Great WPF application?
Today I set aside sometime to watch some “random podcasts”. Ok, not that random in that I decided they either had to be about Entity Framework or WPF.
The WPF episode I chose turned out to be a great choice – a real world line of business application which tries to use many of the capabilities of WPF to great effect. I need to watch it once more to really decide how good it is – but certainly it is not another “Windows Forms application implemented in WPF”. Well worth a watch.
Couple of comments:
- This is a real app – hence no source code to share. Sorry.
- A sticky sample is mentioned – available at
- Oh – did I mention it was all written in Visual Basic :-)
July 22, 2008
Thanks for the link to the sample. It wasn't clear from the video how to find the sample code.Anonymous
July 22, 2008
Hi Doug - the application is a real app still in development, hence unfortunately no code to share (except the zip i pointed at for a tiny snippet).