
Delen via

commctrl.h header

This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:

commctrl.h contains the following programming interfaces:



Posts messages when the mouse pointer leaves a window or hovers over a window for a specified amount of time. This function calls TrackMouseEvent if it exists, otherwise it emulates it.

Closes an AVI clip. You can use this macro or send the ACM_OPEN message explicitly, passing in NULL parameters.

Creates an animation control. Animate_Create calls the CreateWindow function to create the animation control.

Checks to see if an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) clip is playing. You can use this macro or send an ACM_ISPLAYING message.

Opens an AVI clip and displays its first frame in an animation control. You can use this macro or send the ACM_OPEN message explicitly.

Opens an AVI clip from a resource in a specified module and displays its first frame in an animation control. You can use this macro or send the ACM_OPEN message explicitly.

Plays an AVI clip in an animation control. The control plays the clip in the background while the thread continues executing. You can use this macro or send the ACM_PLAY message explicitly.

Directs an animation control to display a particular frame of an AVI clip. The control displays the clip in the background while the thread continues executing. You can use this macro or send the ACM_PLAY message explicitly.

Stops playing an AVI clip in an animation control. You can use this macro or send the ACM_STOP message explicitly.

Gets the size of the button that best fits the text and image, if an image list is present. You can use this macro or send the BCM_GETIDEALSIZE message explicitly.

Gets the BUTTON_IMAGELIST structure that describes the image list that is set for a button control. You can use this macro or send the BCM_GETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Gets the text of the note associated with a command link button. You can use this macro or send the BCM_GETNOTE message explicitly.

Gets the length of the note text that may be displayed in the description for a command link. Use this macro or send the BCM_GETNOTELENGTH message explicitly.

Gets information for a specified split button control. Use this macro or send the BCM_GETSPLITINFO message explicitly.

Gets the margins used to draw text in a button control. You can use this macro or send the BCM_GETTEXTMARGIN message explicitly.

Sets the drop down state for a specified button with style of BS_SPLITBUTTON. Use this macro or send the BCM_SETDROPDOWNSTATE message explicitly.

Sets the elevation required state for a specified button or command link to display an elevated icon. Use this macro or send the BCM_SETSHIELD message explicitly.

Assigns an image list to a button control. You can use this macro or send the BCM_SETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Sets the text of the note associated with a specified command link button. You can use this macro or send the BCM_SETNOTE message explicitly.

Sets information for a specified split button control. Use this macro or send the BCM_SETSPLITINFO message explicitly.

Sets the margins for drawing text in a button control. You can use this macro or send the BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN message explicitly.

Gets the cue banner text displayed in the edit control of a combo box. Use this macro or send the CB_GETCUEBANNER message explicitly.

Gets the minimum number of visible items in the drop-down list of a combo box.

Sets the cue banner text that is displayed for the edit control of a combo box.

Sets the minimum number of visible items in the drop-down list of a combo box.

Creates a bitmap for use in a toolbar.

Creates a status window, which is typically used to display the status of an application. (ANSI)

Creates a status window, which is typically used to display the status of an application. (Unicode)

Creates a toolbar window and adds the specified buttons to the toolbar.

Creates an up-down control. Note:_This function is obsolete. It is a 16 bit function and cannot handle 32 bit values for range and position.

Closes the date and time picker (DTP) control. Use this macro or send the DTM_CLOSEMONTHCAL message explicitly.

Gets information for a specified date and time picker (DTP) control.

Gets the size needed to display the control without clipping. Use this macro or send the DTM_GETIDEALSIZE message explicitly.

Gets the handle to a date and time picker's (DTP) child month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the DTM_GETMONTHCAL message explicitly.

Gets the color for a given portion of the month calendar within a date and time picker (DTP) control. You can use this macro or send the DTM_GETMCCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets the font that the date and time picker (DTP) control's child month calendar control is currently using. You can use this macro or send the DTM_GETMCFONT message explicitly.

Gets the style of a specified date and time picker (DTP) control. Use this macro or send the DTM_GETMCSTYLE message explicitly.

Gets the current minimum and maximum allowable system times for a date and time picker (DTP) control. You can use this macro, or send the DTM_GETRANGE message explicitly.

Gets the currently selected time from a date and time picker (DTP) control and places it in a specified SYSTEMTIME structure. You can use this macro, or send the DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME message explicitly.

Sets the display of a date and time picker (DTP) control based on a given format string. You can use this macro or send the DTM_SETFORMAT message explicitly.

Sets the color for a given portion of the month calendar within a date and time picker (DTP) control. You can use this macro or send the DTM_SETMCCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the font to be used by the date and time picker (DTP) control's child month calendar control. You can use this macro or explicitly send the DTM_SETMCFONT message.

Sets the style for a specified date and time picker (DTP) control. Use this macro or send the DTM_SETMCSTYLE message explicitly.

Sets the minimum and maximum allowable system times for a date and time picker (DTP) control. You can use this macro or send the DTM_SETRANGE message explicitly.

Sets a date and time picker (DTP) control to a given date and time. You can use this macro or send the DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME message explicitly.

Calls the next handler in a window's subclass chain. The last handler in the subclass chain calls the original window procedure for the window.

Draws the insert icon in the parent window of the specified drag list box.

Draws text that has a shadow.

The DrawStatusText function draws the specified text in the style of a status window with borders. (ANSI)

The DrawStatusText function draws the specified text in the style of a status window with borders. (Unicode)

Enables or disables the "Search with Bing…" context menu item in edit controls. You can use this macro or send the EM_ENABLESEARCHWEB message explicitly.

Gets the character index of the caret location for a given edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_GETCARETINDEX message explicitly.

Gets the text that is displayed as a textual cue, or tip, in an edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_GETCUEBANNER message explicitly.

Gets the end of line character used for the content of the edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_GETENDOFLINE message explicitly.

Gets the extended styles that are currently in use for a given edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE message explicitly.

Gets the text of the specified file (or logical) line (text wrap delimiters are ignored). You can use this macro or send the EM_GETFILELINE message explicitly.

Gets the number of file (or logical) lines (text wrap delimiters are ignored). You can use this macro or send the EM_GETFILELINECOUNT message explicitly.

Gets the index of the file (or logical) line of text that includes the specified character index (text wrap delimiters are ignored). You can use this macro or send the EM_FILELINEFROMCHAR message explicitly.

Gets the index of the file (or logical) line of text based on the specified visible line. You can use this macro or send the EM_FILELINEINDEX message explicitly.

Gets the length of the file (or logical) line of text from the specified character index (text wrap delimiters are ignored). You can use this macro or send the EM_FILELINELENGTH message explicitly.

This macro is not implemented. (Edit_GetHilite)

Gets the current zoom ratio of an edit control (the zoom ratio is always between 1/64 and 64). You can use this macro or send the EM_GETZOOM message explicitly.

Hides any balloon tip associated with an edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_HIDEBALLOONTIP message explicitly.

Prevents a single-line edit control from receiving keyboard focus. You can use this macro or send the EM_NOSETFOCUS message explicitly.

