SharePoint, in all its flavors
SharePoint, in all its flavors
Check these two links, they contain very relevant info:...
Date: 07/19/2018
You can use the following PowerShell script to add a remote event receiver in SharePoint 2013/2016:...
Date: 06/06/2018
Set/Remove Read-Only lock from SharePoint 2013/2016 site collection using PowerShell: $siteUrl =...
Date: 04/19/2018
After installing March 2018 update for SharePoint 2013 you may get this error when trying to...
Date: 04/12/2018
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Variables...
Date: 04/05/2018
foreach ($item in (Get-Childitem -path c:\temp\wsp)) { $location = "c:\temp\wsp" + $item.Name...
Date: 03/10/2018