Brad Abrams
Design Guidelines, Managed code and the .NET Framework
Whidbey Readiness Quiz: More on arrays
Continuing examining new types in Whidbey… My goal is to motivate why we added Whidbey features...
Author: BradA Date: 10/29/2004
Feedback on collection Interfaces
Krzysztof is asking for your feedback on some changes we are considering for the generic collections...
Author: BradA Date: 10/28/2004
Whidbey Readiness Quiz (Answer): Converting array values
Well, lots of good responses… I can see this is going to be a hard group to stump. Nat nailed all...
Author: BradA Date: 10/27/2004
I'll take even the smallest evidence of success
I have made it my mission to institutionalize the value good API design. I strongly believe that...
Author: BradA Date: 10/27/2004
Perf Tips for Library developers
Rico has some good tips particularly for people building low level managed libraries… worth a read....
Author: BradA Date: 10/26/2004
Whidbey Readiness Quiz: Converting array values
Thinking about my last little quiz, I realize there are thousands (literally) of new methods across...
Author: BradA Date: 10/26/2004
Off to Saint Louis...
I will be doing some college recruiting at Washington University in Saint Louis Nov 8th and 9th. I...
Author: BradA Date: 10/24/2004
Answer: More Exception Mysteries
Well, you folks were a lot quicker than I was… Steve got basically what I was looking for very...
Author: BradA Date: 10/24/2004
Quiz: More Exception Mysteries
Yesterday I heard about a cool Whidbey feature that inspired me to come up with this little quiz....
Author: BradA Date: 10/21/2004
The SLAR on System.Byte
Continuing in the series on sharing some of the information in the .NET Framework Standard Library...
Author: BradA Date: 10/15/2004
On shipping...
I ran across the great quote on shipping software from my boss… I thought you folks might enjoy it.....
Author: BradA Date: 10/12/2004
Answer: Instantiating an interface
Well, that was a fun little quiz… I should have added “no scoping tricks” to the list of rules, but...
Author: BradA Date: 10/11/2004
The SLAR gets a review...
“Brad Abrams' .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference should be on every .NET...
Author: BradA Date: 10/11/2004
Quiz: Instantiating an interface
I got this one from a reader down under… I gotta say, it pretty much had me stumped, so I thought...
Author: BradA Date: 10/10/2004
Brian Harry on the CLR
I just noticed that the ServerSide has a good interview with Brian Harry who was a founding member...
Author: BradA Date: 10/08/2004
The Good and the Bad: Obsoletion in the Framework
You are likely familiar with this error message: Program.cs(969,9): warning CS0618:...
Author: BradA Date: 10/08/2004
Obsolete Members in Whidbey Beta1
namespace Microsoft.CSharp { [Obsolete("Use Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider,...
Author: BradA Date: 10/08/2004
Answer: Initializing static fields correctly
Well – quite a good discussion. This is one of the reasons I love blogs. I really learned something...
Author: BradA Date: 10/06/2004
Quiz: Initializing static fields correctly
A dev on the team recently found a bug in Whidbey a long these lines… Say you want to initialize the...
Author: BradA Date: 10/05/2004
Color-Coded Source code in blogs
Someone recently asked me how I do the color coding of source code in my blog. Well, it is really...
Author: BradA Date: 10/05/2004
XPSP2 and home wireless network: A confession and the joy...
Hello… my name in Brad Abrams and I have a confession to make: I could not get my home wireless...
Author: BradA Date: 10/04/2004
Generics and the special constraints
Someone recently asked me to update an old post of mine Reflection and Generics . You gotta be...
Author: BradA Date: 10/04/2004
New Design Guideline: Be consistent in naming parameters when overloading, overriding and implementing interfaces
We have seen this come up a more than a few times in WinFX API reviews so I thought it was worth...
Author: BradA Date: 10/04/2004
Quiz: Delegates and private methods
Given the code below, what is the result of the “Direct call” line and the “call via a delegate”...
Author: BradA Date: 10/03/2004
How to find if the logged user is a admin or not?
Just saw a mail over an internal alias showing off how to find out if the currently logged on user...