Invokes the "Search with Bing…" context menu item in edit controls. You can use this macro or send the EM_SEARCHWEB message explicitly.

Sets the character index at which to locate the caret. You can use this macro or send the EM_SETCARETINDEX message explicitly.

Sets the text that is displayed as the textual cue, or tip, for an edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_SETCUEBANNER message explicitly. (Edit_SetCueBannerText)

Sets the text that is displayed as the textual cue, or tip, for an edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_SETCUEBANNER message explicitly. (Edit_SetCueBannerTextFocused)

Sets the end of line character used for the content of the edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_SETENDOFLINE message explicitly.

Sets extended styles for edit controls using the style mask. You can use this macro or send the EM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE message explicitly.

This macro is not implemented. (Edit_SetHilite)

Sets the current zoom ratio of an edit control (the zoom ratio is always between 1/64 and 64). You can use this macro or send the EM_SETZOOM message explicitly.

Displays a balloon tip associated with an edit control. You can use this macro or send the EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP message explicitly.

Forces a single-line edit control to receive keyboard focus. You can use this macro or send the EM_TAKEFOCUS message explicitly.

Extracts the field 0 value from a packed IP address retrieved with the IPM_GETADDRESS message.

Enables or disables one or both flat scroll bar direction buttons. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard EnableScrollBar function.

Gets the information for a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard GetScrollInfo function.

Gets the thumb position in a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard GetScrollPos function.

Gets the properties for a flat scroll bar. This function can also be used to determine if InitializeFlatSB has been called for this window.

Gets the properties for a flat scroll bar.

Gets the scroll range for a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard GetScrollRange function.

Sets the information for a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard SetScrollInfo function.

Sets the current position of the thumb in a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard SetScrollPos function.

Sets the properties for a flat scroll bar.

Sets the scroll range of a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard SetScrollRange function.

Shows or hides a flat scroll bar. If flat scroll bars are not initialized for the window, this function calls the standard ShowScrollBar function.

Sends or posts the WM_NOTIFY message.

Extracts the field 3 value from a packed IP address retrieved with the IPM_GETADDRESS message.

Calculates the dimensions of a rectangle in the client area that contains all the specified controls.

Gets the language currently in use by the common controls for a particular process.

Retrieves the reference data for the specified window subclass callback.

Calls a function that processes the WM_NOTIFY message.

Clears all of the filters for a given header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_CLEARFILTER message explicitly.

Clears the filter for a given header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_CLEARFILTER message explicitly.

Creates a transparent version of an item image within an existing header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE message explicitly.

Deletes an item from a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_DELETEITEM message explicitly.

Moves the input focus to the edit box when a filter button has the focus.

Gets the width of the margin (in pixels) of a bitmap in an existing header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETBITMAPMARGIN message explicitly.

Gets the item in a header control that has the focus. Use this macro or send the HDM_GETFOCUSEDITEM message explicitly.

Gets the handle to the image list that has been set for an existing header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Gets information about an item in a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETITEM message explicitly.

Gets a count of the items in a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETITEMCOUNT message explicitly.

Gets the coordinates of the drop-down button for a specified item in a header control. The header control must be of type HDF_SPLITBUTTON. Use this macro or send the HDM_GETITEMDROPDOWNRECT message explicitly.

Gets the bounding rectangle for a given item in a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETITEMRECT message explicitly.

Gets the current left-to-right order of items in a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETORDERARRAY message explicitly.

Gets the coordinates of the drop-down overflow area for a specified header control. The header control must be of type HDF_SPLITBUTTON. Use this macro or send the HDM_GETOVERFLOWRECT message explicitly.

Gets the handle to the image list that has been set for an existing header control state.

Gets the Unicode character format flag for the control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_GETUNICODEFORMAT message explicitly.

Inserts a new item into a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_INSERTITEM message explicitly.

Retrieves the correct size and position of a header control within the parent window. You can use this macro or send the HDM_LAYOUT message explicitly.

Retrieves an index value for an item based on its order in the header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_ORDERTOINDEX message explicitly.

Sets the width of the margin for a bitmap in an existing header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_SETBITMAPMARGIN message explicitly.

Sets the timeout interval between the time a change takes place in the filter attributes and the posting of an HDN_FILTERCHANGE notification. You can use this macro or send the HDM_SETFILTERCHANGETIMEOUT message explicitly.

Sets the focus to a specified item in a header control. Use this macro or send the HDM_SETFOCUSEDITEM message explicitly.

Changes the color of a divider between header items to indicate the destination of an external drag-and-drop operation. You can use this macro or send the HDM_SETHOTDIVIDER message explicitly.

Assigns an image list to an existing header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_SETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Sets the attributes of the specified item in a header control. You can use this macro or send the HDM_SETITEM message explicitly.

Sets the left-to-right order of header items. You can use this macro or send the HDM_SETORDERARRAY message explicitly.

Assigns an image list to an existing header control state.

Sets the UNICODE character format flag for the control.

Retrieves a pointer to an IImageList or IImageList2 object that corresponds to the image list's HIMAGELIST handle.

Adds an image or images to an image list. (ImageList_Add)

Adds an icon or cursor to an image list. ImageList_AddIcon calls the ImageList_ReplaceIcon function.

Adds an image or images to an image list, generating a mask from the specified bitmap. (ImageList_AddMasked)

Begins dragging an image. (ImageList_BeginDrag)

Copies images within a given image list.

Creates a new image list.

Destroys an image list.

Displays the drag image at the specified position within the window.

Unlocks the specified window and hides the drag image, allowing the window to be updated.

Moves the image that is being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation. This function is typically called in response to a WM_MOUSEMOVE message. (ImageList_DragMove)

Shows or hides the image being dragged. (ImageList_DragShowNolock)

Draws an image list item in the specified device context. (ImageList_Draw)

Draws an image list item in the specified device context. The function uses the specified drawing style and blends the image with the specified color.

Draws an image list image based on an IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS structure.

Creates a duplicate of an existing image list.

Ends a drag operation. (ImageList_EndDrag)

Calls the ImageList_GetIcon function to create an icon or cursor based on an image and mask in an image list.

Retrieves the current background color for an image list.

Retrieves the temporary image list that is used for the drag image. The function also retrieves the current drag position and the offset of the drag image relative to the drag position.

Creates an icon from an image and mask in an image list.

Retrieves the dimensions of images in an image list. All images in an image list have the same dimensions.

Retrieves the number of images in an image list.

Retrieves information about an image.

Calls the ImageList_LoadImage function to create an image list from the specified bitmap resource.

Creates an image list from the specified bitmap. (ANSI)

Creates an image list from the specified bitmap. (Unicode)

Creates a new image by combining two existing images. The function also creates a new image list in which to store the image.

Reads an image list from a stream.

Reads an image list from a stream, and returns an IImageList interface to the image list.

Removes an image from an image list. (ImageList_Remove)

Calls the ImageList_Remove function to remove all of the images from an image list.

