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How do you like your ASP.NET??

One thing I love about blogs is the informal, “instant”, raw feedback it enables. While I would not bet my next 4 billion dollar product plan on the feedback I get on my blog, I certainly let it influence my, and my teams, opinions on a wide range of topics. So, can I buy you a beer and ask you a question?


What is your primary editor you use with you ASP.NET development? I know from reading the forums and talking to some of you at conferences that many of you experience ASP.NET through Visual Studio (did you know we have an absolutely free, completely functional version of Visual Studio??), but I also have some data that indicates some ASP.NET developers do not primarily use Visual Studio… If you don’t use VS, what do you use and why? Is there a way we can support you better in your tool of choice? Or, can we make VS better for you somehow?

We’d love to have your feedback!



  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    Count me as one of the VS users.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use VS2005 for almost everything.  When I do drop out of it, it is to edit something quickly with notepad.  I find that happens most when I need to edit a Web.config file quickly, and I don't want to load up visual studio (or the full project for that matter) just to do so. I am with David though.  Generally, I start VS when I get to work, I leave it up all day to do work.  It's rare when I need to do load the whole thing just to do a "quick change". It would be nice to have a quick editor that I could install on our terminal server though.  I don't want to throw a full blown copy of VS on it just so I can make remote changes. The only other time I drop out of visual studio is to connect and work with databases.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    VS 2005 pro at work VS 2005 Wed Developer express at home Notepad2 for quick fixes Why notepad2? It's a lot faster for quick changes I need to do. I fear not the lack of intelisence since I usually am using typed wrappers for dictionaries (Session, MonoRail's PropertyBag, etc.) and there are also Unit Tests in place anyway. like said, I'd like to have David R. Longnecker's "Quick Edit" VS. Since I never use any of the VS designers, I'd do with a lighter version easily enough.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    +1 to a "VSLite", so long as it is VERY light. VS2005 = 48 oz porterhouse (everything you would ever want) VSExpress = 9oz filet (still a meal) VSLite = Beef jerkey VSLite would be installed with every version of VS, and the installer would create a "Edit in VSLite" Explorer context menu item for all VS file types. VSLite would do syntax highlighting and simple autocomplete (of properties and tags) but no IntelliSense. No solution explorer. No designer (ergo no Toolbox). Yes to MDI as long as it is fast. Personally, I use Notepad++ for a lot of small fixes and tweaks, and I would love to use an officially-sanctioned MSFT product instead.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use Emacs for all of my development, including ASP.NET. For ASPX files themselves, I use nxml-mode with some basic minor mode enhancements (flyspell, c-subword-mode, ...). I find the CLR Debugger in the SDK to be perfectly sufficient when that need arises, so I tend not to bother installing Visual Studio.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    Visual Studio user here.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use VS Std and Pro, I wish it was easy to add custom syntax highlighting and auto-complete (not necessarily IntelliSense). It should be easy to make VS show syntax coloring for PHP, Ruby, Python, batch files, etc. And I don't think developing an addiin can be considered an easy solution. Simple syntax coloring is one of the reasons I purchased a copy of EditPlus and why I still use Notepad2.  Creating and sharing syntax coloring should be at least as easy as EditPlus does. Another wish would be to drop any restrictions to what kind of features you are allowed to add to VS Express through addins. I mean, I know paid versions of VS must stay appealing, but what is going on with TestDriven.Net is kind of sad.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I am an old dotnet developer; i use Komodo for some development (python, ruby on rails...), Mozilla platform or Django kits for others... (REST architecture...) best regards

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use VS2005 for working on projects and notepad++ for quick viewing & light editing. When someone has a question about how some class works, or I need to make a quick change, I want to minimize the amount of time in between thinking what I want to do and the computer doing it. For quick views & edits, opening VS is too heavy. But for developing a solution, I live in VS.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use VS2005 almost all the times, but for some projects I should still use VS2003 for .Net 1.0 support (thanks to the ISP who wouldn't upgrade to .Net 2.0) and for some quick fixes to deployed aspx pages I use dreamweaver. Although it has asp.net support, the feature to work directly on ftp sites is great. I would love to see that on VS2005.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    No other tool like VS for ASP.NET.  

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    We use Visual Studio 2003 + Resharper.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    VS2005 Pro

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use VS2005 and Orcas with NotePad++ for simlpe viewing/editing.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2007
    I use VS 2005 but can't wait till Orcas is final. I love the speed, simplicity, power and performance of C# in VS, but ASP.NET projects build really slowly. Dynamic compilation alleviates the problem a great deal, but I still don't get why ASP.NET build is so much slower than a basic C# product. I would love to see ASP.NET build faster. If that happened, my day would be considerably more productive. Especially when working on our larger projects.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    TO: PWillis see http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/04/07/MustHaveTools/ CodeSnippet Compiler is an almost VSLite

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    Just keep making Visual Studio faster and more stable. I cannot wait for Orcas! JavaScript (including all of ASP.NET AJAX) Intellisense is key.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2007
    I'm exactly like David and Andrew.  As a long-time VS user, back to v4.5, I'm pretty comfortable with the basic functionality of building, debugging, source control. If I need to do the "change the web.config quick" thing, I will use notepad++.  It has syntax highlighting and is fast (if a bit quirky).

  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2007
    Visual studio for all. only for minor changes I use notepad and sometimes for design Expression Web Designer

  • Anonymous
    June 07, 2007
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    June 10, 2007
    I'd like to know if it would be possible to see an Eclipse plug in for developing ASP.NET , complete with Design Time stuff, built in web server etc. It's good to know there are alternative options even though I use Visual Studio 2005.

  • Anonymous
    August 03, 2007
    I still use VS2005 for creating major class collections and such, even though it locks every time I stop using it. I never use the compiler, debugger, or refactoring tools in VS2005 for ASP.NET - they're slower than a dumptruck with eight flat tires. David Longnecker, Quick Edit does exist - in the form of GVim (http://www.vim.org/). GVim doesn't have intellisense, but it has superb syntax highlighting for most known languages, and is sufficient to stop basic mistakes. I prototype CSS in Firefox using Firebug, and I do most basic page maintenance, blog writing, etc. directly inside my web site, using custom editing and debugging tools. After fighting the sluggishness of VS2005 on a Core 2 Duo, I was happy to build my own online coding/debugging/event management tools. VS2005 is the best development environment ever! I think it is Microsoft's crowning piece of software. But don't try using it with ASP.NET.