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Повече от 16 500 души писаха приложения едновременно на WOWZAPP 2012


WOW какъв уикенд! Над 16 500 разработчици от 53 страни по света се събраха на 118 места, за да създадат приложения за Windows 8 и официално стана най-масовият хакатон в историята. Нашият принос към рекорда също беше значителен – близо 100 души от България, Сърбия и Румъния взеха участие в събитието и създадоха 14 приложения само за 30 часа.


IMG_0330С помощта на квалифицираното ни жури определихме и 3-те отбора-победители. Walk2Help, първенците в локалния кръг на състезанието Imagine Cup през 2011 г. , зае първо място и тук с добавката за Windows 8 към своята система за подкрепа на благородни каузи. На второ място се класира стартъпа Filement, който направи удобен клиент към приложението си за универсален достъп до съдържание, съхранено на различни устройства. Третото място беше заето от гостите ни от Сърбия – отбор !iSUM. Те разработиха приложение, позволяващо на деца страдащи от аутизъм да се изразяват и общуват по-лесно.

Те ще имат възможността да получат тестови Windows Phone и Windows 8 устройства, както и да станат част от специалната програма за ВИП специалисти на Майкрософт България (очаквайте повече подробности). Това, обаче ще се случи само при условие, че тези екипи качат приложенията си в Windows 8 Store преди 3 декември 2012 г.

Международният тон на събитието беше подкрепен и от специалният ни гост от Малта, Karl Davies-Barett, който направи страхотен еднодневен тренинг и подкрепи екипите с ценните си съвети по време на разработката.

А ето и какво разказаха колегите от региона за WOWZAPP в техните страни:


“Greece was our Ancor event with worldwide visibility. Great event, 450 attendees, our external and internal amazing speakers, lots of enthusiasm from old and new faces, a brilliant Key Note Speaker (Ben Riga), 35 apps, super press coverage and mostly lots and lots of coding! A detailed report is coming up… till then check the event’s photos and a fantastic coverage of the weekend as seen by Forbes J!”


“Last Friday almost 350 Polish developers started to convert their ideas into Windows 8 apps. At the beginning of 48 hours marathon professional programmers, students and high school students enrolled for this race. At the finish line they proudly delivered 205 apps ready for the certification.”


“Russian developers joined the international Hackathon WowZapp 2012. Over 300 participants in 6 regions in Russia created Windows 8 apps during 48 hours. We gathered 230 participants in Moscow and near 100 participants in Piter, Volgograd, Perm, Astrakhan, Barnaul. 3 days agenda with slots from Microsoft, Evernote, ABBYY, Mail.ru and other big partners was combined with daily and night codding (75 developers were stayed at first night of Hackathon). Finish of WowZapp became a session with key Russian investors, who chose best 15 projects (from 40) and gave them prizes and valuable advice how to promo their projects. Now, we are waiting new great apps from WOWZAPP attendees.“


“One week after the build conference more than 70 developers came together to see, learn, and code Windows 8 apps during the WOWZAPP event in Budapest. The main goal of the one day long event was to help every developer individual in the most efficient way tailored to his or her needs. We held 18 small presentations about new features of Windows 8. We held a one hour long session where we took a glimpse at some apps already published from Hungary. We invited a group of designers who ensured that the apps created at the event are well designed and good looking.”


“50 energized students from all over Cyprus, a lot of food and snacks, even more coffee and Red Bulls, 36 hours of coding and NO sleep! That’s the recipe we followed in Cyprus for our local WOWZAPP Hackathon. We focused on Windows Phone and at the end of the 36 hours we ended up with 10 Windows Phone applications, 2 Windows 8 applications and 50 tired, but excited students asking for more!”


“400 energizing doses, over 2000 liters of water and juice, one ton of food, a lot of coding and 35 cool applications. Instead of going out to a club or to a party, 150 Romanian youngsters chose to spend their weekend close to their friends to develop applications for the new Windows 8. The day of the developer is double than a normal one, it had 48 hours! And they didn’t want to sleep that day. That’s how long it takes to the best ones to transform a nice idea into a cool application.”


“The local event for the Global WOWZAPP2012 Hackathon in Kazakhstan took place in Almaty last weekend. 60+ attendees created Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 applications for 48 fun and crazy hours. No sleep! Live for coding! Finally 9 projects have been presented! Apps were created in categories of news, games, diaries, business productivity, translators etc. Winner – Mr. Daulet Bulegenov from International IT University with a Windows 8 Application called “OneDay”! But we are all the champions! Great event! Great days! Some photos and video can be found here.”


“In Macedonia we run 48 hours event at the largest IT campus in Skopje, Macedonia. For 85 registered attendees, 62 came at the event powered by 12 mentors from the community offering them technical and UI/UX assistance. The start was with a session Windows 8 and Connected Apps by Dejan Dimitrovski (TE). As they take Imagine Cup Quizzes, or start implementing some feature in their we award them with one of our MSP’s designed stickers (left image). After 24 hours development there was around 10 apps presented, after 48 hours, they do great job of 15 app concepts composed from 14 Windows 8 and 6 Windows Phone apps, 2/3 based on Windows Azure. During the weekend, we take several team-ZAPP activities (Marshmallow challenge, TeamBuild a story, Pictionary) but at the end of 48 hours of coding, they take a WOWZAPP Gangnam Style.”


“Slovenia hosted two hackatons in two locations durring last weekend in Maribor and Ljubljana. We have themed the events as HackathonLands where there was a special constitution, passport and currency for paying drinks, food etc.. We have managed to get 150+ people registered and 130+ participating during our WOWZAPP hackaton. We have had several mentors in place and we have encouraged attendees to team up and create very quality apps. So far we have an evidence that at the end we will have more than 20 high quality win 8 apps and games on marketplace. We have had awesome time on both locations and there were only positive impressions about it. Photos of Maribor can be found here and Ljubljana.”

