
            if (!($noiseLists -contains $oneList.Title) ) {

                $xmlListResult = $wsLists.GetList($oneList.Title)
                Write-Host (" List '{0}' ({1}, {2}) has '{3}' items." -f $xmlListResult.Title, $xmlListResult.ID, $xmlListResult.ServerTemplate, $xmlListResult.ItemCount)
                # capture data about the list/library
                if ($xmlListResult.ServerTemplate -eq "101") {
                } else {
                } # if..else
                # Analyze the library / list content
                $x = new-object "System.Xml.XmlDocument"
                $q = $x.CreateElement("Query")
                $v = $x.CreateElement("ViewFields")
                $qo = $x.CreateElement("QueryOptions")
                $v = $x.CreateElement("ViewFields")
                # clear capture data
                $numFolders = 0
                $numItems = 0
                $maxFolderDepthLocal = 0
                # Call the web service. Details about parameterization: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/lists.lists.getlistitems(v=office.12).aspx
                $xmlListItemResult = $wsLists.GetListItems($xmlListResult.ID, $null, $q, $v, "5000", $qo, $null)
                foreach ($oneListItem in $xmlListItemResult.data.row) {
                    if ($oneListItem.ows_FSObjType -ne $null) {
                        if ($DEBUG) { Write-Host (" ID: '{0}', Title: '{1}', FSObjType: '{2}'" -f $oneListItem.ows_ID, $oneListItem.ows_Title, $oneListItem.ows_FSObjType) }
                        $temp = $oneListItem.ows_FSObjType.Split(";#")
                        if ($temp[2] -eq "1") {
                            if ($DEBUG) { Write-Host ("*-*-* FOUND the folder '{0}' *-*-*" -f $oneListItem.ows_Title) }
                            # calculate folder depth
                            if ($xmlListResult.ServerTemplate -eq "101") {
                                # $tempDepth = $oneListItem.ows_ServerUrl.length - ($oneListItem.ows_ServerUrl.Replace("/","")).Length - 3
                                $tempDepth = $oneListItem.ows_EncodedAbsUrl.replace($webUrl,"").length - $oneListItem.ows_EncodedAbsUrl.replace($webUrl,"").replace("/","").length - 1
                                if ($maxFolderDepthLocal -lt $tempDepth) {
                                    $maxFolderDepthLocal = $tempDepth
                                    if ($DEBUG) { Write-Host (" Setting new local folder depth: {0}" -f $maxFolderDepthLocal) }
                                } # if
                            } # if ServerTemplate -eq 101
                        } # if
                    } # if
                    if ($oneListItem.ows_DocIcon -ne $null) {
                        if ($DEBUG) { Write-Host " ======> Found a document <====== " }
                    } # if..else
                } # foreach $oneListItem
                # dump info to lib log file
                # ("BaseURL`tWebURL`tType`tTitle`tItems`tDocuments`tFolders`tFolderDepth") | Out-File $fileInfo
                ("{0}`t{1}`t{2}`t{3}`t{4}`t{5}`t{6}`t{7}" -f $siteUrl, $webURL, $xmlListResult.ServerTemplate, ("{0} ({1})" -f $xmlListResult.Title, $xmlListResult.ServerTemplate), $xmlListResult.ItemCount,$numItems, $numFolders, $maxFolderDepthLocal) | Out-File $fileInfo -append
            } # if
        } # if       
    } # foreach $oneList
} # function AnalyzeWeb

function startAnalysis {
    param ($url)
    # clear the URL
    $url = $url.Replace("/default.aspx", "")

    # set the URI of the webservice
    $uri = ("{0}/_vti_bin/Webs.asmx?WSDL" -f $url)

    # create the service handle
    $wsWebCollection = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $uri -Namespace SpWs -UseDefaultCredential             

    # check if an error occured an log the info to the error file
    if ($error.count -ne 0) {
        ("Error with URL: '{0}'" -f $uri) | Out-File $errorFile -append
    # call the needed web service method
    $xmlWebCollectionResult = $null
    $xmlWebCollectionResult = $wsWebCollection.GetAllSubWebCollection()
    if ($xmlWebCollectionResult -ne $null) {
        # analyze the sites within site collection
        foreach($oneWeb in $xmlWebCollectionResult.Web) {
            if ($global:processedURLs -match $oneWeb.Url) {
                if ($DEBUG) { Write-Host ("Skipping URL '{0}' since it has already been processed" -f $oneWeb.Url) }
            } else {
                if ($DEBUG) { Write-Host ("Adding URL '{0}' to the processed list" -f $oneWeb.Url) }
                $global:processedURLs += $oneWeb.Url

                # run analysis
                AnalyzeWeb $url $oneWeb.Url
            } # if..else
        } # foreach
    } else {
        Write-Host ("Cannot access site at URL: {0}" -f $url) -foregroundcolor red
    } # if..else
} # function startAnalysis

# *************************************
# M A I N
# *************************************

# Create the lib output file
$timeStamp = (Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")
$fileInfo = $fileInfo.Replace(".csv", ("_{0}_{1}.csv" -f $timeStamp, $inFile.Replace(".txt","")))
$errorFile = $errorFile.Replace(".txt", ("_{0}_{1}.txt" -f $timeStamp, $inFile.Replace(".txt","")))

if ($DEBUG) {
    Write-Host ("fileInfo = {0}" -f $fileInfo)

# Create the header information of log files
("BaseURL`tWebURL`tType`tTitle`tItems`tDocuments`tFolders`tFolderDepth") | Out-File $fileInfo

measure-command {
 $i = 1
    $inFileContent = Get-Content $inFile
    foreach ($oneUrl in $inFileContent) {
        Write-Host ("[{0}/{1}] {2}" -f $i, $inFileContent.Length, $oneUrl) -backgroundcolor blue -foregroundcolor yellow
        startAnalysis $oneUrl
    } # foreach

} # measure-command

Write-Host "Finished."