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Visibility Zero

[edit: 5/20/05, fixed typo in the sql query]

You may find the following is useless information, but might be used in a quiz at the end of the year, so anything you find on the blog *might* be testable. <grin>

If you have SQL Server installed (and hence Enterprise Manager), open it, browse to the MantisSQLDB's 'ComponentObjects' table and run the following query, (simply launch Query Analyzer):

SELECT     DisplayName, Visibility
FROM        ComponentObjects
WHERE      (Visibility = 0)
ORDER BY DisplayName

Your returned list has 295 component display names with their vis settings (obviously all are vis zero, right?). This means you can't see or add them to your config in TD - and for good reason.

Some of these components you're probably familiar with, but most you're not. Some are End of Life'd components that branch off to new and improved features, some are EOL'd and are tombstoned. Some are codecs we no longer have the license to ship. But most are KDF components from NT4e (the ones with the 'Legacy...' names).

The complete list is below. Enjoy.

- Andy

Common Control Libraries Policy 6 []
Common Control Libraries Version 6 []
Common Control Libraries Version 6 [6.0.2800.1515]
DirectShow Indeo4
DirectShow Indeo5
DirectShow Indeo5Audio
Electronic Program Guide Database
GDI+ Policy XPSP1
ICM: DiamondTron Monitor G18 D50
ICM: DiamondTron Monitor G18 D65
ICM: DiamondTron Monitor G18 D93
ICM: DiamondTron Monitor G22 D50
ICM: DiamondTron Monitor G22 D65
ICM: DiamondTron Monitor G22 D93
ICM: Generic Monitor Adobe1998RGB D65 WP 2.2 Gamma
ICM: Generic Monitor AppleRGB D65 WP 1.8 Gamma
ICM: Hitachi Monitor G18 D50
ICM: Hitachi Monitor G18 D65
ICM: Hitachi Monitor G18 D93
ICM: Hitachi Monitor G22 D50
ICM: Hitachi Monitor G22 D65
ICM: Hitachi Monitor G22 D93
ICM: NEC Multisync Monitor G18 D50
ICM: NEC Multisync Monitor G18 D65
ICM: NEC Multisync Monitor G18 D93
ICM: NEC Multisync Monitor G22 D50
ICM: NEC Multisync Monitor G22 D65
ICM: NEC Multisync Monitor G22 D93
ICM: Trinitron Monitor G18 D50
ICM: Trinitron Monitor G18 D65
ICM: Trinitron Monitor G18 D93
ICM: Trinitron Monitor G22 D50
ICM: Trinitron Monitor G22 D65
ICM: Trinitron Monitor G22 D93
Legacy: 001 MB Page File
Legacy: 002 MB Page File
Legacy: 004 MB Page File
Legacy: 008 MB Page File
Legacy: 016 MB Page File
Legacy: 032 MB Page File
Legacy: 064 MB Page File
Legacy: 128 MB Page File
Legacy: 256 MB Page File
Legacy: 3Com Etherlink III (3C509)
Legacy: 3Com Etherlink III (3C509) <2>
Legacy: 3Com Etherlink III PCI (3C590)
Legacy: 3Com Fast EtherLink XL (3C900)
Legacy: 3Com Fast EtherLink XL (3C905)
Legacy: 3Com Fast EtherLink XL NIC (3C905B-TX)
Legacy: 3Com Fast EtherLink XL NIC (3C905B-TX) <2>
Legacy: 486c HAL
Legacy: 512 MB Page File
Legacy: ACL Editor
Legacy: Adaptec AHA-154X Plug and Play
Legacy: Adaptec AHA-154X/AHA-164X
