tomConstants enumeration (tom.h)
Defines values that are used with the Text Object Model (TOM) API.
typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_tom_0000_0000_0001 {
tomFalse = 0,
tomTrue = -1,
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomToggle = -9999998,
tomAutoColor = -9999997,
tomDefault = -9999996,
tomSuspend = -9999995,
tomResume = -9999994,
tomApplyNow = 0,
tomApplyLater = 1,
tomTrackParms = 2,
tomCacheParms = 3,
tomApplyTmp = 4,
tomDisableSmartFont = 8,
tomEnableSmartFont = 9,
tomUsePoints = 10,
tomUseTwips = 11,
tomBackward = 0xc0000001,
tomForward = 0x3fffffff,
tomMove = 0,
tomExtend = 1,
tomNoSelection = 0,
tomSelectionIP = 1,
tomSelectionNormal = 2,
tomSelectionFrame = 3,
tomSelectionColumn = 4,
tomSelectionRow = 5,
tomSelectionBlock = 6,
tomSelectionInlineShape = 7,
tomSelectionShape = 8,
tomSelStartActive = 1,
tomSelAtEOL = 2,
tomSelOvertype = 4,
tomSelActive = 8,
tomSelReplace = 16,
tomEnd = 0,
tomStart = 32,
tomCollapseEnd = 0,
tomCollapseStart = 1,
tomClientCoord = 256,
tomAllowOffClient = 512,
tomTransform = 1024,
tomObjectArg = 2048,
tomAtEnd = 4096,
tomNone = 0,
tomSingle = 1,
tomWords = 2,
tomDouble = 3,
tomDotted = 4,
tomDash = 5,
tomDashDot = 6,
tomDashDotDot = 7,
tomWave = 8,
tomThick = 9,
tomHair = 10,
tomDoubleWave = 11,
tomHeavyWave = 12,
tomLongDash = 13,
tomThickDash = 14,
tomThickDashDot = 15,
tomThickDashDotDot = 16,
tomThickDotted = 17,
tomThickLongDash = 18,
tomLineSpaceSingle = 0,
tomLineSpace1pt5 = 1,
tomLineSpaceDouble = 2,
tomLineSpaceAtLeast = 3,
tomLineSpaceExactly = 4,
tomLineSpaceMultiple = 5,
tomLineSpacePercent = 6,
tomAlignLeft = 0,
tomAlignCenter = 1,
tomAlignRight = 2,
tomAlignJustify = 3,
tomAlignDecimal = 3,
tomAlignBar = 4,
tomDefaultTab = 5,
tomAlignInterWord = 3,
tomAlignNewspaper = 4,
tomAlignInterLetter = 5,
tomAlignScaled = 6,
tomSpaces = 0,
tomDots = 1,
tomDashes = 2,
tomLines = 3,
tomThickLines = 4,
tomEquals = 5,
tomTabBack = -3,
tomTabNext = -2,
tomTabHere = -1,
tomListNone = 0,
tomListBullet = 1,
tomListNumberAsArabic = 2,
tomListNumberAsLCLetter = 3,
tomListNumberAsUCLetter = 4,
tomListNumberAsLCRoman = 5,
tomListNumberAsUCRoman = 6,
tomListNumberAsSequence = 7,
tomListNumberedCircle = 8,
tomListNumberedBlackCircleWingding = 9,
tomListNumberedWhiteCircleWingding = 10,
tomListNumberedArabicWide = 11,
tomListNumberedChS = 12,
tomListNumberedChT = 13,
tomListNumberedJpnChS = 14,
tomListNumberedJpnKor = 15,
tomListNumberedArabic1 = 16,
tomListNumberedArabic2 = 17,
tomListNumberedHebrew = 18,
tomListNumberedThaiAlpha = 19,
tomListNumberedThaiNum = 20,
tomListNumberedHindiAlpha = 21,
tomListNumberedHindiAlpha1 = 22,
tomListNumberedHindiNum = 23,
tomListParentheses = 0x10000,
tomListPeriod = 0x20000,
tomListPlain = 0x30000,
tomListNoNumber = 0x40000,
tomListMinus = 0x80000,
tomIgnoreNumberStyle = 0x1000000,
tomParaStyleNormal = -1,
tomParaStyleHeading1 = -2,
tomParaStyleHeading2 = -3,
tomParaStyleHeading3 = -4,
tomParaStyleHeading4 = -5,
tomParaStyleHeading5 = -6,
tomParaStyleHeading6 = -7,
tomParaStyleHeading7 = -8,
tomParaStyleHeading8 = -9,
tomParaStyleHeading9 = -10,
tomCharacter = 1,
tomWord = 2,
tomSentence = 3,
tomParagraph = 4,
tomLine = 5,
tomStory = 6,
tomScreen = 7,
tomSection = 8,
tomTableColumn = 9,
tomColumn = 9,
tomRow = 0xc,
tomWindow = 11,
tomCell = 12,
tomCharFormat = 13,
tomParaFormat = 14,
tomTable = 15,
tomObject = 16,
tomPage = 17,
tomHardParagraph = 18,
tomCluster = 19,
tomInlineObject = 20,
tomInlineObjectArg = 21,
tomLeafLine = 22,
tomLayoutColumn = 23,
tomProcessId = 0x40000001,
tomMatchWord = 2,
tomMatchCase = 4,
tomMatchPattern = 8,
tomUnknownStory = 0,
tomMainTextStory = 1,
tomFootnotesStory = 2,
tomEndnotesStory = 3,
tomCommentsStory = 4,
tomTextFrameStory = 5,
tomEvenPagesHeaderStory = 6,
tomPrimaryHeaderStory = 7,
tomEvenPagesFooterStory = 8,
tomPrimaryFooterStory = 9,
tomFirstPageHeaderStory = 10,
tomFirstPageFooterStory = 11,
tomScratchStory = 127,
tomFindStory = 128,
tomReplaceStory = 129,
tomStoryInactive = 0,
tomStoryActiveDisplay = 1,
tomStoryActiveUI = 2,
tomStoryActiveDisplayUI = 3,
tomNoAnimation = 0,
tomLasVegasLights = 1,
tomBlinkingBackground = 2,
tomSparkleText = 3,
tomMarchingBlackAnts = 4,
tomMarchingRedAnts = 5,
tomShimmer = 6,
tomWipeDown = 7,
tomWipeRight = 8,
tomAnimationMax = 8,
tomLowerCase = 0,
tomUpperCase = 1,
tomTitleCase = 2,
tomSentenceCase = 4,
tomToggleCase = 5,
tomReadOnly = 0x100,
tomShareDenyRead = 0x200,
tomShareDenyWrite = 0x400,
tomPasteFile = 0x1000,
tomCreateNew = 0x10,
tomCreateAlways = 0x20,
tomOpenExisting = 0x30,
tomOpenAlways = 0x40,
tomTruncateExisting = 0x50,
tomRTF = 0x1,
tomText = 0x2,
tomHTML = 0x3,
tomWordDocument = 0x4,
tomBold = 0x80000001,
tomItalic = 0x80000002,
tomUnderline = 0x80000004,
tomStrikeout = 0x80000008,
tomProtected = 0x80000010,
tomLink = 0x80000020,
tomSmallCaps = 0x80000040,
tomAllCaps = 0x80000080,
tomHidden = 0x80000100,
tomOutline = 0x80000200,
tomShadow = 0x80000400,
tomEmboss = 0x80000800,
tomImprint = 0x80001000,
tomDisabled = 0x80002000,
tomRevised = 0x80004000,
tomSubscriptCF = 0x80010000,
tomSuperscriptCF = 0x80020000,
tomFontBound = 0x80100000,
tomLinkProtected = 0x80800000,
tomInlineObjectStart = 0x81000000,
tomExtendedChar = 0x82000000,
tomAutoBackColor = 0x84000000,
tomMathZoneNoBuildUp = 0x88000000,
tomMathZone = 0x90000000,
tomMathZoneOrdinary = 0xa0000000,
tomAutoTextColor = 0xc0000000,
tomMathZoneDisplay = 0x40000,
tomParaEffectRTL = 0x1,
tomParaEffectKeep = 0x2,
tomParaEffectKeepNext = 0x4,
tomParaEffectPageBreakBefore = 0x8,
tomParaEffectNoLineNumber = 0x10,
tomParaEffectNoWidowControl = 0x20,
tomParaEffectDoNotHyphen = 0x40,
tomParaEffectSideBySide = 0x80,
tomParaEffectCollapsed = 0x100,
tomParaEffectOutlineLevel = 0x200,
tomParaEffectBox = 0x400,
tomParaEffectTableRowDelimiter = 0x1000,
tomParaEffectTable = 0x4000,
tomModWidthPairs = 0x1,
tomModWidthSpace = 0x2,
tomAutoSpaceAlpha = 0x4,
tomAutoSpaceNumeric = 0x8,
tomAutoSpaceParens = 0x10,
tomEmbeddedFont = 0x20,
tomDoublestrike = 0x40,
tomOverlapping = 0x80,
tomNormalCaret = 0,
tomKoreanBlockCaret = 0x1,
tomNullCaret = 0x2,
tomIncludeInset = 0x1,
tomUnicodeBiDi = 0x1,
tomMathCFCheck = 0x4,
tomUnlink = 0x8,
tomUnhide = 0x10,
tomCheckTextLimit = 0x20,
tomIgnoreCurrentFont = 0,
tomMatchCharRep = 0x1,
tomMatchFontSignature = 0x2,
tomMatchAscii = 0x4,
tomGetHeightOnly = 0x8,
tomMatchMathFont = 0x10,
tomCharset = 0x80000000,
tomCharRepFromLcid = 0x40000000,
tomAnsi = 0,
tomEastEurope = 1,
tomCyrillic = 2,
tomGreek = 3,
tomTurkish = 4,
tomHebrew = 5,
tomArabic = 6,
tomBaltic = 7,
tomVietnamese = 8,
tomDefaultCharRep = 9,
tomSymbol = 10,
tomThai = 11,
tomShiftJIS = 12,
tomGB2312 = 13,
tomHangul = 14,
tomBIG5 = 15,
tomPC437 = 16,
tomOEM = 17,
tomMac = 18,
tomArmenian = 19,
tomSyriac = 20,
tomThaana = 21,
tomDevanagari = 22,
tomBengali = 23,
tomGurmukhi = 24,