Author: BradA Date: 10/01/2004
An example that uses List.Exists(Predicate match)
Over an internal alias someone asked for an example of List.Exists(Predicate match) … I thought you...
Author: BradA Date: 09/30/2004
Is your battery dead?
Popular Science had a good article in the Oct 2004 issue about battery life. I always knew this was...
Author: BradA Date: 09/30/2004
Another managed application… Paint.Net… Looks very cool… I love to see how folks are using managed...
Author: BradA Date: 09/30/2004
Games in managed code
A guy on my team just noticed that Arena Wars! is new game writing in managed code…. Has anyone...
Author: BradA Date: 09/28/2004
At the SJSU Users Group Meeting
Last week I enjoyed speaking at the SSJU users group meeting… Here are the slides I used. Special...
Author: BradA Date: 09/23/2004
Slides and Demos from BorCon
Last week I had a good time at BorCon giving the CLR 2.0 pitch. As promised here are my slides and...
Author: BradA Date: 09/23/2004
Writing a debugger for the CLR?
I suspect there are only a small handful of folks in the world interested I this topic, but I...
Author: BradA Date: 09/20/2004
How to launch a command line app from CLR
Just saw this one fly by on an internal list and thought google might help someone find it someday:...
Author: BradA Date: 09/20/2004
Thoughts from BorCon04
Well, I got to BorCon a little late as I was enjoying California sun. But I did catch Danny Thorpe’s...
Author: BradA Date: 09/15/2004
New Design Guideline: Avoid Protected Static
Here is a minor update to the design guidelines around subclassing. It is based on this quiz I did a...
Author: BradA Date: 09/09/2004
Compat Testing for Whidbey..
Now is a great time to make sure your managed apps on V1.0 and V1.1 will work great on V2.0...
Author: BradA Date: 09/08/2004
What are the "free minutes" for the .NET Framework?
A comment on my last post got me thinking about the issues around redisting the framework. I have...
Author: BradA Date: 09/08/2004
Beating the CLR...
In his characteristic style Rico talks about what it would take the “beat” (from a perf point of...
Author: BradA Date: 09/07/2004
On to SJSU .NET Users Group Meeting
On the side while at BorCon, I will be speaking at the San Jose State University on Tuesday,...
Author: BradA Date: 09/07/2004
Openning on my team...
As Kit mentions, the BCL team is hiring for a Program Manger. I have had great luck in the past...
Author: BradA Date: 09/03/2004
Quiz: Who can access your state? (Answer)
Wow – a ton of responses, thanks. The reason I chose it is because it is fairly deceptive. At one...
Author: BradA Date: 09/03/2004
Quiz: Who can access your state?
Without compiling or running this code, can you tell if Malicious will be able to “steal” the...
Author: BradA Date: 08/31/2004
WinFX: Now Better than Ever
By now you have heard the news: WinFX will be shipping on XP, WS03 in order to make both Longhorn...
Author: BradA Date: 08/29/2004
Properites vs. Fields, this time in databinding
Nikhil fires up the age old debate again… Data-binding to public fields... yes or no?
Author: BradA Date: 08/29/2004
Quiz: More Type Constructors (Answer)
Well, I guess I will not purse my career as a radio game show host. Seems my quiz was not that hard....
Author: BradA Date: 08/27/2004
The SLAR on System.AttributeUsageAttribute
Boy, it has been a while sense I did one of these… but, never the less, continuing in the series on...
Author: BradA Date: 08/27/2004
New MSDN TV: Using Managed Resources
BrianGru and Ahmed do a great job… check them out if you are doing anything with the Resource...
Author: BradA Date: 08/26/2004
Quiz: More Type Constructors
The program below outputs “in .cctor” when run. In the spirit of NPR’s Says You, make a 6 character...
Author: BradA Date: 08/23/2004
BorCon Here I Come!
I will be coming to 2004 Borland Conference in San Jose, CA to talk about the cool new stuff in CLR...
Author: BradA Date: 08/22/2004
Pet Peeve #153:Overloading and param names
I have certainly been accused of being an incredible nit-picker when it comes to API designs, but...
Author: BradA Date: 08/20/2004