Replaces an image in an image list with a new image. (ImageList_Replace)

Replaces an image with an icon or cursor. (ImageList_ReplaceIcon)

Sets the background color for an image list. This function only works if you add an icon or use ImageList_AddMasked with a black and white bitmap. Without a mask, the entire image is drawn; hence the background color is not visible.

Creates a new drag image by combining the specified image (typically a mouse cursor image) with the current drag image.

Sets the dimensions of images in an image list and removes all images from the list. (ImageList_SetIconSize)

Resizes an existing image list. (ImageList_SetImageCount)

Adds a specified image to the list of images to be used as overlay masks. An image list can have up to four overlay masks in version 4.70 and earlier and up to 15 in version 4.71. The function assigns an overlay mask index to the specified image.

Writes an image list to a stream. (ImageList_Write)

Writes an image list to a stream. (ImageList_WriteEx)

Prepares the index of an overlay mask so that the ImageList_Draw function can use it.

Prepares the index of a state image so that a tree-view control or list-view control can use the index to retrieve the state image for an item.

Registers and initializes certain common control window classes. This function is obsolete. New applications should use the InitCommonControlsEx function.

Ensures that the common control DLL (Comctl32.dll) is loaded, and registers specific common control classes from the DLL. An application must call this function before creating a common control.

Initializes flat scroll bars for a particular window.

Enables an application to specify a language to be used with the common controls that is different from the system language.

Retrieves the index of the item at the specified point in a list box.

Calculates the approximate width and height required to display a given number of items. You can use this macro or send the LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT message explicitly.

Arranges items in icon view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_ARRANGE message explicitly.

Cancels an item text editing operation. You can use this macro or send the LVM_CANCELEDITLABEL message explicitly.

Creates a drag image list for the specified item. You can use this macro or send the LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE message explicitly.

Removes all items from a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_DELETEALLITEMS message explicitly.

Removes a column from a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_DELETECOLUMN message explicitly.

Removes an item from a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_DELETEITEM message explicitly.

Begins in-place editing of the specified list-view item's text. The message implicitly selects and focuses the specified item. You can use this macro or send the LVM_EDITLABEL message explicitly.

Enables or disables whether the items in a list-view control display as a group. You can use this macro or send the LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW message explicitly.

Ensures that a list-view item is either entirely or partially visible, scrolling the list-view control if necessary. You can use this macro or send the LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE message explicitly.

Searches for a list-view item with the specified characteristics. You can use this macro or send the LVM_FINDITEM message explicitly.

Gets the background color of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets the background image in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETBKIMAGE message explicitly.

Gets the callback mask for a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK message explicitly.

Determines if an item in a list-view control is selected. This should be used only for list-view controls that have the LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES style.

Gets the attributes of a list-view control's column. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETCOLUMN message explicitly.

Gets the current left-to-right order of columns in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY message explicitly.

Gets the width of a column in report or list view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH message explicitly.

Calculates the number of items that can fit vertically in the visible area of a list-view control when in list or report view. Only fully visible items are counted. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE message explicitly.

Gets the handle to the edit control being used to edit a list-view item's text. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETEDITCONTROL message explicitly.

Gets the text meant for display when the list-view control appears empty. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETEMPTYTEXT message explicitly.

Gets the extended styles that are currently in use for a given list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE message explicitly.

Gets the group that has the focus. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETFOCUSEDGROUP message explicitly.

Gets information on the footer of a specified list-view control. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETFOOTERINFO message explicitly.

Gets information on a footer item for a specified list-view control. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETFOOTERITEM message explicitly.

Gets the coordinates of a footer for a specified item in a list-view control. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETFOOTERITEMRECT message explicitly.

Gets the coordinates of the footer for a specified list-view control. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETFOOTERRECT message explicitly.

Gets the number of groups. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETGROUPCOUNT message explicitly.

Gets the group header image list that has been set for an existing list-view control.

Gets group information. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETGROUPINFO message explicitly.

Gets information on a specified group. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETGROUPINFOBYINDEX message explicitly.

Gets information about the display of groups. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETGROUPMETRICS message explicitly.

Gets the rectangle for a specified group. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETGROUPRECT message explicitly.

Gets the state for a specified group. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETGROUPSTATE message explicitly.

Gets the handle to the header control used by a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETHEADER message explicitly.

Gets the HCURSOR used when the pointer is over an item while hot tracking is enabled. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETHOTCURSOR message explicitly.

Gets the index of the hot item. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETHOTITEM message explicitly.

Gets the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETHOVERTIME message explicitly.

Gets the handle to an image list used for drawing list-view items. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Gets the position of the insertion point. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETINSERTMARK message explicitly.

Gets the color of the insertion point. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets the rectangle that bounds the insertion point. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETINSERTMARKRECT message explicitly.

Gets the incremental search string of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING message explicitly.

Gets some or all of a list-view item's attributes. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEM message explicitly.

Gets the number of items in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEMCOUNT message explicitly.

Gets the bounding rectangle for all or part of a subitem in the current view of a specified list-view control. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEMINDEXRECT message explicitly.

Gets the position of a list-view item. You can use this macro or explicitly send the LVM_GETITEMPOSITION message.

Gets the bounding rectangle for all or part of an item in the current view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEMRECT message explicitly.

Determines the spacing between items in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEMSPACING message explicitly.

Gets the state of a list-view item. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEMSTATE message explicitly.

Gets the text of a list-view item or subitem. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETITEMTEXT message explicitly.

Searches for a list-view item that has the specified properties and bears the specified relationship to a specified item. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETNEXTITEM message explicitly.

Gets the index of the item in a particular list-view control that has the specified properties and relationship to another specific item. Use this macro or send the LVM_GETNEXTITEMINDEX message explicitly.

Gets the number of working areas in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETNUMBEROFWORKAREAS message explicitly.

Gets the current view origin for a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETORIGIN message explicitly.

Gets the color of the border of a list-view control if the LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT extended window style is set. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETOUTLINECOLOR message explicitly.

Gets an integer that specifies the selected column. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETSELECTEDCOLUMN message explicitly.

Determines the number of selected items in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT message explicitly.

Gets the selection mark from a list-view control. You can use this macro or explicitly send the LVM_GETSELECTIONMARK message.

Determines the width of a specified string using the specified list-view control's current font. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH message explicitly.

Gets information about the rectangle that surrounds a subitem in a list-view control.

Gets the text background color of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets the text color of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets information about a tile in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETTILEINFO message explicitly.

Gets information about a list-view control in tile view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETTILEVIEWINFO message explicitly.

Gets the tooltip control that the list-view control uses to display tooltips. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETTOOLTIPS message explicitly.

Gets the index of the topmost visible item when in list or report view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETTOPINDEX message explicitly.

Gets the Unicode character format flag for the control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT message explicitly.

Gets the current view of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETVIEW message explicitly.

Gets the bounding rectangle of all items in the list-view control. The list view must be in icon or small icon view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_GETVIEWRECT message explicitly.