tomGujarati = 25,
tomOriya = 26,
tomTamil = 27,
tomTelugu = 28,
tomKannada = 29,
tomMalayalam = 30,
tomSinhala = 31,
tomLao = 32,
tomTibetan = 33,
tomMyanmar = 34,
tomGeorgian = 35,
tomJamo = 36,
tomEthiopic = 37,
tomCherokee = 38,
tomAboriginal = 39,
tomOgham = 40,
tomRunic = 41,
tomKhmer = 42,
tomMongolian = 43,
tomBraille = 44,
tomYi = 45,
tomLimbu = 46,
tomTaiLe = 47,
tomNewTaiLue = 48,
tomSylotiNagri = 49,
tomKharoshthi = 50,
tomKayahli = 51,
tomUsymbol = 52,
tomEmoji = 53,
tomGlagolitic = 54,
tomLisu = 55,
tomVai = 56,
tomNKo = 57,
tomOsmanya = 58,
tomPhagsPa = 59,
tomGothic = 60,
tomDeseret = 61,
tomTifinagh = 62,
tomCharRepMax = 63,
tomRE10Mode = 0x1,
tomUseAtFont = 0x2,
tomTextFlowMask = 0xc,
tomTextFlowES = 0,
tomTextFlowSW = 0x4,
tomTextFlowWN = 0x8,
tomTextFlowNE = 0xc,
tomNoIME = 0x80000,
tomSelfIME = 0x40000,
tomNoUpScroll = 0x10000,
tomNoVpScroll = 0x40000,
tomNoLink = 0,
tomClientLink = 1,
tomFriendlyLinkName = 2,
tomFriendlyLinkAddress = 3,
tomAutoLinkURL = 4,
tomAutoLinkEmail = 5,
tomAutoLinkPhone = 6,
tomAutoLinkPath = 7,
tomCompressNone = 0,
tomCompressPunctuation = 1,
tomCompressPunctuationAndKana = 2,
tomCompressMax = 2,
tomUnderlinePositionAuto = 0,
tomUnderlinePositionBelow = 1,
tomUnderlinePositionAbove = 2,
tomUnderlinePositionMax = 2,
tomFontAlignmentAuto = 0,
tomFontAlignmentTop = 1,
tomFontAlignmentBaseline = 2,
tomFontAlignmentBottom = 3,
tomFontAlignmentCenter = 4,
tomFontAlignmentMax = 4,
tomRubyBelow = 0x80,
tomRubyAlignCenter = 0,
tomRubyAlign010 = 1,
tomRubyAlign121 = 2,
tomRubyAlignLeft = 3,
tomRubyAlignRight = 4,
tomLimitsDefault = 0,
tomLimitsUnderOver = 1,
tomLimitsSubSup = 2,
tomUpperLimitAsSuperScript = 3,
tomLimitsOpposite = 4,
tomShowLLimPlaceHldr = 8,
tomShowULimPlaceHldr = 16,
tomDontGrowWithContent = 64,
tomGrowWithContent = 128,
tomSubSupAlign = 1,
tomLimitAlignMask = 3,
tomLimitAlignCenter = 0,
tomLimitAlignLeft = 1,
tomLimitAlignRight = 2,
tomShowDegPlaceHldr = 8,
tomAlignDefault = 0,
tomAlignMatchAscentDescent = 2,
tomMathVariant = 0x20,
tomStyleDefault = 0,
tomStyleScriptScriptCramped = 1,
tomStyleScriptScript = 2,
tomStyleScriptCramped = 3,
tomStyleScript = 4,
tomStyleTextCramped = 5,
tomStyleText = 6,
tomStyleDisplayCramped = 7,
tomStyleDisplay = 8,
tomMathRelSize = 0x40,
tomDecDecSize = 0xfe,
tomDecSize = 0xff,
tomGravityUI = 0,
tomGravityBack = 1,
tomGravityFore = 2,
tomGravityIn = 3,
tomGravityOut = 4,
tomGravityBackward = 0x20000000,
tomGravityForward = 0x40000000,
tomAdjustCRLF = 1,
tomUseCRLF = 2,
tomTextize = 4,
tomAllowFinalEOP = 8,
tomFoldMathAlpha = 16,
tomNoHidden = 32,
tomIncludeNumbering = 64,
tomTranslateTableCell = 128,
tomNoMathZoneBrackets = 0x100,
tomConvertMathChar = 0x200,
tomNoUCGreekItalic = 0x400,
tomAllowMathBold = 0x800,
tomLanguageTag = 0x1000,
tomConvertRTF = 0x2000,
tomApplyRtfDocProps = 0x4000,
tomPhantomShow = 1,
tomPhantomZeroWidth = 2,
tomPhantomZeroAscent = 4,
tomPhantomZeroDescent = 8,
tomPhantomTransparent = 16,
tomBoxHideTop = 1,
tomBoxHideBottom = 2,
tomBoxHideLeft = 4,
tomBoxHideRight = 8,
tomBoxStrikeH = 16,
tomBoxStrikeV = 32,
tomBoxStrikeTLBR = 64,
tomBoxStrikeBLTR = 128,
tomBoxAlignCenter = 1,
tomSpaceMask = 0x1c,
tomSpaceDefault = 0,
tomSpaceUnary = 4,
tomSpaceBinary = 8,
tomSpaceRelational = 12,
tomSpaceSkip = 16,
tomSpaceOrd = 20,
tomSpaceDifferential = 24,
tomSizeText = 32,
tomSizeScript = 64,
tomSizeScriptScript = 96,
tomNoBreak = 128,
tomTransparentForPositioning = 256,
tomTransparentForSpacing = 512,
tomStretchCharBelow = 0,
tomStretchCharAbove = 1,
tomStretchBaseBelow = 2,
tomStretchBaseAbove = 3,
tomMatrixAlignMask = 3,
tomMatrixAlignCenter = 0,
tomMatrixAlignTopRow = 1,
tomMatrixAlignBottomRow = 3,
tomShowMatPlaceHldr = 8,
tomEqArrayLayoutWidth = 1,
tomEqArrayAlignMask = 0xc,
tomEqArrayAlignCenter = 0,
tomEqArrayAlignTopRow = 4,
tomEqArrayAlignBottomRow = 0xc,
tomMathManualBreakMask = 0x7f,
tomMathBreakLeft = 0x7d,
tomMathBreakCenter = 0x7e,
tomMathBreakRight = 0x7f,
tomMathEqAlign = 0x80,
tomMathArgShadingStart = 0x251,
tomMathArgShadingEnd = 0x252,
tomMathObjShadingStart = 0x253,
tomMathObjShadingEnd = 0x254,
tomFunctionTypeNone = 0,
tomFunctionTypeTakesArg = 1,
tomFunctionTypeTakesLim = 2,
tomFunctionTypeTakesLim2 = 3,
tomFunctionTypeIsLim = 4,
tomMathParaAlignDefault = 0,
tomMathParaAlignCenterGroup = 1,
tomMathParaAlignCenter = 2,
tomMathParaAlignLeft = 3,
tomMathParaAlignRight = 4,
tomMathDispAlignMask = 3,
tomMathDispAlignCenterGroup = 0,
tomMathDispAlignCenter = 1,
tomMathDispAlignLeft = 2,
tomMathDispAlignRight = 3,
tomMathDispIntUnderOver = 4,
tomMathDispFracTeX = 8,
tomMathDispNaryGrow = 0x10,
tomMathDocEmptyArgMask = 0x60,
tomMathDocEmptyArgAuto = 0,
tomMathDocEmptyArgAlways = 0x20,
tomMathDocEmptyArgNever = 0x40,
tomMathDocSbSpOpUnchanged = 0x80,
tomMathDocDiffMask = 0x300,
tomMathDocDiffDefault = 0,
tomMathDocDiffUpright = 0x100,
tomMathDocDiffItalic = 0x200,
tomMathDocDiffOpenItalic = 0x300,
tomMathDispNarySubSup = 0x400,
tomMathDispDef = 0x800,
tomMathEnableRtl = 0x1000,
tomMathBrkBinMask = 0x30000,
tomMathBrkBinBefore = 0,
tomMathBrkBinAfter = 0x10000,
tomMathBrkBinDup = 0x20000,
tomMathBrkBinSubMask = 0xc0000,
tomMathBrkBinSubMM = 0,
tomMathBrkBinSubPM = 0x40000,
tomMathBrkBinSubMP = 0x80000,
tomSelRange = 0x255,
tomHstring = 0x254,
tomFontPropTeXStyle = 0x33c,
tomFontPropAlign = 0x33d,
tomFontStretch = 0x33e,
tomFontStyle = 0x33f,
tomFontStyleUpright = 0,
tomFontStyleOblique = 1,
tomFontStyleItalic = 2,
tomFontStretchDefault = 0,
tomFontStretchUltraCondensed = 1,
tomFontStretchExtraCondensed = 2,
tomFontStretchCondensed = 3,
tomFontStretchSemiCondensed = 4,
tomFontStretchNormal = 5,
tomFontStretchSemiExpanded = 6,
tomFontStretchExpanded = 7,
tomFontStretchExtraExpanded = 8,
tomFontStretchUltraExpanded = 9,
tomFontWeightDefault = 0,
tomFontWeightThin = 100,
tomFontWeightExtraLight = 200,
tomFontWeightLight = 300,
tomFontWeightNormal = 400,
tomFontWeightRegular = 400,
tomFontWeightMedium = 500,
tomFontWeightSemiBold = 600,
tomFontWeightBold = 700,
tomFontWeightExtraBold = 800,
tomFontWeightBlack = 900,
tomFontWeightHeavy = 900,
tomFontWeightExtraBlack = 950,
tomParaPropMathAlign = 0x437,
tomDocMathBuild = 0x80,
tomMathLMargin = 0x81,
tomMathRMargin = 0x82,
tomMathWrapIndent = 0x83,
tomMathWrapRight = 0x84,
tomMathPostSpace = 0x86,
tomMathPreSpace = 0x85,
tomMathInterSpace = 0x87,
tomMathIntraSpace = 0x88,
tomCanCopy = 0x89,
tomCanRedo = 0x8a,
tomCanUndo = 0x8b,
tomUndoLimit = 0x8c,
tomDocAutoLink = 0x8d,
tomEllipsisMode = 0x8e,
tomEllipsisState = 0x8f,
tomEllipsisNone = 0,
tomEllipsisEnd = 1,
tomEllipsisWord = 3,
tomEllipsisPresent = 1,
tomVTopCell = 1,
tomVLowCell = 2,
tomHStartCell = 4,
tomHContCell = 8,
tomRowUpdate = 1,
tomRowApplyDefault = 0,
tomCellStructureChangeOnly = 1,
tomRowHeightActual = 0x80b
} tomConstants;
tomFalse Value: 0 A tomBool value that indicates false. |
