James O'Neill's blog
Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.
Powershell in Birmingham
For those in the audience, the files needed for this demo are in my skydrive folder (link on the...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/19/2008
Hyper-V Release candidate officially announced
A few minutes ago, in Clive's session at the UK server launch event, our UK product manager...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/19/2008
Vista SP1 now on Windows update.
I'm in Birmingham for the Windows Server 2008/SQL Visual Studio Launch. We British Microsofties...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/19/2008
Building dangerous things into products.
In the comments an earlier post, "PMunro" raised an interesting point, and I mentioned it...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/15/2008
VMware - running hot enough to cook the figures
It's quite amusing to see the VMware blogger (Citrix's blog names him as Eric Horschmann) has come...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/14/2008
Reasons to go to San Diego.
Eileen has already mentioned that she's going to San Diego (there's a song in there...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/14/2008
Expensive Hypervisors - a bad idea even if you can afford them
There's a saying in politics People will fall more easily for a big lie than for a small one*. I...
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/12/2008
Looking after customers...
I'm back from my holiday, and as usual after a break trying to get back into the swing of things ......
Author: James ONeill Date: 03/12/2008
Parkour at TVP
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/29/2008
Everything comes to those who wait ....
Something which by turns amuses and annoys me is they people seem to have become very fond of...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/28/2008
An interesting journey with PowerShell, GPS data and SVG. (Part 2)
This is, I'm afraid, another of those "Wow! what can you do with a couple of long lines of...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/28/2008
An interesting journey with PowerShell GPS data and SVG. (Part 1)
Eileen phoned me from a traffic jam yesterday. "I've got a demon in the car" she said. A little late...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/27/2008
PowerShell Community Extensions
–I referred to the PowerShell Community extensions in the last post. It's interesting, but not...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/26/2008
On PowerGadgets
At the end of this week I fly off for a few days Scuba diving, and shortly after I get back I have a...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/25/2008
While you were sleeping ... an attack on bitlocker etc
I'm always suspicious of people talking down security vulnerabilities, but I don't like to see them...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/22/2008
Testing Pictures
[UPDATE] I've been refining my EXIF Library for .NET, and the blogging utilities I wrote in...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/21/2008
Skydrive goes Live
I mentioned skydrive a while back, well over on the SkyDrive blog they're celebrating. Now available...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/21/2008
A presentation tip (especially for PowerShell)
I try not to stand still when I'm presenting; stand behind a lectern for too long and you end up...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/20/2008
Makes me glad I got co-pilot.
I recently blogged about reactivating software - having rebuilt my computer I needed to get my...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/18/2008
On film ...
Skimming down my feeds this weekend I found a post from Scoble on obsolete skills (a new wiki has...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/17/2008
Recommended reading.
Most Saturdays I freeze watching my daughter's football team. it's not so unusual. If you've got...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/16/2008
Vista SP1 update is now on Technet and MSDN
It's no use trying to pretend otherwise, we didn't do a great job on making Vista SP1 available....
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/15/2008
You know that Virtualization is going mainstream ...
It's not when you see articles like this from Mary Jo (Self styled Linux guy and VMware...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/15/2008
On expectations ...
my more-having would be as a sauce to make me hunger more William Shakespeare; Macbeth Act...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/13/2008
Deploying Vista SP1.
For the last year I have been saying that the mentality of waiting for a Service pack is a way of...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/12/2008
More news on Vista SP1
As I forecast when I posted the news of Vista SP1's release the delay in making it widely...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/11/2008
Who makes a good decision ?
I provided Eileen with a quote to use in the Management Excellence programme she's been involved...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/10/2008
For our friends in other departments
Ray Fleming posts over on the Education blog: he has news of the little Asus we saw at BETT, it's...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/10/2008
Spun with Dr Fooner.
David dropped me a very nice mail about the cartoons I posted yesterday on Wednesday, and this one...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/08/2008
Can you see the Join ?
I said I couple of posts back that I have to remind myself that I haven't been doing PowerShell long...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/07/2008
Cartoons about Cartoons and presentations.
My morning has gone to ruin, I was supposed to be doing a Live Meeting to show some of things we'd...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/06/2008
It is done.
Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1 have released to manufacturing. Actually it...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/04/2008
Getting to grips with Hyper-V's API
It's only 7 months since I first installed Powershell. Hard to believe that last week I saw a copy...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/01/2008
I got mail about this at 11:55, and the BBC had the story at 12:04 I assume it all went public at...
Author: James ONeill Date: 02/01/2008
I’ve developed a bit of a reputation as a curmudgeon, although I prefer to think that I don’t waste...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/26/2008
Vista vulnerabilities - a comparison.
Perhaps it's a bit strong to say "if complete and utter chaos was lightning, Jeff Jones would be the...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/24/2008
Hyper-V API information on MSDN
I've been waiting for this for a little while, in fact I had hoped to see a draft before it went...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/24/2008
Touch phones.
I was wrong. People seem to get on better with "touch" phones than I thought. I understand that...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/23/2008
Strings, strange forces and being misquoted
When I was in my teens, my school Physics class was taken on trip to the Royal Institution, and the...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/22/2008
The Wow of powershell (again)
I've recently bought Efficasoft's GPS utilities for my phone - I keep thinking about GeoTagging...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/21/2008
Homework, Plagiarism and Intellectual property in the 21st Century
I went to school in Brighton, and while the Brighton Evening Argus is the daily evening paper for...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/20/2008
On the superiority of Windows vista.
One of the ways to divide I meet is break them into the "Stallers and Installers". I meet plenty of...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/19/2008
One of our laptops is missing.
A snowclone I guess, with films like one of our Aircraft is missing , and Thomas Dolby's "One of our...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/18/2008
Will you be our hero ?
I've talked about my habit of "Brutal e-mail triage" before my equation for guessing the usefulness...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/18/2008
The Final silence
They called me the sparkle. I was the best I worked them all. I've used that quote before. But when...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/13/2008
Powershell to add social bookmarking tags
I blogged before about Lee Holmes' code to fetch and modify blog posts from PowerShell I was talking...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/10/2008
At the BETT show
One of my personality traits that makes me doubt my vocation as an evangelist is a general dislike...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/10/2008
Screencast: Hyper-v without integration components
When I explain Hyper-V to people I usually have to spend a fair amount of time on the Integration...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/09/2008
Getting wireless access from a Hyper-V VM
One of the limitations of Hyper-V is Virtual networks can't be bound to Wireless LAN cards....
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/08/2008
Search: A quick round-up
I've been meaning to have a play with Search Server since Viral demo'd it on the last roadshow. We...
Author: James ONeill Date: 01/08/2008