Gets the working areas from a list-view control. You can use this macro, or send the LVM_GETWORKAREAS message explicitly.

Determines whether the list-view control has a specified group. You can use this macro or send the LVM_HASGROUP message explicitly.

Determines which list-view item, if any, is at a specified position. You can use this macro or send the LVM_HITTEST message explicitly. (ListView_HitTest)

Determines which list-view item, if any, is at a specified position. You can use this macro or send the LVM_HITTEST message explicitly. (ListView_HitTestEx)

Inserts a new column in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_INSERTCOLUMN message explicitly.

Inserts a group into a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_INSERTGROUP message explicitly.

Inserts a group into an ordered list of groups. You can use this macro or send the LVM_INSERTGROUPSORTED message explicitly.

Inserts a new item in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_INSERTITEM message explicitly.

Retrieves the insertion point closest to a specified point. You can use this macro or send the LVM_INSERTMARKHITTEST message explicitly.

Checks whether the list-view control has group view enabled. You can use this macro or send the LVM_ISGROUPVIEWENABLED message explicitly.

Indicates whether an item in the list-view control is visible. Use this macro or send the LVM_ISITEMVISIBLE message explicitly.

Maps the ID of an item to an index. You can use this macro or send the LVM_MAPIDTOINDEX message explicitly.

Maps the index of an item to a unique ID. You can use this macro or send the LVM_MAPINDEXTOID message explicitly.

This macro is not implemented. (ListView_MoveGroup)

This macro is not implemented. (ListView_MoveItemToGroup)

Forces a list-view control to redraw a range of items. You can use this macro or send the LVM_REDRAWITEMS message explicitly.

Removes all groups from a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_REMOVEALLGROUPS message explicitly.

Removes a group from a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_REMOVEGROUP message explicitly.

Scrolls the content of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SCROLL message explicitly.

Sets the background color of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the background image in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETBKIMAGE message explicitly.

Changes the callback mask for a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK message explicitly.

Selects or deselects an item in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMSTATE message explicitly.

Sets the attributes of a list-view column. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETCOLUMN message explicitly.

Sets the left-to-right order of columns in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETCOLUMNORDERARRAY message explicitly.

Used to change the width of a column in report view or the width of all columns in list-view mode. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH message explicitly.

Sets extended styles for list-view controls. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE message explicitly.

Sets extended styles for list-view controls using the style mask. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE message explicitly.

Assigns an image list to the group header of a list-view control.

Sets group information. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETGROUPINFO message explicitly.

Sets information about the display of groups. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETGROUPMETRICS message explicitly.

Sets the state for a specified group.

Sets the HCURSOR that the list-view control uses when the pointer is over an item while hot tracking is enabled. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETHOTCURSOR message explicitly. To check whether hot tracking is enabled, call SystemParametersInfo.

Sets the hot item in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETHOTITEM message explicitly.

Sets the amount of time that the mouse cursor must hover over an item before it is selected. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETHOVERTIME message explicitly.

Sets the spacing between icons in list-view controls set to the LVS_ICON style. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETICONSPACING message explicitly.

Assigns an image list to a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Sets tooltip text. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETINFOTIP message explicitly.

Sets the insertion point to the defined position. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETINSERTMARK message explicitly.

Sets the color of the insertion point. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets some or all of a list-view item's attributes. You can also use ListView_SetItem to set the text of a subitem. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEM message explicitly.

Causes the list-view control to allocate memory for the specified number of items. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMCOUNT message explicitly.

Sets the virtual number of items in a virtual list view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMCOUNT message explicitly.

Sets the state of a specified list-view item. Use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMINDEXSTATE message explicitly.

Moves an item to a specified position in a list-view control (in icon or small icon view). You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMPOSITION message explicitly.

Moves an item to a specified position in a list-view control (in icon or small icon view).

Changes the state of an item in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMSTATE message explicitly.

Changes the text of a list-view item or subitem. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETITEMTEXT message explicitly.

Sets the color of the border of a list-view control if the LVS_EX_BORDERSELECT extended window style is set. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETOUTLINECOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the index of the selected column. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETSELECTEDCOLUMN message explicitly.

Sets the selection mark in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETSELECTIONMARK message explicitly.

Sets the background color of text in a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the text color of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets information for an existing tile of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETTILEINFO message explicitly.

Sets information that a list-view control uses in tile view. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETTILEVIEWINFO message explicitly.

Sets the tooltip control that the list-view control will use to display tooltips. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETTOOLTIPS message explicitly.

Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (ListView_SetUnicodeFormat)

Sets the view of a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETVIEW message explicitly.

Sets the working areas within a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SETWORKAREAS message explicitly.

Uses an application-defined comparison function to sort groups by ID within a list-view control. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SORTGROUPS message explicitly.

Uses an application-defined comparison function to sort the items of a list-view control. The index of each item changes to reflect the new sequence. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SORTITEMS message explicitly.

Uses an application-defined comparison function to sort the items of a list-view control. The index of each item changes to reflect the new sequence. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SORTITEMSEX message explicitly.

Determines which list-view item or subitem is located at a given position. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST message explicitly. (ListView_SubItemHitTest)

Determines which list-view item or subitem is located at a given position. You can use this macro or send the LVM_SUBITEMHITTEST message explicitly. (ListView_SubItemHitTestEx)

Updates a list-view item. If the list-view control has the LVS_AUTOARRANGE style, this macro causes the list-view control to be arranged. You can use this macro or send the LVM_UPDATE message explicitly.

Loads a specified icon resource with a client-specified system metric.

Loads an icon. If the icon is not a standard size, this function scales down a larger image instead of scaling up a smaller image.

Changes the specified single-selection list box to a drag list box.

Packs four byte-values into a single LPARAM suitable for use with the IPM_SETADDRESS message.

Packs two byte-values into a single LPARAM suitable for use with the IPM_SETRANGE message.

Processes WM_MENUSELECT and WM_COMMAND messages and displays Help text about the current menu in the specified status window.

Gets the border size, in pixels, of a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETCALENDARBORDER message explicitly.

Gets the number of calendars currently displayed in the calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETCALENDARCOUNT message explicitly.

Gets information about a calendar grid.

Gets the current calendar ID for the given calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETCALID message explicitly.

Retrieves the color for a given portion of a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets the view for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETCURRENTVIEW message explicitly.

Retrieves the currently selected date. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETCURSEL message explicitly.

Retrieves the first day of the week for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK message explicitly.

Retrieves the maximum date range that can be selected in a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETMAXSELCOUNT message explicitly.

Retrieves the maximum width of the "today" string in a month calendar control. This includes the label text and the date text. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETMAXTODAYWIDTH message explicitly.

Retrieves the minimum size required to display a full month in a month calendar control. Size information is presented in the form of a RECT structure. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETMINREQRECT message explicitly.

Retrieves the scroll rate for a month calendar control. The scroll rate is the number of months that the control moves its display when the user clicks a scroll button. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETMONTHDELTA message explicitly.