tomTrue Value: -1 A tomBool value that indicates true. |
tomUndefined Value: -9999999 A tomBool value that indicates a no-input, no-change value that works with long, float, and COLORREF parameters. For strings, tomUndefined (or NINCH) is represented by the null string. For Set operations, using tomUndefined does not change the target property. For Get operations, tomUndefined means that the characters in the range have different values (it gives the grayed check box in property dialog boxes). |
tomToggle Value: -9999998 A tomBool value that toggles the state of a property. |
tomAutoColor Value: -9999997 Allow the rich edit control to select the appropriate color. |
tomDefault Value: -9999996 Set to the document default format for objects that are attached to a range, or to the basic TOM engine default for objects that are not attached to a range. |
tomSuspend Value: -9999995 Suspend an operation. |
tomResume Value: -9999994 Resume an operation. |
tomApplyNow Value: 0 Apply the current properties to the attached range. |
tomApplyLater Value: 1 Allow setting property definitions, but don’t apply them to a range yet. |
tomTrackParms Value: 2 Update the current font with the attached range properties. |
tomCacheParms Value: 3 Don’t update the current font with the attached range properties. |
tomApplyTmp Value: 4 Apply temporary formatting. |
tomDisableSmartFont Value: 8 Do not apply smart fonts. |
tomEnableSmartFont Value: 9 Do apply smart fonts. |
tomUsePoints Value: 10 Use points for floating-point measurements. |
tomUseTwips Value: 11 Use twips for floating-point measurements. |
tomBackward Value: 0xc0000001 Move backward toward the start of a story. |
tomForward Value: 0x3fffffff Move foreward toward the end of a story. |
tomMove Value: 0 Collapse the selection or range to an insertion point and then move the insertion point. |
tomExtend Value: 1 Extend a selection or range by moving one of the endpoints. |
tomNoSelection Value: 0 There is no selection and no insertion point. |
tomSelectionIP Value: 1 The selection insertion point. |
tomSelectionNormal Value: 2 The selection is a single, nondegenerate text range. |
tomSelectionFrame Value: 3 A frame is selected. |
tomSelectionColumn Value: 4 One or more table columns is selected. |
tomSelectionRow Value: 5 One or more table rows is selected. |
tomSelectionBlock Value: 6 A block is selected. |
tomSelectionInlineShape Value: 7 The selection is a picture. |
tomSelectionShape Value: 8 A shape is selected. |
tomSelStartActive Value: 1 The starting position of the selection is active. |
tomSelAtEOL Value: 2 For degenerate selections, the ambiguous character position corresponding to both the beginning of a line and the end of the preceding line should have the caret displayed at the end of the preceding line. |
tomSelOvertype Value: 4 Insert/overtype mode is set to overtype. |
tomSelActive Value: 8 Selection is active. |
tomSelReplace Value: 16 Typing and pasting replaces the selection. |
tomEnd Value: 0 The end of a text range. |
tomStart Value: 32 The start of range. |
tomCollapseEnd Value: 0 Collapse to the end position of a range or selection. |
tomCollapseStart Value: 1 Collapse to the start position of a range or selection. |
tomClientCoord Value: 256 Use client coordinates instead of screen coordinates. |
tomAllowOffClient Value: 512 Allow points outside of the client area. |
tomTransform Value: 1024 Transform coordinates using a world transform (XFORM) supplied by the host application. |
tomObjectArg Value: 2048 Get a point inside an inline object argument; for example, inside the numerator of a fraction. |
tomAtEnd Value: 4096 The end of the specified unit. |
tomNone Value: 0 No underlining. |
tomSingle Value: 1 Single underline. |
tomWords Value: 2 Underline words only. |
tomDouble Value: 3 Double underline. |
tomDotted Value: 4 Dotted underline. |
tomDash Value: 5 Dash underline. |
tomDashDot Value: 6 Dash dot underline. |
tomDashDotDot Value: 7 Dash dot dot underline. |
tomWave Value: 8 Wave underline. |
tomThick Value: 9 Thick underline. |
tomHair Value: 10 Hair underline. |
tomDoubleWave Value: 11 Double wave underline. |
tomHeavyWave Value: 12 Heavy wave underline. |
tomLongDash Value: 13 Long dash underline. |
tomThickDash Value: 14 Thick dash underline. |
tomThickDashDot Value: 15 Thick dash dot underline. |
tomThickDashDotDot Value: 16 Thick dash dot dot underline. |
tomThickDotted Value: 17 Thick dotted underline. |
tomThickLongDash Value: 18 Thick long dash underline. |
tomLineSpaceSingle Value: 0 Single space. The line-spacing value is ignored. |
tomLineSpace1pt5 Value: 1 One-and-a-half line spacing. The line-spacing value is ignored. |
tomLineSpaceDouble Value: 2 Double line spacing. The line-spacing value is ignored. |
tomLineSpaceAtLeast Value: 3 The line-spacing value specifies the spacing from one line to the next. However, if the value is less than single spacing, text is single-spaced. |
tomLineSpaceExactly Value: 4 The line-spacing value specifies the exact spacing from one line to the next, even if the value is less than single spacing. |
tomLineSpaceMultiple Value: 5 The line-spacing value specifies the line spacing, in lines. |
tomLineSpacePercent Value: 6 The line-spacing value specifies the line spacing by percent of line height. |
tomAlignLeft Value: 0 Text aligns with the left margin. |
tomAlignCenter Value: 1 Text is centered between the margins. |
tomAlignRight Value: 2 Text aligns with the right margin. |
tomAlignJustify Value: 3 Text starts at the left margin and, if the line extends beyond the right margin, all the spaces in the line are adjusted to be even. |
tomAlignDecimal Value: 3 The decimal point is set at the tab position. This is useful for aligning a column of decimal numbers. |
tomAlignBar Value: 4 A vertical bar is positioned at the tab position. Text is not affected. Alignment bars on nearby lines at the same position form a continuous vertical line. |
tomDefaultTab Value: 5 Position at a default tab stop. |
tomAlignInterWord Value: 3 Same as tomAlignJustify. |
tomAlignNewspaper Value: 4 Same as tomAlignInterLetter, but uses East Asian metrics. |
tomAlignInterLetter Value: 5 The first and last characters of each line (except the last line) are aligned to the left and right margins, and lines are filled by adding or subtracting the same amount from each character. |
tomAlignScaled Value: 6 Same as tomAlignInterLetter, but uses East Asian metrics, and scales the spacing by the width of characters. |
tomSpaces Value: 0 Use spaces to fill the spaces taken by a tab character. |
tomDots Value: 1 Use dots to fill the spaces taken by a tab character. |
tomDashes Value: 2 Use dashes to fill the spaces taken by a tab character. |
tomLines Value: 3 Use solid lines to fill the spaces taken by a tab character. |
