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Brad Abrams

Design Guidelines, Managed code and the .NET Framework

Morning Edition on Blogging

NPR’s Morning Edition (RSS) has a good spot on blogging this morning. It reminded me of a debate...

Author: BradA Date: 05/20/2005

History of programming Lanugages

I stumbled on this site Computer Languages History recently.. Very cool… Often the current...

Author: BradA Date: 05/19/2005

Happy first birthday PInvoke.net

I see my favorite interop site, PInvoke.net is one year old! Adam gives some great stats: 66 DLLs...

Author: BradA Date: 05/18/2005

Dr. Dobb's Programmer's Bookshelf on the SLAR

I was very happy to see that Dr. Dobb's Programmer's Bookshelf did a short review of the SLAR. Other...

Author: BradA Date: 05/17/2005

The Admiral’s Pipe

I was recently reminded of a story one of our development managers told me. Before he started his...

Author: BradA Date: 05/13/2005

Framework Design Guidelines Book

Krzysztof spilled the beans… He and I are working on bringing all the goodness of the Framework...

Author: BradA Date: 05/11/2005

Rico and Raymond: Some Performance Comparisons

It seems Raymond is starting a series of posts around Developing a Chinese/English dictionary and...

Author: BradA Date: 05/11/2005

Clean up Beta1 install before installing Beta2

Just found this link… looks I thought I had Beta1 removed from my machine but it found some Sql...

Author: BradA Date: 05/09/2005

.NET Framework 2.0 Beta2 Go Live and Compat

A reader recently asked if applications built against Beta2 will run when RTM comes out. The short...

Author: BradA Date: 05/09/2005

Atlanta Rocks!

I am having a great time in Atlanta this week. Kirk and Doug have done a great job so far in setting...

Author: BradA Date: 05/04/2005

.NET Show 50th Episode posted

Looks like good stuff… what do you think? How did we do? What else could we have covered in this...

Author: BradA Date: 05/04/2005

The CLR Roadtrip hits Arizona

Stop #2 on the CLR Roadtrip has just been finalized. Three PMs on the CLR development team will be...

Author: BradA Date: 04/30/2005

New CLR blogger: Reflection, Reflection Emit, LCG and the like

If there is anyone that knows how software really works it is the testers.. and Yiru Tang is no...

Author: BradA Date: 04/29/2005

Learn to write C# the fun way: C# and Game Developement

This looks like a fun set of talks to check out… even if you know C#.....

Author: BradA Date: 04/28/2005

The last MSDN Designing .NET Framework Class Libraries: Q and A session

Wow – what a run this has been! I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing and discussing these best...

Author: BradA Date: 04/25/2005

JIT optimizations on for loop with ar.Length constraint

A reader wrote in recently and asked me why the non-caching version of the following code was faster...

Author: BradA Date: 04/24/2005

Desiging .NET Class Libraries: Packaging, Assemblies and Namespaces

We are doing two chats this week! This one tomorrow is a make up from one we hand to postpone a few...

Author: BradA Date: 04/20/2005

The CLR team comes to Atlanta!

Partly as a result of my recent FrontLine trip the CLR team is going to hit the road! We are going...

Author: BradA Date: 04/19/2005

Desiging .NET Class Libraries: Security

Join us tomorrow (4/20) for this chat that discusses the security sessions in the Designing .NET...

Author: BradA Date: 04/19/2005

MSDN article on CLR Internals

While on FrontLine I had an opportunity to work closely with Hanu Kommalapati… I was impressed with...

Author: BradA Date: 04/19/2005

Moore's Law Turns 40

NPR does a good little backgrounder on Moore’s law… I was surprised they didn’t touch on the short...

Author: BradA Date: 04/18/2005

A little CSS help wih Community Server

As you can see from my last post, my source code formatting is not great since I moved to Community...

Author: BradA Date: 04/18/2005

Prime Number Sieve of Eratosthenes in C# and VB.NET

The following code implements the in VB (C# is a little further down the page): Imports System...

Author: BradA Date: 04/18/2005

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

As an excuse to play with VS 2005 Beta2 bits we just posted, I thought I’d implement the Sieve of...

Author: BradA Date: 04/18/2005

Webcast on The Fiefdom Syndrome

A colleague of mine at Sas recently told me about a free webcast April 19th 11a EST. Apparently Bob...