Retrieves date information (using SYSTEMTIME structures) that represents the high and low limits of a month calendar control's display. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETMONTHRANGE message explicitly.

Retrieves the minimum and maximum allowable dates set for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETRANGE message explicitly.

Retrieves date information that represents the upper and lower limits of the date range currently selected by the user. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETSELRANGE message explicitly.

Retrieves the date information for the date specified as "today" for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETTODAY message explicitly.

Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT message explicitly.

Determines which portion of a month calendar control is at a given point on the screen. You can use this macro or send the MCM_HITTEST message explicitly.

Sets the border size, in pixels, of a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETCALENDARBORDER message explicitly.

Sets the calendar ID for the given calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETCALID message explicitly.

Sets the color for a given portion of a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the view for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETCURRENTVIEW message explicitly.

Sets the currently selected date for a month calendar control. If the specified date is not in view, the control updates the display to bring it into view. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETCURSEL message explicitly.

Sets the day states for all months that are currently visible within a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETDAYSTATE message explicitly.

Sets the first day of the week for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK message explicitly.

Sets the maximum number of days that can be selected in a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT message explicitly.

Sets the scroll rate for a month calendar control. The scroll rate is the number of months that the control moves its display when the user clicks a scroll button. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETMONTHDELTA message explicitly.

Sets the minimum and maximum allowable dates for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETRANGE message explicitly.

Sets the selection for a month calendar control to a given date range. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETSELRANGE message explicitly.

Sets the "today" selection for a month calendar control. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SETTODAY message explicitly.

Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (MonthCal_SetUnicodeFormat)

Calculates how many calendars will fit in the given rectangle, and then returns the minimum size that a rectangle needs to be to fit that number of calendars. You can use this macro or send the MCM_SIZERECTTOMIN message explicitly.

Enables or disables mouse forwarding for the pager control. When mouse forwarding is enabled, the pager control forwards WM_MOUSEMOVE messages to the contained window. You can use this macro or send the PGM_FORWARDMOUSE message explicitly.

Retrieves the current background color for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_GETBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Retrieves the current border size for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_GETBORDER message explicitly.

Retrieves the current button size for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_GETBUTTONSIZE message explicitly.

Retrieves the state of the specified button in a pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_GETBUTTONSTATE message explicitly.

Retrieves a pager control's IDropTarget interface pointer. You can use this macro or send the PGM_GETDROPTARGET message explicitly.

Retrieves the current scroll position of the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_GETPOS message explicitly.

Forces the pager control to recalculate the size of the contained window. Using this macro will result in a PGN_CALCSIZE notification being sent. You can use this macro or send the PGM_RECALCSIZE message explicitly.

Sets the current background color for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_SETBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the current border size for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_SETBORDER message explicitly.

Sets the current button size for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_SETBUTTONSIZE message explicitly.

Sets the contained window for the pager control.

Sets the scroll position for the pager control. You can use this macro or send the PGM_SETPOS message explicitly.

Sets the scrolling parameters of the pager control, including the timeout value, the lines per timeout, and the pixels per line. You can use this macro or send the PGM_SETSETSCROLLINFO message explicitly.

Removes a subclass callback from a window.

Extracts the field 1 value from a packed IP address retrieved with the IPM_GETADDRESS message.

Installs or updates a window subclass callback.

Sets or removes the specified menu item's check mark attribute and shows or hides the corresponding control.

Calculates a tab control's display area given a window rectangle, or calculates the window rectangle that would correspond to a specified display area. You can use this macro or send the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message explicitly.

Removes all items from a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_DELETEALLITEMS message explicitly.

Removes an item from a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_DELETEITEM message explicitly.

Resets items in a tab control, clearing any that were set to the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state. You can use this macro or send the TCM_DESELECTALL message explicitly.

Returns the index of the item that has the focus in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETCURFOCUS message explicitly.

Determines the currently selected tab in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETCURSEL message explicitly.

Retrieves the extended styles that are currently in use for the tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE message explicitly.

Retrieves the image list associated with a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Retrieves information about a tab in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETITEM message explicitly.

Retrieves the number of tabs in the tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETITEMCOUNT message explicitly.

Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a tab in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETITEMRECT message explicitly.

Retrieves the current number of rows of tabs in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETROWCOUNT message explicitly.

Retrieves the handle to the tooltip control associated with a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETTOOLTIPS message explicitly.

Retrieves the UNICODE character format flag for the control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT message explicitly.

Sets the highlight state of a tab item. You can use this macro or send the TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM message explicitly.

Determines which tab, if any, is at a specified screen position. You can use this macro or send the TCM_HITTEST message explicitly.

Inserts a new tab in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_INSERTITEM message explicitly.

Removes an image from a tab control's image list. You can use this macro or send the TCM_REMOVEIMAGE message explicitly.

Sets the focus to a specified tab in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETCURFOCUS message explicitly.

Selects a tab in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETCURSEL message explicitly.

Sets the extended styles that the tab control will use. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE message explicitly.

Assigns an image list to a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Sets some or all of a tab's attributes. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETITEM message explicitly.

Sets the number of bytes per tab reserved for application-defined data in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETITEMEXTRA message explicitly.

Sets the width and height of tabs in a fixed-width or owner-drawn tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETITEMSIZE message explicitly.

Sets the minimum width of items in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH message explicitly.

Sets the amount of space (padding) around each tab's icon and label in a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETPADDING message explicitly.

Assigns a tooltip control to a tab control. You can use this macro or send the TCM_SETTOOLTIPS message explicitly.

Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (TabCtrl_SetUnicodeFormat)

The TaskDialog function creates, displays, and operates a task dialog.

The TaskDialogIndirect function creates, displays, and operates a task dialog.

Extracts the field 2 value from a packed IP address retrieved with the IPM_GETADDRESS message.

Creates a dragging bitmap for the specified item in a tree-view control.

Deletes all items from a tree-view control.

Removes an item and all its children from a tree-view control. You can also send the TVM_DELETEITEM message explicitly.

Begins in-place editing of the specified item's text, replacing the text of the item with a single-line edit control containing the text.

Ends the editing of a tree-view item's label. You can use this macro or send the TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW message explicitly.

Ensures that a tree-view item is visible, expanding the parent item or scrolling the tree-view control, if necessary. You can use this macro or send the TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE message explicitly.

The TreeView_Expand macro expands or collapses the list of child items associated with the specified parent item, if any. You can use this macro or send the TVM_EXPAND message explicitly.

Retrieves the current background color of the control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Gets the check state of the specified item. You can also use the TVM_GETITEMSTATE message directly.

Retrieves the first child item of the specified tree-view item. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_CHILD flag.

Retrieves a count of the items in a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETCOUNT message explicitly.

Retrieves the tree-view item that is the target of a drag-and-drop operation. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_DROPHILITE flag.

Retrieves the handle to the edit control being used to edit a tree-view item's text. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETEDITCONTROL message explicitly.

Retrieves the extended style for a specified tree-view control. Use this macro or send the TVM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE message explicitly.