tomThickLines Value: 4 Use thick solid lines to fill the spaces taken by a tab character. |
tomEquals Value: 5 Use equal signs to fill the spaces taken by a tab character. |
tomTabBack Value: -3 The tab preceding the specified location. |
tomTabNext Value: -2 The next tab following the specified location. |
tomTabHere Value: -1 The tab at the specified location. |
tomListNone Value: 0 Not a list paragraph. |
tomListBullet Value: 1 List uses bullets (0x2022); other bullets are given by > 32. |
tomListNumberAsArabic Value: 2 List is numbered with Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, ...). |
tomListNumberAsLCLetter Value: 3 List is ordered with lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...). |
tomListNumberAsUCLetter Value: 4 List is ordered with uppercase Arabic letters (A, B, C, ...). |
tomListNumberAsLCRoman Value: 5 List is ordered with lowercase Roman letters (i, ii, iii, ...). |
tomListNumberAsUCRoman Value: 6 List is ordered with uppercase Roman letters (I, II, III, ...). |
tomListNumberAsSequence Value: 7 The value returned by ITextPara::GetListStart is treated as the first code in a Unicode sequence. |
tomListNumberedCircle Value: 8 List is ordered with Unicode circled numbers ![]() |
tomListNumberedBlackCircleWingding Value: 9 List is ordered with Wingdings black circled digits ![]() |
tomListNumberedWhiteCircleWingding Value: 10 List is ordered with Wingdings white circled digits: ![]() |
tomListNumberedArabicWide Value: 11 Full-width ASCII (0, 1, 2, 3, …). |
tomListNumberedChS Value: 12 Chinese with 十 only in items 10 through 99 (一, 二, 三, 四…). |
tomListNumberedChT Value: 13 Chinese with 十 only in items 10 through 19. |
tomListNumberedJpnChS Value: 14 Chinese with a full-width period, no 十. |
tomListNumberedJpnKor Value: 15 Chinese with no 十. |
tomListNumberedArabic1 Value: 16 Arabic alphabetic ( أ ,ب ,ت ,ث ,…). |
tomListNumberedArabic2 Value: 17 Arabic abjadi ( أ ,ب ,ج ,د ,…). |
tomListNumberedHebrew Value: 18 Hebrew alphabet (א, ב, ג, ד, …). |
tomListNumberedThaiAlpha Value: 19 Thai alphabetic (ก, ข,ค, ง, …). |
tomListNumberedThaiNum Value: 20 Thai numbers (๑, ๒,๓, ๔…). |
tomListNumberedHindiAlpha Value: 21 Hindi vowels (अ, आ, इ, ई, …). |
tomListNumberedHindiAlpha1 Value: 22 Hindi consonants (क, ख, ग, घ, …). |
tomListNumberedHindiNum Value: 23 Hindi numbers (१, २, ३, ४, …). |
tomListParentheses Value: 0x10000 Encloses the number in parentheses, as in: (1). |
tomListPeriod Value: 0x20000 Follows the number with a period. |
tomListPlain Value: 0x30000 Uses the number alone. |
tomListNoNumber Value: 0x40000 Uses no numbers. |
tomListMinus Value: 0x80000 Follows the number with a hyphen (-). |
tomIgnoreNumberStyle Value: 0x1000000 Suppress the numbering style for list items. |
tomParaStyleNormal Value: -1 The normal paragraph style. |
tomParaStyleHeading1 Value: -2 The style for level 1 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading2 Value: -3 The style for level 2 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading3 Value: -4 The style for level 3 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading4 Value: -5 The style for level 4 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading5 Value: -6 The style for level 5 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading6 Value: -7 The style for level 6 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading7 Value: -8 The style for level 7 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading8 Value: -9 The style for level 8 paragraph headings. |
tomParaStyleHeading9 Value: -10 The style for level 9 paragraph headings. |
tomCharacter Value: 1 The unit is a single character. |
tomWord Value: 2 The unit is a word. |
tomSentence Value: 3 The unit is a sentence. |
tomParagraph Value: 4 The unit is a paragraph. |
tomLine Value: 5 The unit is a line. |
tomStory Value: 6 The unit is a story; that is, a contiguous range of text that represent a part of a document, such as the main text of the document, headers and footers, footnotes, annotations, and so on. |
tomScreen Value: 7 The unit is a screenful. |
tomSection Value: 8 The unit is a section. |
tomTableColumn Value: 9 The unit is a table column. |
tomColumn Value: 9 The unit is a text column. |
tomRow Value: 0xc The unit is a table row |
tomWindow Value: 11 The unit is a window. |
tomCell Value: 12 The unit is a spreadsheet cell. |
tomCharFormat Value: 13 The unit is a run of constant character formatting. |
tomParaFormat Value: 14 The unit is a run of constant paragraph formatting. |
tomTable Value: 15 The unit is a table. |
tomObject Value: 16 The unit is an embedded object. |
tomPage Value: 17 The unit is a page. |
tomHardParagraph Value: 18 The unit is a hard paragraph. |
tomCluster Value: 19 The unit is a cluster of characters. |
tomInlineObject Value: 20 The unit is an inline object. |
tomInlineObjectArg Value: 21 The unit is an inline object argument. |
tomLeafLine Value: 22 The unit is a leaf-level line. |
tomLayoutColumn Value: 23 A layout column. |
tomProcessId Value: 0x40000001 The identifier of the current process. |
tomMatchWord Value: 2 Match on whole words when doing a text search. |
tomMatchCase Value: 4 A case-sensitive a text search. |
tomMatchPattern Value: 8 Match regular expressions when doing a text search. |
tomUnknownStory Value: 0 No special type. |
tomMainTextStory Value: 1 The main story always exists for a rich edit control. |
tomFootnotesStory Value: 2 The story used for footnotes. |
tomEndnotesStory Value: 3 The story used for endnotes. |
tomCommentsStory Value: 4 The story used for comments. |
tomTextFrameStory Value: 5 The story used for a text box. |
tomEvenPagesHeaderStory Value: 6 The story containing headers for even pages. |
tomPrimaryHeaderStory Value: 7 The story containing headers for odd pages. |
tomEvenPagesFooterStory Value: 8 The story containing footers for even pages. |
tomPrimaryFooterStory Value: 9 The story containing footers for odd pages. |
tomFirstPageHeaderStory Value: 10 The story containing the header for the first page. |
tomFirstPageFooterStory Value: 11 The story containing the footer for the first page. |
tomScratchStory Value: 127 The scratch story. |
tomFindStory Value: 128 The story used for a Find dialog. |
tomReplaceStory Value: 129 The story used for a Replace dialog. |
tomStoryInactive Value: 0 Story is inactive. |
tomStoryActiveDisplay Value: 1 Story has display, but no UI. |
tomStoryActiveUI Value: 2 Story is UI active; that is, it receives keyboard and mouse input. |
tomStoryActiveDisplayUI Value: 3 Story has display and UI activity. |
tomNoAnimation Value: 0 Do not apply text animation. |
tomLasVegasLights Value: 1 Text is bordered by marquee lights that blink between the colors red, yellow, green, and blue. |
