Microsoft Citizenship Blog
Unleashing Technology to Advance Social Change
Technology can be an amazing tool for social and economic development. It can help people get a...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 07/20/2010
Update: Free webinar shows you how Office 2010 can help your nonprofit
Editor's Note: Due to a huge response, the webinar is now full, however you will be able to review a...
Author: Tom_Murphy Date: 07/13/2010
Imagine a world…
As I write this post, over 400 students from every corner of the world are competing in Warsaw,...
Author: Tom_Murphy Date: 07/05/2010
The women of Taiwan remind me of the magic of technology
I had many truly wonderful experiences in Taiwan, the team there; Hope Ong and Angela Yao; have done...
Author: Clair Deevey Date: 06/21/2010
Supporting our Veterans
Yesterday, I had the honor of hosting a team from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) at...
Author: Yvonne_Thomas Date: 06/18/2010
Sichuan two years on
Who could forget more than 68,000 people killed, countless homes destroyed and lives shattered in...
Author: Clair Deevey Date: 06/17/2010
Vote now to help students solve the world’s toughest problems
Each year hundreds of thousands of students from around the world come together to compete in the...
Author: Tom_Murphy Date: 06/08/2010
Video: Preparing people for the jobs of today and tomorrow
Today I wanted to share with you our final Accelerator Summit video. This session addresses skills...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 06/08/2010
Video: Employee giving and social entrepreneurs at Microsoft
The third session we are sharing from our recent Accelerator Summit was hosted by Lisa Brummel,...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 06/07/2010
Video: How technology can enable nonprofits
The second session at our recent Accelerator Summit was a panel discussion I hosted that looked at...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 06/04/2010
The impact of training goes beyond employment
I spent some time recently with Nalini Gangadharan, Chairperson of the CAP Foundation. Nalini was in...
Author: Tim_Dubel Date: 06/03/2010
Videos: Innovating to help solve some of the world’s most pressing issues
As I mentioned in my last post, we wanted to share some of the content from our recent Accelerator...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 06/03/2010
Accelerating Change through Technology
In 2007 we launched the Microsoft Unlimited Potential program to focus on getting the power of...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 06/01/2010
Elevating America through technology training and skills
Today marks a significant milestone for our Elevate America program with Louisiana and Ohio becoming...
Author: Yvonne_Thomas Date: 05/28/2010
Trip Report: South East Asia - Community First and Technology Second
Without doubt one of the best aspects of my job is getting to visit our partners and see firsthand...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 05/21/2010
Welcome to the Unlimited Potential Blog
Microsoft Unlimited Potential (UP) was launched by Bill Gates in 2007 as a company-wide effort to...
Author: Akhtar Badshah Date: 05/21/2010
ICT in Africa, A Central Theme at the African Union Heads of State Summit This Month
This week at the African Union Heads of State Summit in Addis Ababa leaders from the continent are...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 01/29/2010
Technology Helps Peru Preserve Quechua Language
In Peru, more than three million people speak Quechua, making the language the most common language...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 01/11/2010
Microsoft Partners with the Alsace Regional Council to Preserve Alsatian
The traditional language of France’s Alsace region, on its eastern border, is Alsatian, a...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 11/16/2009
The EU-Africa Business Forum: ICT for Regional Economic Growth
The current moment is a particularly challenging one for the continent of Africa. Following in line...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 10/15/2009
Preparing Teens for a Career in Technology
Established by the Governor of Riyadh, the Prince Salman Science Oasis (PSSO) is a nonprofit,...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 08/25/2009
No Summer Holiday for Partners in Learning!
On the Unlimited Potential team we work with the common understanding that education is the...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 08/11/2009
First Place Imagine Cup Design for Development Award goes to COSMIC!
This just in from Cairo...a big congratulations to team COSMIC from Universiti Sains Malaysia! At...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 07/07/2009
Imagine Cup Students Travel to Redmond
Last week, students participating in the Imagine Cup traveled to Microsoft’s Redmond campus to...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 06/15/2009
Shaping the future with technology
Part of Microsoft Unlimited Potential, Shape the Future provides tools that help governments create...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 05/27/2009
Imagine Cup US Finals - People’s Choice (that means YOU!)
Next week some of the brightest – and youngest – minds in America will compete in the US...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 04/27/2009
Startup Businesses Get a Helping Hand
Microsoft Malaysia aims to reach 500 successful Malaysian companies within three years with its...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 02/10/2009
Improving Rural Mass Transit Information in South Africa – Team Smile
The following guest post comes from Team Smile, a team of finalists for the Imagine Cup Rural...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 07/03/2008
Microsoft DreamSpark Gives Students Access to Technical Software at No Charge
The Microsoft DreamSpark student program is part of Microsoft Unlimited Potential and provides...
Author: Microsoft Citizenship Team Date: 02/17/2008