Retrieves the first visible item in a tree-view control window. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE flag.

Retrieves the handle to the normal or state image list associated with a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Retrieves the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETINDENT message explicitly.

Retrieves the color used to draw the insertion mark for the tree view. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETINSERTMARKCOLOR message explicitly.

Retrieves the incremental search string for a tree-view control. The tree-view control uses the incremental search string to select an item based on characters typed by the user. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING message explicitly.

Retrieves some or all of a tree-view item's attributes. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETITEM message explicitly.

Retrieves the current height of the tree-view items. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETITEMHEIGHT message explicitly.

Retrieves the largest possible bounding rectangle that constitutes the "hit zone" for a specified part of an item. Use this macro or send the TVM_GETITEMPARTRECT message explicitly.

Retrieves the bounding rectangle for a tree-view item and indicates whether the item is visible. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETITEMRECT message explicitly.

Retrieves some or all of a tree-view item's state attributes. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETITEMSTATE message explicitly.

Retrieves the last expanded item in a tree-view control. This does not retrieve the last item visible in the tree-view window. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_LASTVISIBLE flag.

Gets the current line color. You can also use the TVM_GETLINECOLOR message directly.

Retrieves the tree-view item that bears the specified relationship to a specified item. You can use this macro, use one of the TreeView_Get macros described below, or send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message explicitly.

Retrieves the tree-view item that bears the TVGN_NEXTSELECTED relationship to a specified tree item.

Retrieves the next sibling item of a specified item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_NEXT flag.

Retrieves the next visible item that follows a specified item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE flag.

Retrieves the parent item of the specified tree-view item. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_PARENT flag.

Retrieves the previous sibling item of a specified item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_PREVIOUS flag.

Retrieves the first visible item that precedes a specified item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE flag.

Retrieves the topmost or very first item of the tree-view control. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_ROOT flag.

Retrieves the maximum scroll time for the tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETSCROLLTIME message explicitly.

TreeView_GetSelectedCount macro

Retrieves the currently selected item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro, or you can explicitly send the TVM_GETNEXTITEM message with the TVGN_CARET flag.

Retrieves the current text color of the control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETTEXTCOLOR message explicitly.

Retrieves the handle to the child tooltip control used by a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETTOOLTIPS message explicitly.

Retrieves the Unicode character format flag for the control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETUNICODEFORMAT message explicitly.

Obtains the number of items that can be fully visible in the client window of a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT message explicitly.

Determines the location of the specified point relative to the client area of a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_HITTEST message explicitly.

Inserts a new item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_INSERTITEM message explicitly.

Maps an accessibility ID to an HTREEITEM. You can use this macro or send the TVM_MAPACCIDTOHTREEITEM message explicitly.

Maps an HTREEITEM to an accessibility ID. You can use this macro or send the TVM_MAPHTREEITEMTOACCID message explicitly.

Selects the specified tree-view item, scrolls the item into view, or redraws the item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation.

Redraws a specified tree-view control item in the style used to indicate the target of a drag-and-drop operation. You can use this macro or the TreeView_Select macro, or you can send the TVM_SELECTITEM message explicitly.

Selects the specified tree-view item. You can use this macro or the TreeView_Select macro, or you can send the TVM_SELECTITEM message explicitly.

Scrolls the tree-view control vertically to ensure that the specified item is visible.

Sets information used to determine auto-scroll characteristics. Use this macro or send the TVM_SETAUTOSCROLLINFO message explicitly.

Sets the background color of the control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETBKCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets the size of the border for the items in a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETBORDER message explicitly.

Sets the item's state image to "checked" or "unchecked." You can also use the TVM_SETITEM message directly.

Sets the extended style for a specified TreeView control. Use this macro or send the TVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE message explicitly.

Sets the hot item for a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETHOT message explicitly.

Sets the normal or state image list for a tree-view control and redraws the control using the new images. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETIMAGELIST message explicitly.

Sets the width of indentation for a tree-view control and redraws the control to reflect the new width. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETINDENT message explicitly.

Sets the insertion mark in a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETINSERTMARK message explicitly.

Sets the color used to draw the insertion mark for the tree view. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETINSERTMARKCOLOR message explicitly.

The TreeView_SetItem macro sets some or all of a tree-view item's attributes. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETITEM message explicitly.

Sets the height of the tree-view items. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETITEMHEIGHT message explicitly.

Sets a tree-view item's state attributes. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETITEM message explicitly.

Sets the current line color. You can also use the TVM_SETLINECOLOR message directly.

Sets the maximum scroll time for the tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETSCROLLTIME message explicitly.

Sets the text color of the control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR message explicitly.

Sets a tree-view control's child tooltip control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SETTOOLTIPS message explicitly.

Sets the Unicode character format flag for the control. (TreeView_SetUnicodeFormat)

Shows the infotip for a specified item in a tree-view control. Use this macro or send the TVM_SHOWINFOTIP message explicitly.

Sorts the child items of the specified parent item in a tree-view control. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SORTCHILDREN message explicitly.

Sorts tree-view items using an application-defined callback function that compares the items. You can use this macro or send the TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB message explicitly.

Uninitializes flat scroll bars for a particular window. The specified window will revert to standard scroll bars.

Callback functions


The LVGroupCompare function is an application-defined callback function used with the LVM_INSERTGROUPSORTED and LVM_SORTGROUPS messages.

The TaskDialogCallbackProc function is an application-defined function used with the TaskDialogIndirect function.

Defines the prototype for the callback function used by RemoveWindowSubclass and SetWindowSubclass.



Contains information about an image list that is used with a button control.

Contains information that defines a split button (BS_SPLITBUTTON and BS_DEFSPLITBUTTON styles). Used with the BCM_GETSPLITINFO and BCM_SETSPLITINFO messages.

Contains information used by the CreateMappedBitmap function to map the colors of the bitmap.

Contains information for the drawing of buttons in a toolbar or rebar.

Contains information about an item in a ComboBoxEx control. (ANSI)

Contains information about an item in a ComboBoxEx control. (Unicode)

Contains information about a date and time picker (DTP) control.

Contains information about a drag event. The pointer to DRAGLISTINFO is passed as the lParam parameter of the drag list message.

Contains information about a balloon tip associated with a button control.

Contains information about header control text filters. (ANSI)

Contains information about header control text filters. (Unicode)

Contains information about a hit test. This structure is used with the HDM_HITTEST message and it supersedes the HD_HITTESTINFO structure.

Contains information about an item in a header control. This structure supersedes the HD_ITEM structure. (ANSI)

Contains information about an item in a header control. This structure supersedes the HD_ITEM structure. (Unicode)

Contains information used to set the size and position of a header control. HDLAYOUT is used with the HDM_LAYOUT message. This structure supersedes the HD_LAYOUT structure.

The IMAGEINFO structure contains information about an image in an image list. This structure is used with the IImageList::GetImageInfo function.

The IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS structure contains information about an image list draw operation and is used with the IImageList::Draw function.