Author: BradA Date: 04/17/2005

Love to code? Love to take on big projects? this is the job for you!

I am looking for a technical Program Manager to own some core parts of the platform including...

Author: BradA Date: 04/14/2005

Has anyone tried it? What do you think?

Has anyone tried it? What do you think? https://www.erain.com/products/zam3d/ Introducing ZAM 3D ™A...

Author: BradA Date: 04/12/2005

What is a breaking change?

While on my FrontLine trip I was surprised at the number of teams that produce a “shared library”....

Author: BradA Date: 04/09/2005

Be heard on the PDC!

Jeremy posted a survey to get your feedback on the PDC… I filled it out with my bias, so you better...

Author: BradA Date: 04/08/2005

NGen in CLR2.0

One of the key folks on the CLR team that makes sure the product actually works is Reid Wilkes. I...

Author: BradA Date: 04/08/2005

Fun with Equality Follow up...

Some great answers to my recent quiz… I particularly love the Nullable<T> and string interning...

Author: BradA Date: 04/07/2005

Bring Back Chris Brumme’s Blog

I got this funny email today from Joel Pobar; I could not help but share it with you… You see Chris...

Author: BradA Date: 04/07/2005

Designing great frameworks training: FxCop in Depth

Continuing on the weekly series on Designing great frameworks we will have our 2nd try at the FxCop...

Author: BradA Date: 04/06/2005

Get email updates for new posts and new comments

I am sure many of you knew this, but with the brand-spanking-new CommunityServer stuff you can get...

Author: BradA Date: 04/06/2005

Wow -- great list of .NET Languages

Brian Ritchie's has a great list of .NET languages here… https://www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx...

Author: BradA Date: 04/04/2005

Fun with Equality

Isn’t it funny how the “easiest” concepts can be the most complicated? A reader sent me the...

Author: BradA Date: 04/04/2005

Manuscript drop SLAR Vol2

We are done! Today the author team for the SLAR Vol2 dropped the manuscript to Addison-Wesley. I...

Author: BradA Date: 03/30/2005

WinFX CTP, now even easier to install

A couple of people have noted a little perf issue with the installer we used for the WinFX CTP… Our...

Author: BradA Date: 03/29/2005

Implementing the Async Pattern and the my threading bug...

Recently I spent some time working on some Design Guidelines around implementing the async pattern....

Author: BradA Date: 03/28/2005

Common Exception Types

During my recently FrontLine trip I gave a talk on exception handling… One of the points I made is...

Author: BradA Date: 03/27/2005

Two free gifts: WinFX for all and IronPython

Some great new giveaways in the developer space recently… First, we just posted the Avalon and...

Author: BradA Date: 03/25/2005

Wow -- 50 Episodes of the .NET Show

I had a great time yesterday at the shooting of the 50th episode of the .NET Show… it surely was a...

Author: BradA Date: 03/23/2005

Managing breaking changes...

One of the things that popped for me during my recent FrontLine trip is that the tools and processes...

Author: BradA Date: 03/22/2005

Asynchronous Exception and the Paranoid Programmer

Truly paranoid programmers should read this article from Joe… Asynchronous Exceptions could be...

Author: BradA Date: 03/20/2005

Preparing for V2.0 of the .NET Framework

I just noticed that in all the excitement of the BCL team’s blog day, I missed that Kit published a...

Author: BradA Date: 03/20/2005

CLR 2.0: Compatibility and Side-by-side

As I talked to customers (internally and externally) it is clear that our story around compatibility...

Author: BradA Date: 03/18/2005

Profilers for the CLR

While I was on my recent road-trip I heard over and over again that people wanted better tools to...

Author: BradA Date: 03/17/2005

The Avalon and Indigo CTP hits the streets!

I am super excited about the first CTP of Avalon and Indigo that work nicely together.. And check...

Author: BradA Date: 03/16/2005

Designing .NET Class Libraries: Designing for a Managed Memory World

Just a reminder, I will be in the chat room 1 PM PST Please come and join me! Designing .NET Class...

Author: BradA Date: 03/16/2005

Now, that is what I call a blog day!

Wow – I gotta say the BCL team knows how to have a blog day… In one day the team managed to post 23...

Author: BradA Date: 03/15/2005

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