Legacy: Adaptec AHA-294X/AHA-394X or AIC-78XX PCI
Legacy: Add Printer Wizard
Legacy: aha154x
Legacy: aic78xx
Legacy: Alerter
Legacy: AMDPCN
Legacy: APIC HAL
Legacy: AppleTalk
Legacy: Arial Font
Legacy: ASP
Legacy: AST HAL
Legacy: AT Command
Legacy: ATI
Legacy: ATI Graphics Adapter
Legacy: AutoCheck
Legacy: Automatic Logon
Legacy: Buslogic
Legacy: BusLogic Multimaster PCI SCSI Host Adapters
Legacy: Calculator
Legacy: Cbus HAL
Legacy: Cbusm HAL
Legacy: CDFS
Legacy: Character Map
Legacy: Chat
Legacy: Chips
Legacy: Chips Video Accelerator
Legacy: Cirrus
Legacy: Cirrus Logic 5465 Graphics Adapter
Legacy: Cirrus Logic Graphics Adapter
Legacy: CL546x
Legacy: ClipBook Viewer
Legacy: Clock
Legacy: COM1
Legacy: COM2
Legacy: COM3
Legacy: COM4
Legacy: Command Shell
Legacy: Compaq Netelligent 10 or 10/100 PCI
Legacy: Compaq Netelligent 10/100 TX Embedded UTP
Legacy: Computer Browser
Legacy: Console Administration Common
Legacy: Copy File Command (XCOPY.EXE)
Legacy: Courier Font
Legacy: CpqNF3
Legacy: Cryptography Core
Legacy: DC21X4
Legacy: DCOM
Legacy: DEC PCI Fast Ethernet DECchip 21142
Legacy: DEC PCI Fast Ethernet DECchip 21143
Legacy: Default Page File
Legacy: Device Settings
Legacy: DHCP Client
Legacy: DHCP Server
Legacy: Dial-Up Networking Serial Cable between 2 PCs
Legacy: Digi DataFire Driver
Legacy: Digi DataFire PCI 1 S/T ISDN Adapter
Legacy: Digi DataFire PCI 1 S/T ISDN Adapter <2>
Legacy: Disk Administrator
Legacy: DiskOnChip As Disk
Legacy: Display Common
Legacy: DNS Server
Legacy: Domain Participation
Legacy: E100B
Legacy: E100BNT
Legacy: EIDE Disk
Legacy: EIDE SCSI Adapter
Legacy: EIDE SCSI Driver
Legacy: El Torito CD As Disk
Legacy: El59X
Legacy: EL90x
Legacy: Elnk3
Legacy: English (US) Input Locale
Legacy: Event Logging
Legacy: Event Viewer
Legacy: Explorer
Legacy: Explorer Links
Legacy: Explorer Shell
Legacy: FAT
Legacy: Fault Tolerance
Legacy: File ACL Command (CACLS.EXE)
Legacy: File and Print Services for NetWare
Legacy: File Attribute Command (ATTRIB.EXE)
Legacy: FTP Performance Counters
Legacy: Graphical Remote Administration
Legacy: HP LaserJet 6L
Legacy: HP LaserJet 6L - Shared
Legacy: Hyper Terminal
Legacy: IDE Disk
Legacy: IEEPRO
Legacy: IIS 3.0
Legacy: Intel EtherExpress PRO (E100B)
Legacy: Intel EtherExpress PRO (E100BNT)
Legacy: Intel EtherExpress PRO (IEEPRO)
Legacy: Internet Service Manager
Legacy: IPX/SPX
Legacy: Kernel TSP
Legacy: Keyboard Drivers Common
Legacy: Keyboard Locale Common
Legacy: LAN Manager Server
Legacy: LAN Manager Workstation
Legacy: Logitech PS/2 Mouse
Legacy: Logon Screen Saver
Legacy: LPT1
Legacy: LPT2
Legacy: Lucida Console Font
Legacy: Lucida Unicode Font
Legacy: Manual Shell
Legacy: Matrox Graphics Adapter
Legacy: Matrox Millenium Graphics Adapter
Legacy: MCA HAL
Legacy: Messenger
Legacy: MGA
Legacy: MGA64
Legacy: Microsoft PS/2 Mouse
Legacy: Minimal OS
Legacy: MMC