Carries information used to load common control classes from the dynamic-link library (DLL). This structure is used with the InitCommonControlsEx function.

Used to get information about the link corresponding to a given location.

Used to set and retrieve information about a link item.

Contains information about the background image of a list-view control. This structure is used for both setting and retrieving background image information. (ANSI)

Contains information about the background image of a list-view control. This structure is used for both setting and retrieving background image information. (Unicode)

Contains information about a column in report view. This structure is used both for creating and manipulating columns. This structure supersedes the LV_COLUMN structure. (ANSI)

Contains information about a column in report view. This structure is used both for creating and manipulating columns. This structure supersedes the LV_COLUMN structure. (Unicode)

Contains information used when searching for a list-view item. This structure is identical to LV_FINDINFO but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions. (ANSI)

Contains information used when searching for a list-view item. This structure is identical to LV_FINDINFO but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions. (Unicode)

Contains information on a footer in a list-view control.

Contains information on a footer item.

Used to set and retrieve groups.

Contains information about the display of groups in a list-view control.

Contains information about a hit test.

Used to sort groups. It is used with LVM_INSERTGROUPSORTED.

Used to describe insertion points.

Specifies or receives the attributes of a list-view item. This structure has been updated to support a new mask value (LVIF_INDENT) that enables item indenting. This structure supersedes the LV_ITEM structure. (ANSI)

Contains index information about a list-view item.

Specifies or receives the attributes of a list-view item. This structure has been updated to support a new mask value (LVIF_INDENT) that enables item indenting. This structure supersedes the LV_ITEM structure. (Unicode)

Provides information about tooltip text that is to be set.

Provides information about an item in a list-view control when it is displayed in tile view.

Provides information about a list-view control when it is displayed in tile view.

Contains information about part of a calendar control.

Carries information specific to hit-testing points for a month calendar control. This structure is used with the MCM_HITTEST message and the corresponding MonthCal_HitTest macro.

Contains information about a BCN_DROPDOWN notification.

Contains information about the movement of the mouse over a button control.

Contains information used with the CBEN_DRAGBEGIN notification code. (ANSI)

Contains information used with the CBEN_DRAGBEGIN notification code. (Unicode)

Contains information about the conclusion of an edit operation within a ComboBoxEx control. This structure is used with the CBEN_ENDEDIT notification code. (ANSI)

Contains information about the conclusion of an edit operation within a ComboBoxEx control. This structure is used with the CBEN_ENDEDIT notification code. (Unicode)

Contains information used with character notification messages.

Contains information specific to ComboBoxEx items for use with notification codes. (ANSI)

Contains information specific to ComboBoxEx items for use with notification codes. (Unicode)

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification code.

Contains information about the two rectangles of a split button. Sent with the NM_GETCUSTOMSPLITRECT notification.

Contains information used with custom text notification.

Contains information about a change that has taken place in a date and time picker (DTP) control. This structure is used with the DTN_DATETIMECHANGE notification code.

Contains information about a portion of the format string that defines a callback field within a date and time picker (DTP) control. (ANSI)

Contains information about a date and time picker (DTP) control callback field. (ANSI)

Contains information about a date and time picker (DTP) control callback field. (Unicode)

Contains information about a portion of the format string that defines a callback field within a date and time picker (DTP) control. (Unicode)

Contains information specific to an edit operation that has taken place in a date and time picker (DTP) control. This message is used with the DTN_USERSTRING notification code. (ANSI)

Contains information specific to an edit operation that has taken place in a date and time picker (DTP) control. This message is used with the DTN_USERSTRING notification code. (Unicode)

Carries information used to describe and handle a DTN_WMKEYDOWN notification code. (ANSI)

Carries information used to describe and handle a DTN_WMKEYDOWN notification code. (Unicode)

Carries information required to process the MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification code. All members of this structure are for input, except prgDayState, which the receiving application must set when processing MCN_GETDAYSTATE.

Contains information used in handling HDN_GETDISPINFO notification codes. (ANSI)

Contains information used in handling HDN_GETDISPINFO notification codes. (Unicode)

Specifies or receives the attributes of a filter button click.

Contains information about header control notification messages. This structure supersedes the HD_NOTIFY structure. (ANSI)

Contains information about header control notification messages. This structure supersedes the HD_NOTIFY structure. (Unicode)

Contains information for the IPN_FIELDCHANGED notification code.

Contains information about an LVN_ITEMACTIVATE notification code.

Contains information used with key notification messages.

The NMLINK Contains notification information. Send this structure with the NM_CLICK or NM_RETURN messages.

Contains information about a list-view notification message. This structure is the same as the NM_LISTVIEW structure but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions.

Contains information used to update the cached item information for use with a virtual list view.

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW (list view) notification code sent by a list-view control.

Contains information about an LVN_GETDISPINFO or LVN_SETDISPINFO notification code. This structure is the same as the LV_DISPINFO structure, but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions. (ANSI)

Contains information about an LVN_GETDISPINFO or LVN_SETDISPINFO notification code. This structure is the same as the LV_DISPINFO structure, but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions. (Unicode)

Contains information used with the LVN_GETEMPTYMARKUP notification code.

Contains information the owner needs to find items requested by a virtual list-view control. This structure is used with the LVN_ODFINDITEM notification code. (ANSI)

Contains information the owner needs to find items requested by a virtual list-view control. This structure is used with the LVN_ODFINDITEM notification code. (Unicode)

Contains and receives list-view item information needed to display a tooltip for an item. This structure is used with the LVN_GETINFOTIP notification code. (ANSI)

Contains and receives list-view item information needed to display a tooltip for an item. This structure is used with the LVN_GETINFOTIP notification code. (Unicode)

Contains information used in processing the LVN_KEYDOWN notification code. This structure is the same as the NMLVKEYDOWN structure but has been renamed to fit standard naming conventions.

Contains information about an LVN_LINKCLICK notification code.

Structure that contains information for use in processing the LVN_ODSTATECHANGED notification code.

Provides information about a scrolling operation.

Contains information used with mouse notification messages.

Contains information used with the TBN_GETOBJECT, TCN_GETOBJECT, and PSN_GETOBJECT notification codes.

Contains and receives information that the pager control uses to calculate the scrollable area of the contained window. It is used with the PGN_CALCSIZE notification.

Contains information used with the PGN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification code.

Contains and receives information that the pager control uses when scrolling the contained window. It is used with the PGN_SCROLL notification.

Contains information used in handling the RBN_AUTOSIZE notification codes.

Contains information used in handling various rebar notifications.

Contains information used with the RBN_AUTOBREAK notification code.

Contains information used in handling the RBN_CHEVRONPUSHED notification code.

Contains information used in handling the RBN_CHILDSIZE notification code.

Contains information used to handle an RBN_SPLITTERDRAG notification code.

Contains information used to handle an EN_SEARCHWEB notification code.

Carries information required to process the MCN_SELCHANGE notification code.

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification code sent by a toolbar control.