tomBlinkingBackground Value: 2 Text has a black background that blinks on and off. |
tomSparkleText Value: 3 Text is overlaid with multicolored stars that blink on and off at regular intervals |
tomMarchingBlackAnts Value: 4 Text is surrounded by a black dashed-line border. The border is animated so that the individual dashes appear to move clockwise around the text. |
tomMarchingRedAnts Value: 5 Text is surrounded by a red dashed-line border that is animated to appear to move clockwise around the text. |
tomShimmer Value: 6 Text is alternately blurred and unblurred at regular intervals, to give the appearance of shimmering. |
tomWipeDown Value: 7 Text appears gradually from the top down. |
tomWipeRight Value: 8 Text appears gradually from the bottom up. |
tomAnimationMax Value: 8 Defines the maximum animation flag value. |
tomLowerCase Value: 0 Set text to lowercase. |
tomUpperCase Value: 1 Set text to uppercase. |
tomTitleCase Value: 2 Capitalize the first letter of each word. |
tomSentenceCase Value: 4 Capitalize the first letter of each sentence. |
tomToggleCase Value: 5 Toggle the case of each letter. |
tomReadOnly Value: 0x100 Read only. |
tomShareDenyRead Value: 0x200 Other programs cannot read. |
tomShareDenyWrite Value: 0x400 Other programs cannot write. |
tomPasteFile Value: 0x1000 Replace the selection with a file. |
tomCreateNew Value: 0x10 Create a new file. Fail if the file already exists. |
tomCreateAlways Value: 0x20 Create a new file. Destroy the existing file if it exists. |
tomOpenExisting Value: 0x30 Open an existing file. Fail if the file does not exist. |
tomOpenAlways Value: 0x40 Open an existing file. Create a new file if the file does not exist. |
tomTruncateExisting Value: 0x50 Open an existing file, but truncate it to zero length. |
tomRTF Value: 0x1 Open as RTF. |
tomText Value: 0x2 Open as text ANSI or Unicode. |
tomHTML Value: 0x3 Open as HTML. |
tomWordDocument Value: 0x4 Open as Word document. |
tomBold Value: 0x80000001 Boldface. |
tomItalic Value: 0x80000002 Italic. |
tomUnderline Value: 0x80000004 Underline. |
tomStrikeout Value: 0x80000008 Strikeout. |
tomProtected Value: 0x80000010 Protected. |
tomLink Value: 0x80000020 Hyperlink. |
tomSmallCaps Value: 0x80000040 Small caps. |
tomAllCaps Value: 0x80000080 All caps. |
tomHidden Value: 0x80000100 Hidden. |
tomOutline Value: 0x80000200 Outline. |
tomShadow Value: 0x80000400 Shadow. |
tomEmboss Value: 0x80000800 Emboss. |
tomImprint Value: 0x80001000 Imprint. |
tomDisabled Value: 0x80002000 Disabled. |
tomRevised Value: 0x80004000 Revised. |
tomSubscriptCF Value: 0x80010000 Subscript character format. |
tomSuperscriptCF Value: 0x80020000 Superscript character format. |
tomFontBound Value: 0x80100000 Font bound (uses font binding). |
tomLinkProtected Value: 0x80800000 The link is protected (friendly name link). |
tomInlineObjectStart Value: 0x81000000 The start delimiter of an inline object. |
tomExtendedChar Value: 0x82000000 The characters are less common members of a script. A font that supports a script should check if it has glyphs for such characters. |
tomAutoBackColor Value: 0x84000000 Use system back color. |
tomMathZoneNoBuildUp Value: 0x88000000 Don't build up operator. |
tomMathZone Value: 0x90000000 Math zone. |
tomMathZoneOrdinary Value: 0xa0000000 Math zone ordinary text. |
tomAutoTextColor Value: 0xc0000000 Use system text color. |
tomMathZoneDisplay Value: 0x40000 Display math zone. |
tomParaEffectRTL Value: 0x1 Right-to-left paragraph |
tomParaEffectKeep Value: 0x2 Keep the paragraph together. |
tomParaEffectKeepNext Value: 0x4 Keep with next the paragraph. |
tomParaEffectPageBreakBefore Value: 0x8 Put a page break before this paragraph. |
tomParaEffectNoLineNumber Value: 0x10 No line number for this paragraph. |
tomParaEffectNoWidowControl Value: 0x20 No widow control. |
tomParaEffectDoNotHyphen Value: 0x40 Don't hyphenate this paragraph. |
tomParaEffectSideBySide Value: 0x80 Side by side. |
tomParaEffectCollapsed Value: 0x100 Heading contents are collapsed (in outline view). |
tomParaEffectOutlineLevel Value: 0x200 Outline view nested level. |
tomParaEffectBox Value: 0x400 Paragraph has boxed effect (is not displayed). |
tomParaEffectTableRowDelimiter Value: 0x1000 At or inside table delimiter. |
tomParaEffectTable Value: 0x4000 Inside or at the start of a table. |
tomModWidthPairs Value: 0x1 Use East Asian character-pair-width modification. |
tomModWidthSpace Value: 0x2 Use East Asian space-width modification. |
tomAutoSpaceAlpha Value: 0x4 Use East Asian auto spacing between alphabetics. |
tomAutoSpaceNumeric Value: 0x8 Use East Asian auto spacing for digits. |
tomAutoSpaceParens Value: 0x10 Use East Asian automatic spacing for parentheses or brackets. |
tomEmbeddedFont Value: 0x20 Embedded font (CLIP_EMBEDDED). |
tomDoublestrike Value: 0x40 Double strikeout. |
tomOverlapping Value: 0x80 Run has overlapping text. |
tomNormalCaret Value: 0 Normal caret. |
tomKoreanBlockCaret Value: 0x1 The Korean block caret. |
tomNullCaret Value: 0x2 NULL caret (caret suppressed). |
tomIncludeInset Value: 0x1 Add left/top insets to the client rectangle, and subtract right/bottom insets from the client rectangle. |
tomUnicodeBiDi Value: 0x1 Use the Unicode bidirectional (bidi) algorithm. |
tomMathCFCheck Value: 0x4 Check math-zone character formatting. |
tomUnlink Value: 0x8 Don't include text as part of a hyperlink. |
tomUnhide Value: 0x10 Don't insert as hidden text. |
tomCheckTextLimit Value: 0x20 Obey the current text limit instead of increasing the text to fit. |
tomIgnoreCurrentFont Value: 0 Ignore the font that is active at a particular character position. |
tomMatchCharRep Value: 0x1 Match the current character repertoire. |
tomMatchFontSignature Value: 0x2 Match the current font signature. |
tomMatchAscii Value: 0x4 Use the current font if its character repertoire is tomAnsi. |
tomGetHeightOnly Value: 0x8 Gets the height. |
tomMatchMathFont Value: 0x10 Match a math font. |
tomCharset Value: 0x80000000 Set the character repertoire based on the specified character set. |
tomCharRepFromLcid Value: 0x40000000 Set the character repertoire based on the specified LCID. |
tomAnsi Value: 0 Latin 1 |
tomEastEurope Value: 1 From Latin 1 and 2 |
tomCyrillic Value: 2 Cyrillic |
tomGreek Value: 3 Greek |
tomTurkish Value: 4 Turkish (Latin 1 + dotless i, ...) |
tomHebrew Value: 5 Hebrew |
tomArabic Value: 6 Arabic |
tomBaltic Value: 7 From Latin 1 and 2 |
tomVietnamese Value: 8 Latin 1 with some combining marks |
tomDefaultCharRep Value: 9 Default character repertoire |
tomSymbol Value: 10 Symbol character set (not Unicode) |
tomThai Value: 11 Thai |
tomShiftJIS Value: 12 Japanese |
tomGB2312 Value: 13 Simplified Chinese |
tomHangul Value: 14 Hangul |
tomBIG5 Value: 15 Traditional Chinese |
tomPC437 Value: 16 PC437 character set (DOS) |
