
Delen via

/target switch

The /target switch enables the MIDL compiler to enable optimizations available only on recent versions of Windows. The /target switch automatically activates additional switches.

midl /target level

Switch Options


Specifies the target level, such as NT50, NT51, NT60, NT61, NT62, or NT100.


The /target switch automatically activates additional switches, based on the operating system, as specified in the following table:

Operating system /target level Switches Activated
Windows 2000 NT50 /Oicf /error all /robust
Windows XP NT51 /Oicf /error all /robust /protocol all
Windows Vista NT60 /Oicf /error all /robust /protocol all
Windows 7 NT61 /Oicf /error all /robust /protocol all
Windows 8 NT62 /Oicf /error all /robust /protocol all
Windows 10 NT100 /Oicf /error all /robust /protocol all

To ensure a stub runs on the system specified by the /target switch, MIDL issues an error when a feature available only on a more recent version of Windows is present. The following table specifies the minimum /target level required to enable the feature. Higher target levels include all features from lower target levels.

Minimum required /target level Features
NT50 /robust
[notify] in /Oicf mode
[encode] or [decode] in /Oicf mode
NT51 /protocol 64-bit support
NT60 Forced complex structure marshalling
Context handles in an array or structure
[range] support for unsized strings
NT61 Direct COM stub calls for interfaces with less than 32 methods requires linking COM stubs with OLE32.DLL.
NT62 ARM support
WinRT support
NT100 [system_handle] support


midl /target NT50

See also

General MIDL Command-line Syntax