Contains and receives display information for a toolbar item. This structure is used with the TBN_GETDISPINFO notification code. (ANSI)

Contains and receives display information for a toolbar item. This structure is used with the TBN_GETDISPINFO notification code. (Unicode)

Contains and receives infotip information for a toolbar item. This structure is used with the TBN_GETINFOTIP notification code. (ANSI)

Contains and receives infotip information for a toolbar item. This structure is used with the TBN_GETINFOTIP notification code. (Unicode)

Contains information used with the TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE notification code.

Allows applications to extract the information that was placed in NMTBSAVE when the toolbar state was saved. This structure is passed to applications when they receive a TBN_RESTORE notification code.

This structure is passed to applications when they receive a TBN_SAVE notification code. It contains information about the button currently being saved. Applications can modify the values of the members to save additional information.

Contains information about a key press in a tab control. It is used with the TCN_KEYDOWN notification code. This structure supersedes the TC_KEYDOWN structure.

Contains information used to process toolbar notification codes. This structure supersedes the TBNOTIFY structure. (ANSI)

Contains information used to process toolbar notification codes. This structure supersedes the TBNOTIFY structure. (Unicode)

Contains information used with NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED notification codes.

Contains information about a trackbar change notification. This message is sent with the TRBN_THUMBPOSCHANGING notification.

Contains information about a tree-view notification message. This structure is identical to the NM_TREEVIEW structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. (ANSI)

Contains information about a tree-view notification message. This structure is identical to the NM_TREEVIEW structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. (Unicode)

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification code sent by a tooltip control.

Contains information used in handling the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification code. This structure supersedes the TOOLTIPTEXT structure. (ANSI)

Contains information used in handling the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification code. This structure supersedes the TOOLTIPTEXT structure. (Unicode)

Contains an explanation of why the draw of an icon or overlay tree item failed.

Contains information specific to an NM_CUSTOMDRAW (tree view) notification code sent by a tree-view control.

Contains and receives display information for a tree-view item. This structure is identical to the TV_DISPINFO structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. (ANSI)

Contains information pertaining to extended TreeView notification information. (ANSI)

Contains information pertaining to extended TreeView notification information. (Unicode)

Contains and receives display information for a tree-view item. This structure is identical to the TV_DISPINFO structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. (Unicode)

Contains and receives tree-view item information needed to display a tooltip for an item. This structure is used with the TVN_GETINFOTIP notification code. (ANSI)

Contains and receives tree-view item information needed to display a tooltip for an item. This structure is used with the TVN_GETINFOTIP notification code. (Unicode)

Contains information on a tree-view item change. This structure is sent with the TVN_ITEMCHANGED and TVN_ITEMCHANGING notifications.

Contains information about a keyboard event in a tree-view control. This structure is used with the TVN_KEYDOWN notification code. The structure is identical to the TV_KEYDOWN structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions.

Contains information about an NM_TVSTATEIMAGECHANGING notification code.

Contains information specific to up-down control notification messages. It is identical to and replaces the NM_UPDOWN structure.

Stores information required to process the MCN_VIEWCHANGE notification code.

Contains information about the high and low limits of a progress bar control. This structure is used with the PBM_GETRANGE message.

Contains information specific to a hit test operation. This structure is used with the RB_HITTEST message.

Contains information that defines a band in a rebar control. (ANSI)

Contains information that defines a band in a rebar control. (Unicode)

Contains information that describes rebar control characteristics.

The TASKDIALOG_BUTTON structure contains information used to display a button in a task dialog. The TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure uses this structure.

The TASKDIALOGCONFIG structure contains information used to display a task dialog. The TaskDialogIndirect function uses this structure.

Adds a bitmap that contains button images to a toolbar.

Contains information about a button in a toolbar.

Contains or receives information for a specific button in a toolbar. (ANSI)

Contains or receives information for a specific button in a toolbar. (Unicode)

Contains information on the insertion mark in a toolbar control.

Defines the metrics of a toolbar that are used to shrink or expand toolbar items.

Used with the TB_REPLACEBITMAP message to replace one toolbar bitmap with another.

Specifies the location in the registry where the TB_SAVERESTORE message stores and retrieves information about the state of a toolbar. (ANSI)

Specifies the location in the registry where the TB_SAVERESTORE message stores and retrieves information about the state of a toolbar. (Unicode)

Contains information about a hit test. This structure supersedes the TC_HITTESTINFO structure.

Specifies or receives the attributes of a tab item. It is used with the TCM_INSERTITEM, TCM_GETITEM, and TCM_SETITEM messages. This structure supersedes the TC_ITEM structure. (ANSI)

Specifies or receives the attributes of a tab. It is used with the TCM_INSERTITEM, TCM_GETITEM, and TCM_SETITEM messages. This structure supersedes the TC_ITEMHEADER structure. (ANSI)

Specifies or receives the attributes of a tab. It is used with the TCM_INSERTITEM, TCM_GETITEM, and TCM_SETITEM messages. This structure supersedes the TC_ITEMHEADER structure. (Unicode)

Specifies or receives the attributes of a tab item. It is used with the TCM_INSERTITEM, TCM_GETITEM, and TCM_SETITEM messages. This structure supersedes the TC_ITEM structure. (Unicode)

Provides information about the title of a tooltip control.

Contains information that a tooltip control uses to determine whether a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool. If the point is in the rectangle, the structure receives information about the tool. (ANSI)

Contains information that a tooltip control uses to determine whether a point is in the bounding rectangle of the specified tool. If the point is in the rectangle, the structure receives information about the tool. (Unicode)

The TOOLINFO structure contains information about a tool in a tooltip control. (ANSI)

The TOOLINFO structure contains information about a tool in a tooltip control. (Unicode)

Contains information for identifying the "hit zone" for a specified part of a tree item. The structure is used with the TVM_GETITEMPARTRECT message and the TreeView_GetItemPartRect macro.

Contains information used to determine the location of a point relative to a tree-view control.

Contains information used to add a new item to a tree-view control. This structure is used with the TVM_INSERTITEM message. The structure is identical to the TV_INSERTSTRUCT structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. (ANSI)

Contains information used to add a new item to a tree-view control. This structure is used with the TVM_INSERTITEM message. The structure is identical to the TV_INSERTSTRUCT structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. (Unicode)

Specifies or receives attributes of a tree-view item. This structure is identical to the TV_ITEM structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. New applications should use this structure. (ANSI)

Specifies or receives attributes of a tree-view item. This structure is an enhancement to the TVITEM structure. New applications should use this structure where appropriate. (ANSI)

Specifies or receives attributes of a tree-view item. This structure is an enhancement to the TVITEM structure. New applications should use this structure where appropriate. (Unicode)

Specifies or receives attributes of a tree-view item. This structure is identical to the TV_ITEM structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions. New applications should use this structure. (Unicode)

Contains information used to sort child items in a tree-view control. This structure is used with the TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB message. This structure is identical to the TV_SORTCB structure, but it has been renamed to follow current naming conventions.

Contains acceleration information for an up-down control.



Indicates the end of line character used by an edit control.

Defines constants that indicate the entry point of a web search.