Legacy: Modem Console Administration
Legacy: Modern Font
Legacy: Mouse Common
Legacy: MPS HAL
Legacy: MPSM HAL
Legacy: MS Sans Serif Font
Legacy: N100
Legacy: NCR HAL
Legacy: NE2000
Legacy: Net Command (NET.EXE)
Legacy: NetBEUI
Legacy: NetBIOS
Legacy: NetDDE
Legacy: Network Common
Legacy: No Page File
Legacy: Notepad
Legacy: Novell NE2000 Compatible Adapter
Legacy: NT LM Security Support Provider
Legacy: NTFS
Legacy: NULL
Legacy: Null Keyboard Driver
Legacy: Null Mouse
Legacy: NullVGA
Legacy: Object Packager
Legacy: ODBC Access Driver
Legacy: ODBC Core
Legacy: ODBC Jet Support
Legacy: ODBC SQL Server Driver
Legacy: OLE/COM
Legacy: Olivetti HAL
Legacy: Paint
Legacy: Parallel Ports Common
Legacy: PC/AT Keyboard Driver (101/102-Key)
Legacy: Performance Counters
Legacy: Performance Monitor
Legacy: Phone Dialer
Legacy: PPTP
Legacy: Primary Domain Controller
Legacy: Printer Common
Legacy: Quick View
Legacy: RAS Client
Legacy: Realtek RTL8029 PCI Adapter
Legacy: Registry Editor
Legacy: Roman Font
Legacy: RPC
Legacy: RRAS
Legacy: RTL8029
Legacy: S3
Legacy: S3 Graphics Adapter
Legacy: SAP Agent
Legacy: Scheduler
Legacy: Script Font
Legacy: SCSI Common
Legacy: SCSI Disk
Legacy: Serial Console Administration
Legacy: Serial Mouse
Legacy: Serial Ports Common
Legacy: Server System
Legacy: Service Settings
Legacy: Services for Macintosh
Legacy: Shutdown Utility
Legacy: Simple TCP Services
Legacy: SIS Graphics Adapter
Legacy: SiSV
Legacy: SMC EZ Card PCI 10 Adapter
Legacy: SMC LAN9000/91C94/91C100 Ethernet Adapter
Legacy: SMC1208
Legacy: SMC9xxx
Legacy: SNMP
Legacy: Sportster 28.8Kbps Internal Modem
Legacy: Sportster 56Kbps External Modem with X2
Legacy: Standard 28.8Kbps Modem
Legacy: Standard Accessibility
Legacy: Standard Floppy Disk
Legacy: Standard HAL
Legacy: Standard OS
Legacy: Symbol Font
Legacy: System Cloning
Legacy: System Message Interception
Legacy: SystemPro HAL
Legacy: TAPI 2.1
Legacy: Task Manager
Legacy: Task Manager Shell
Legacy: TCP/IP
Legacy: TCP/IP Printing
Legacy: TCP/IP Utilities
Legacy: TD Completeness
Legacy: Telnet Server
Legacy: Tgiul40
Legacy: Time Zone Settings
Legacy: Times Font
Legacy: Trident Video Accelerator
Legacy: Unimodem
Legacy: US Keyboard Layout
Legacy: User Manager
Legacy: User Manager for Domains
Legacy: VGA
Legacy: Virtual Memory Common
Legacy: Windows NT Command Prompt
Legacy: Windows NT Diagnostics
Legacy: Windows NT Help Engine
Legacy: Wingdings Font
Legacy: Winmodem 56Kbps Modem
Legacy: WINS Server
Legacy: WinSock
Legacy: WMI
Legacy: Wordpad
Legacy: Workgroup Participation
Legacy: Workstation System
Legacy: Write Filter
Legacy: WWW Performance Counters
Legacy: Wyse HAL
MSN Explorer
RTC User Agent Library
TAPI Audio, Video and RTP Filters
Time Shifting / Digital Video Recording
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing
Windows Media Player 8.0
Windows Media Player Skins
Windows Update Web Access Component
