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How to Create a Trackbar

When the trackbar is created, both its range and its selection range are initialized. The page size is also set at this time.

What you need to know



  • C/C++
  • Windows User Interface Programming


Create a Trackbar

The following example shows how to create a trackbar with the TBS_AUTOTICKS and TBS_ENABLESELRANGE styles.

// CreateTrackbar - creates and initializes a trackbar. 
// Global variable
//     g_hinst - instance handle
HWND WINAPI CreateTrackbar( 
    HWND hwndDlg,  // handle of dialog box (parent window) 
    UINT iMin,     // minimum value in trackbar range 
    UINT iMax,     // maximum value in trackbar range 
    UINT iSelMin,  // minimum value in trackbar selection 
    UINT iSelMax)  // maximum value in trackbar selection 

    InitCommonControls(); // loads common control's DLL 

    hwndTrack = CreateWindowEx( 
        0,                               // no extended styles 
        TRACKBAR_CLASS,                  // class name 
        "Trackbar Control",              // title (caption) 
        WS_CHILD | 
        WS_VISIBLE | 
        TBS_AUTOTICKS | 
        TBS_ENABLESELRANGE,              // style 
        10, 10,                          // position 
        200, 30,                         // size 
        hwndDlg,                         // parent window 
        ID_TRACKBAR,                     // control identifier 
        g_hinst,                         // instance 
        NULL                             // no WM_CREATE parameter 

    SendMessage(hwndTrack, TBM_SETRANGE, 
        (WPARAM) TRUE,                   // redraw flag 
        (LPARAM) MAKELONG(iMin, iMax));  // min. & max. positions
    SendMessage(hwndTrack, TBM_SETPAGESIZE, 
        0, (LPARAM) 4);                  // new page size 

    SendMessage(hwndTrack, TBM_SETSEL, 
        (WPARAM) FALSE,                  // redraw flag 
        (LPARAM) MAKELONG(iSelMin, iSelMax)); 
    SendMessage(hwndTrack, TBM_SETPOS, 
        (WPARAM) TRUE,                   // redraw flag 
        (LPARAM) iSelMin); 


    return hwndTrack; 

Using Trackbar Controls