tomOEM Value: 17 OEM character set (original PC) |
tomMac Value: 18 Main Macintosh character repertoire |
tomArmenian Value: 19 Armenian |
tomSyriac Value: 20 Syriac |
tomThaana Value: 21 Thaana |
tomDevanagari Value: 22 Devanagari |
tomBengali Value: 23 Bangla (formerly Bengali) |
tomGurmukhi Value: 24 Gurmukhi |
tomGujarati Value: 25 Gujarati |
tomOriya Value: 26 Odia (formerly Oriya) |
tomTamil Value: 27 Tamil |
tomTelugu Value: 28 Telugu |
tomKannada Value: 29 Kannada |
tomMalayalam Value: 30 Malayalam |
tomSinhala Value: 31 Sinhala |
tomLao Value: 32 Lao |
tomTibetan Value: 33 Tibetan |
tomMyanmar Value: 34 Myanmar |
tomGeorgian Value: 35 Georgian |
tomJamo Value: 36 Jamo |
tomEthiopic Value: 37 Ethiopic |
tomCherokee Value: 38 Cherokee |
tomAboriginal Value: 39 Aboriginal |
tomOgham Value: 40 Ogham |
tomRunic Value: 41 Runic |
tomKhmer Value: 42 Khmer |
tomMongolian Value: 43 Mongolian |
tomBraille Value: 44 Braille |
tomYi Value: 45 Yi |
tomLimbu Value: 46 Limbu |
tomTaiLe Value: 47 TaiLe |
tomNewTaiLue Value: 48 TaiLue |
tomSylotiNagri Value: 49 Syloti Nagri |
tomKharoshthi Value: 50 Kharoshthi |
tomKayahli Value: 51 Kayah Li |
tomUsymbol Value: 52 Unicode symbol |
tomEmoji Value: 53 Emoji |
tomGlagolitic Value: 54 Glagolitic |
tomLisu Value: 55 Lisu |
tomVai Value: 56 Vai |
tomNKo Value: 57 N'Ko |
tomOsmanya Value: 58 Osmanya |
tomPhagsPa Value: 59 Phags-pa |
tomGothic Value: 60 Gothic |
tomDeseret Value: 61 Deseret |
tomTifinagh Value: 62 Tifinagh |
tomCharRepMax Value: 63 The maximum character repertoire flag value. |
tomRE10Mode Value: 0x1 Use Microsoft Rich Edit 1.0 mode. |
tomUseAtFont Value: 0x2 Use a font with a name that starts with @, for CJK vertical text. When rendered vertically, the characters in such a font are rotated 90 degrees so that they look upright instead of sideways. |
tomTextFlowMask Value: 0xc Mask for the following four text orientations. |
tomTextFlowES Value: 0 Ordinary left-to-right horizontal text. |
tomTextFlowSW Value: 0x4 Ordinary East Asian vertical text. |
tomTextFlowWN Value: 0x8 Alternative orientation. |
tomTextFlowNE Value: 0xc Alternative orientation. |
tomNoIME Value: 0x80000 Disables the IME operation (see ES_NOIME). |
tomSelfIME Value: 0x40000 Directs the rich edit control to allow the application to handle all IME operations (see ES_SELFIME). |
tomNoUpScroll Value: 0x10000 Horizontal scrolling is disabled. |
tomNoVpScroll Value: 0x40000 Vertical scrolling is disabled. |
tomNoLink Value: 0 Not a link. |
tomClientLink Value: 1 The URL only; that is, no friendly name. |
tomFriendlyLinkName Value: 2 The name of friendly name link. |
tomFriendlyLinkAddress Value: 3 The URL of a friendly name link. |
tomAutoLinkURL Value: 4 The URL of an automatic link. |
tomAutoLinkEmail Value: 5 An automatic link to an email address. |
tomAutoLinkPhone Value: 6 An automatic link to a phone number. |
tomAutoLinkPath Value: 7 An automatic link to a storage location. |
tomCompressNone Value: 0 No compression. |
tomCompressPunctuation Value: 1 Compress punctuation. |
tomCompressPunctuationAndKana Value: 2 Compress punctuation and kana. |
tomCompressMax Value: 2 The maximum compression flag value. |
tomUnderlinePositionAuto Value: 0 Automatically set the underline position. |
tomUnderlinePositionBelow Value: 1 Render underline below text. |
tomUnderlinePositionAbove Value: 2 Render underline above text. |
tomUnderlinePositionMax Value: 2 The maximum underline position flag value. |
tomFontAlignmentAuto Value: 0 For horizontal layout, align CJK characters on the baseline. For vertical layout, center align CJK characters. |
tomFontAlignmentTop Value: 1 For horizontal layout, top align CJK characters. For vertical layout, right align CJK characters. |
tomFontAlignmentBaseline Value: 2 For horizontal or vertical layout, align CJK characters on the baseline. |
tomFontAlignmentBottom Value: 3 For horizontal layout, bottom align CJK characters. For vertical layout, left align CJK characters. |
tomFontAlignmentCenter Value: 4 For horizontal layout, center CJK characters vertically. For vertical layout, center align CJK characters horizontally. |
tomFontAlignmentMax Value: 4 The maximum font alignment flag value. |
tomRubyBelow Value: 0x80 |
tomRubyAlignCenter Value: 0 |
tomRubyAlign010 Value: 1 |
tomRubyAlign121 Value: 2 |
tomRubyAlignLeft Value: 3 |
tomRubyAlignRight Value: 4 |
tomLimitsDefault Value: 0 Limit locations use document default. |
tomLimitsUnderOver Value: 1 Limits are placed under and over the operator. |
tomLimitsSubSup Value: 2 Limits are operator subscript and superscript. |
tomUpperLimitAsSuperScript Value: 3 The upper limit is a superscript. |
tomLimitsOpposite Value: 4 Switch between tomLimitsSubSup and tomLimitsUnderOver. |
tomShowLLimPlaceHldr Value: 8 Show empty lower limit placeholder. |
tomShowULimPlaceHldr Value: 16 Show empty upper limit placeholder. |
tomDontGrowWithContent Value: 64 Don't grow the n-ary operator with the argument. |
tomGrowWithContent Value: 128 Grow the n-ary operator with the argument. |
tomSubSupAlign Value: 1 Align subscript under superscript. |
tomLimitAlignMask Value: 3 Mask for tomLimitAlignCenter, tomLimitAlignLeft, and tomLimitAlignRight. |
tomLimitAlignCenter Value: 0 Center limit under base. |
tomLimitAlignLeft Value: 1 Align left ends of limit and base. |
tomLimitAlignRight Value: 2 Align right ends of limit and base. |
tomShowDegPlaceHldr Value: 8 Show empty radical degree placeholder. |
tomAlignDefault Value: 0 Center brackets at baseline. |
tomAlignMatchAscentDescent Value: 2 Use brackets that match the argument ascent and descent. |
tomMathVariant Value: 0x20 Bits 7, 6 can have TeX variant enumeration values: |
tomStyleDefault Value: 0 The math handler determines the style. |
tomStyleScriptScriptCramped Value: 1 The 2nd and higher level subscript superscript size, cramped. |
tomStyleScriptScript Value: 2 The 2nd and higher level subscript superscript size. |
tomStyleScriptCramped Value: 3 The 1st level subscript superscript size, cramped. |
tomStyleScript Value: 4 The 1st level subscript superscript size. |
tomStyleTextCramped Value: 5 Text size cramped, for example, inside a square root. |
tomStyleText Value: 6 The standard inline text size. |
tomStyleDisplayCramped Value: 7 Display style cramped. |
tomStyleDisplay Value: 8 Display style. |
tomMathRelSize Value: 0x40 Indicates one of these is active: tomDecDecSize, tomDecSize, tomIncSize, tomIncIncSize. Note that the maximum size is tomStyleText size, and the minimum size is tomStyleScriptScript size. |
tomDecDecSize Value: 0xfe Two sizes smaller than the default. |
tomDecSize Value: 0xff One size smaller than the default. |
tomIncSize One size bigger than the default. |
tomIncIncSize Two sizes bigger than the default. |
tomGravityUI Value: 0 Use selection user interface rules. |
tomGravityBack Value: 1 Both ends have backward gravity. |
tomGravityFore Value: 2 Both ends have forward gravity. |
tomGravityIn Value: 3 Inward gravity; that is, the start is forward, and the end is backward. |
tomGravityOut Value: 4 Outward gravity; that is, the start is backward, and the end is forward. |
tomGravityBackward Value: 0x20000000 |
tomGravityForward Value: 0x40000000 |
tomAdjustCRLF Value: 1 Adjust CR/LFs at the start. |
tomUseCRLF Value: 2 Use CR/LF in place of a carriage return or a line feed. |
tomTextize Value: 4 Copy up to 0xFFFC (OLE object). |
tomAllowFinalEOP Value: 8 Allow a final end-of-paragraph (EOP) marker. |
tomFoldMathAlpha Value: 16 Fold math alphanumerics to ASCII/Greek. |
tomNoHidden Value: 32 Don't include hidden text. |
tomIncludeNumbering Value: 64 Include list numbers. |
tomTranslateTableCell Value: 128 Replace table row delimiter characters with spaces. |
tomNoMathZoneBrackets Value: 0x100 Don't include math zone brackets. |
tomConvertMathChar Value: 0x200 Convert to or from math italic and/or math bold according to the status of italic and bold retrieved by the ITextFont2::GetEffects method. |
tomNoUCGreekItalic Value: 0x400 Don’t use math italics for upper-case Greek letters. This value is used with tomConvertMathChar. |
tomAllowMathBold Value: 0x800 Allow math bold. This value is used with tomConvertMathChar. |
tomLanguageTag Value: 0x1000 Get the BCP-47 language tag for this range. |
tomConvertRTF Value: 0x2000 Get text in RTF. |
tomApplyRtfDocProps Value: 0x4000 Apply RTF document default properties. |
tomPhantomShow Value: 1 Display the phantom object's argument. |
tomPhantomZeroWidth Value: 2 The phantom object has zero width. |
tomPhantomZeroAscent Value: 4 The phantom object has zero ascent. |
tomPhantomZeroDescent Value: 8 The phantom object has zero descent. |
tomPhantomTransparent Value: 16 Space the phantom object as if only the argument is present. |
tomPhantomASmash Ascent smash. |
tomPhantomDSmash Descent smash. |
tomPhantomHSmash Horizontal smash. |
tomPhantomSmash Full smash. |
tomPhantomHorz Horizontal phantom. |
tomPhantomVert Vertical phantom. |
tomBoxHideTop Value: 1 Hide top border. |
tomBoxHideBottom Value: 2 Hide bottom border. |
tomBoxHideLeft Value: 4 Hide left border. |
tomBoxHideRight Value: 8 Hide right border. |
tomBoxStrikeH Value: 16 Display horizontal strikethrough. |
tomBoxStrikeV Value: 32 Display vertical strikethrough. |
tomBoxStrikeTLBR Value: 64 Display diagonal strikethrough from the top left to the lower right. |
tomBoxStrikeBLTR Value: 128 Display diagonal strikethrough from the lower left to the top right. |
tomBoxAlignCenter Value: 1 Vertically align with center on baseline. |
tomSpaceMask Value: 0x1c Mask for tomSpaceDefault, tomSpaceUnary, tomSpaceBinary, tomSpaceRelational, tomSpaceSkip, tomSpaceOrd, and tomSpaceDifferential. |
tomSpaceDefault Value: 0 Default spacing |
tomSpaceUnary Value: 4 Space the object as if it were a unary operator. |
tomSpaceBinary Value: 8 Space the object as if it were a binary operator. |
tomSpaceRelational Value: 12 Space the object as if it were a relational operator. |
tomSpaceSkip Value: 16 Space the object as if it were a unary operator. |
tomSpaceOrd Value: 20 Space the object as if it were an ordinal operator. |
tomSpaceDifferential Value: 24 Space the object as if it were a differential operator. |
tomSizeText Value: 32 Treat as text size. |
tomSizeScript Value: 64 Treat as script size (approximately 73% of text size). |
tomSizeScriptScript Value: 96 Treat as subscript size (approximately 60% of text size). |
tomNoBreak Value: 128 Do not break arguments across a line. |
tomTransparentForPositioning Value: 256 Position as if only the argument appears. |
tomTransparentForSpacing Value: 512 Space according to argument properties. |
tomStretchCharBelow Value: 0 Stretch character below base. |
tomStretchCharAbove Value: 1 Stretch character above base. |
tomStretchBaseBelow Value: 2 Stretch base below character. |
tomStretchBaseAbove Value: 3 Stretch base above character. |
tomMatrixAlignMask Value: 3 Mask for tomMatrixAlignCenter, tomMatrixAlignTopRow, and tomMatrixAlignBottomRow. |
tomMatrixAlignCenter Value: 0 Align the matrix center on baseline. |
tomMatrixAlignTopRow Value: 1 Align the matrix top row on the baseline. |
tomMatrixAlignBottomRow Value: 3 Align the matrix bottom row on the baseline. |
tomShowMatPlaceHldr Value: 8 Show empty element placeholder (a dotted box). |
tomEqArrayLayoutWidth Value: 1 Expand the right size to the layout width (for equation number) |
tomEqArrayAlignMask Value: 0xc Mask for tomEqArrayAlignCenter, tomEqArrayAlignTopRow, and tomEqArrayBottomRow. |
tomEqArrayAlignCenter Value: 0 Align the center of the equation array on the baseline. |
tomEqArrayAlignTopRow Value: 4 Align the top of equations on the baseline. Align the top row of the equation on the baseline. |
tomEqArrayAlignBottomRow Value: 0xc Align the bottom row of the equation on the baseline. |
tomMathManualBreakMask Value: 0x7f Mask for tomMathBreakLeft, tomMathBreakCenter, and tomMathBreakRight. |
tomMathBreakLeft Value: 0x7d Align text following a manual break to the left. |
tomMathBreakCenter Value: 0x7e Center text following a manual break. |
tomMathBreakRight Value: 0x7f Align text following a manual break to the right. |
tomMathEqAlign Value: 0x80 Math equation alignment. |
tomMathArgShadingStart Value: 0x251 Start shading math arguments. |
tomMathArgShadingEnd Value: 0x252 End shading math arguments. |
tomMathObjShadingStart Value: 0x253 Start shading math objects. |
tomMathObjShadingEnd Value: 0x254 End shading math objects. |
tomFunctionTypeNone Value: 0 Not in the function list. |
tomFunctionTypeTakesArg Value: 1 An ordinary math function that takes arguments. |
tomFunctionTypeTakesLim Value: 2 Use the lower limit for _, and so on. |
tomFunctionTypeTakesLim2 Value: 3 Turn the preceding FA into an NBSP. |
tomFunctionTypeIsLim Value: 4 A "lim" function. |
tomMathParaAlignDefault Value: 0 The default alignment for math paragraphs. |
tomMathParaAlignCenterGroup Value: 1 Center math paragraphs as a group. |
tomMathParaAlignCenter Value: 2 Center math paragraphs. |
tomMathParaAlignLeft Value: 3 Left-align math paragraphs. |
tomMathParaAlignRight Value: 4 Right-align math paragraphs. |
tomMathDispAlignMask Value: 3 Mask for tomMathDispAlignCenterGroup, tomMathDispAlignCenter, tomMathDispAlignLeft, tomMathDispAlignRight, tomMathDispIntUnderOver, and tomMathDispNaryGrow. |
tomMathDispAlignCenterGroup Value: 0 Center a math paragraph as a group. |
tomMathDispAlignCenter Value: 1 Center all equations in a math paragraph. |
tomMathDispAlignLeft Value: 2 Left justify all equations in a math paragraph. |
tomMathDispAlignRight Value: 3 Right justify all equations in a math paragraph. |
tomMathDispIntUnderOver Value: 4 Display-mode integral limits location. |
tomMathDispFracTeX Value: 8 Indicates whether to use display-mode nested fraction script size. |
tomMathDispNaryGrow Value: 0x10 Indicates whether to use math-paragraph n-ary grow. |
tomMathDocEmptyArgMask Value: 0x60 Empty arguments display mask. |
tomMathDocEmptyArgAuto Value: 0 Dotted square, if necessary. |
tomMathDocEmptyArgAlways Value: 0x20 Dotted square, always. |
tomMathDocEmptyArgNever Value: 0x40 Nothing. |
tomMathDocSbSpOpUnchanged Value: 0x80 Do not display the underscore (_) as subscripted, or the caret (^) as superscripted. |
tomMathDocDiffMask Value: 0x300 Style mask for the tomMathDocDiffUpright, tomMathDocDiffItalic, tomMathDocDiffOpenItalic options. |
tomMathDocDiffDefault Value: 0 Use default glyphs for math differentials. |
tomMathDocDiffUpright Value: 0x100 Use upright glyphs for math differentials. |
tomMathDocDiffItalic Value: 0x200 Use italic glyphs for math differentials. |
tomMathDocDiffOpenItalic Value: 0x300 No glyph change. |
tomMathDispNarySubSup Value: 0x400 Math-paragraph non-integral n-ary limits location. |
tomMathDispDef Value: 0x800 Math-paragraph spacing defaults. Use math paragraph offsets instead of regular paragraph offsets. |
tomMathEnableRtl Value: 0x1000 Enable right-to-left (RTL) math zones in RTL paragraphs. |
tomMathBrkBinMask Value: 0x30000 Equation line break mask. |
tomMathBrkBinBefore Value: 0 Break before binary/relational operator. |
tomMathBrkBinAfter Value: 0x10000 Break after binary/relational operator. |
tomMathBrkBinDup Value: 0x20000 Duplicate binary/relational before/after. |
tomMathBrkBinSubMask Value: 0xc0000 Duplicate mask for minus operator. |
tomMathBrkBinSubMM Value: 0 -- (minus on both lines). |
tomMathBrkBinSubPM Value: 0x40000 + - |
tomMathBrkBinSubMP Value: 0x80000 - + |
tomSelRange Value: 0x255 Set the selection character position and character count to range values. |
tomHstring Value: 0x254 Use a string handle (HSTRING) instead of a binary string (BSTR). |
tomFontPropTeXStyle Value: 0x33c Gets the TeX style of the font. |
tomFontPropAlign Value: 0x33d Use tomFontPropAlign to get the Align property of an operator in a math zone. Here are how the values are assigned:
tomFontStretch Value: 0x33e The type of font stretching. It can have one of the following values. tomFontStretchDefault tomFontStretchUltraCondensed tomFontStretchExtraCondensed tomFontStretchCondensed tomFontStretchNormal tomFontStretchSemiExpanded tomFontStretchExpanded tomFontStretchExtraExpanded tomFontStretchUltraExpanded |
tomFontStyle Value: 0x33f The font style. It can have one of the following values.
tomFontStyleUpright Value: 0 Represents the normal upright font style. |
tomFontStyleOblique Value: 1 Represents an oblique font style. |
tomFontStyleItalic Value: 2 Represents an italic font style. |
tomFontStretchDefault Value: 0 No defined font stretch. |
tomFontStretchUltraCondensed Value: 1 An ultra-condensed font stretch (50% of normal). |
tomFontStretchExtraCondensed Value: 2 An extra-condensed font stretch (62.5% of normal). |
tomFontStretchCondensed Value: 3 A condensed font stretch (75% of normal). |
tomFontStretchSemiCondensed Value: 4 A semi-condensed font stretch (87.5% of normal). |
tomFontStretchNormal Value: 5 The normal font stretch that all other font stretch values relate to (100%). |
tomFontStretchSemiExpanded Value: 6 A semi-expanded font stretch (112.5% of normal). |
tomFontStretchExpanded Value: 7 An expanded font stretch (125% of normal). |
tomFontStretchExtraExpanded Value: 8 An extra-expanded font stretch (150% of normal). |
tomFontStretchUltraExpanded Value: 9 An ultra-expanded font stretch (200% of normal). |
tomFontWeightDefault Value: 0 The default font weight. |
tomFontWeightThin Value: 100 Thin font weight. |
tomFontWeightExtraLight Value: 200 Extra light font weight. |
tomFontWeightLight Value: 300 Light font weight. |
tomFontWeightNormal Value: 400 Normal font weight. |
tomFontWeightRegular Value: 400 Same as tomFontWeightNormal. |
tomFontWeightMedium Value: 500 Medium font weight. |
tomFontWeightSemiBold Value: 600 Semi bold font weight. |
tomFontWeightBold Value: 700 Bold font weight. |
tomFontWeightExtraBold Value: 800 Extra bold font weight. |
tomFontWeightBlack Value: 900 Heavy font weight. |
tomFontWeightHeavy Value: 900 Same as tomFontWeightBlack. |
tomFontWeightExtraBlack Value: 950 Extra heavy font weight. |
tomParaPropMathAlign Value: 0x437 Alignment properties for a math paragraph. |
tomDocMathBuild Value: 0x80 Used with the ITextDocument2::SetProperty method to set any combination of tomMathAutoCorrect, tomTeX, or tomMathAlphabetics. |
tomMathLMargin Value: 0x81 Left margin for display math. |
tomMathRMargin Value: 0x82 Right margin for display math. |
tomMathWrapIndent Value: 0x83 Equation wrap indent for display math. |
tomMathWrapRight Value: 0x84 Equation right wrap indent for display math (in a left-to-right (LTR) math zone). |
tomMathPostSpace Value: 0x86 Space after a display math equation. |
tomMathPreSpace Value: 0x85 Space before a display math equation. |
tomMathInterSpace Value: 0x87 Space between equations in math paragraphs. |
tomMathIntraSpace Value: 0x88 Space between lines in a display math equation. |
tomCanCopy Value: 0x89 Indicates whether data can be copied to the clipboard. |
tomCanRedo Value: 0x8a Indicates whether one or more redo operations exist. |
tomCanUndo Value: 0x8b Indicates whether one or more undo operations exist. |
tomUndoLimit Value: 0x8c The undo stack count limit. |
tomDocAutoLink Value: 0x8d A document automatic link. |
tomEllipsisMode Value: 0x8e The ellipsis mode. |
tomEllipsisState Value: 0x8f The ellipsis state. |
tomEllipsisNone Value: 0 Ellipsis is disabled. |
tomEllipsisEnd Value: 1 An ellipsis forces a break anywhere in the line. |
tomEllipsisWord Value: 3 An ellipsis forces a break between words. |
tomEllipsisPresent Value: 1 Ellipsis is present. |
tomVTopCell Value: 1 The top cell in vertically merged cell set. |
tomVLowCell Value: 2 Any cell except the top cell in a vertically merged cell set. |
tomHStartCell Value: 4 Start a cell in a horizontally merged cell set. |
tomHContCell Value: 8 Any cell except the start in a horizontally merged cell set. |
tomRowUpdate Value: 1 Update the row to have the properties of the table row identified by the associated text range. |
tomRowApplyDefault Value: 0 |
tomCellStructureChangeOnly Value: 1 Changes cell width(s) or cell count (for changing column widths and inserting/deleting columns without changing cell border properties, and so forth.) |
tomRowHeightActual Value: 0x80b The actual height of a table row. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows Vista [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only] |
Header | tom.h |