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NuGet 3.2 Release Notes

NuGet 3.2-RC Release Notes | NuGet 3.2.1 Release Notes

NuGet 3.2 was released September 16, 2015 as a collection of improvements and fixes for the 3.1.1 release and is available from both and the Visual Studio Gallery.

New Features

  • Projects that live in the same folder can now have different project.json files in that folder specific to each project. For each project, name the project.json file {ProjectName}.project.json and NuGet will give preference to that configuration for each project appropriately. This is only supported with Windows 10 Tools v1.1 installed - 1102
  • NuGet clients support specifying a global NUGET_PACKAGES environment variable to specify the location of the shared global packages folder used in project.json managed projects with Windows 10 tools v1.1.

Command-line updates

This is the first version of the nuget.exe client that supports the NuGet v3 servers and restoring packages for projects managed with a project.json file.

There were a number of authenticated feed issues that were addressed in this release to improve interactions with the client.

  • Install / restore interactions only submit credentials for the initial request to the authenticated feed - 1300, 456
  • Push command does not resolve credentials from configuration - 1248
  • User agent and headers are now submitted to NuGet repositories to help with statistics tracking - 929

We made a number of improvements to better handle network failures while attempting to work with a remote NuGet repository:

  • Improved error messages when unable to connect to remote feeds - 1238
  • Corrected NuGet restore command to properly return a 1 when an error condition occurs - 1186
  • Now retrying network connections every 200ms for a maximum of 5 attempts in the case of HTTP 5xx failures - 1120
  • Improved handling of server redirect responses during a push command - 1051
  • nuget install -source now supports either URL or repository name from Nuget.Config as an argument - 1046
  • Missing packages that were not located on a repository during a restore are now reported as errors instead of warnings 1038
  • Corrected multipartwebrequest handling of \r\n for Unix/Linux scenarios - 776

There are a number of fixes to issues with various commands:

  • Push command no longer does a GET before a PUT against a package source - 1237
  • List command no longer repeats version numbers - 1185
  • Pack with the -build argument now properly supports C# 6.0 - 1107
  • Corrected issues attempting to pack an F# project built with Visual Studio 2015 - 1048
  • Restore now no-ops when packages already exist - 1040
  • Improved error messages when packages.config file is malformed - 1034
  • Corrected restore command with -SolutionDirectory switch to work with relative paths - 992
  • Improved Updated command to support solution-wide update - 924

A complete list of issues addressed in this release can be found in the NuGet GitHub Command-Line milestone.

Visual Studio extension updates

New Features in Visual Studio

  • A new context menu item was added to the Solution Explorer on the solution node that allows packages to be restored without building the solution (1274).

New 'Restore Packages' Context Menu Item

Updates and Fixes in Visual Studio

The fixes for authenticated feeds were rolled up and addressed in the extension as well. The following authentication items were also addressed in the extension:

  • Now correctly treating NuGet v3 authenticated feeds properly, instead of as v2 authenticated feeds - 1216
  • Corrected request for authentication credentials in projects using project.json and communicating with v2 feeds - 1082

Network connectivity had affected the user interface in Visual Studio, and we addressed this with the following fixes:

  • Improved the maintenance of the local cache of package versions - 1096
  • Changed the failure behavior when connecting to a v3 feed to no longer attempt to treat it as a v2 feed - 1253
  • Now preventing install failures when installing a package with multiple package sources - 1183

We improved handling of interactions with build operations:

  • Now continuing to build projects if restoring packages for a single project fails - 1169
  • Installing a package into a project that is depended on by another project in the solution forces a solution rebuild - 981
  • Corrected failed package installs to properly rollback changes to a project - 1265
  • Corrected inadvertent removal of the developmentDependency attribute on a package in packages.config - 1263
  • Calls to install.ps1 now have a proper $package.AssemblyReferences object passed - 1245
  • No longer preventing uninstalls of packages in UWP projects while the project is in a bad state - 1128
  • Solutions containing a mix of packages.config and project.json projects are now properly built without requiring a second build operation - 1122
  • Properly locating app.config files if they are linked or located in a different folder - 1111, 894
  • UWP projects can now install unlisted packages - 1109
  • Package restore is now allowed while a solution is not in a saved state - 1081

Handling updates to configuration files were corrected:

  • No longer removing a targets file delivered from a package on subsequent builds of a project.json managed project - 1288
  • No longer modifying Nuget.Config files during ASP.NET 5 solution build - 1201
  • No longer changing allowed versions constraint during package update - 1130
  • Lock files now remain locked during build - 1127
  • Now modifying packages.config and not rewriting it during updates - 585

Interactions with TFS source control are improved:

  • No longer failing installs for packages that are bound to TFS - 1164, 980
  • Corrected NuGet user interface to allow TFS 2013 integration - 1071
  • Corrected references to packages restored to properly come from a packages folder - 1004

Finally, we also improved these items:

  • Verbosity of log messages reduced for project.json managed projects - 1163
  • Now properly displaying the installed version of a package in the user interface - 1061
  • Packages with dependency ranges specified in their nuspec now have pre-release versions of those dependencies installed for a stable package version - 1304

A complete list of issues addressed for the Visual Studio extension can be found in the NuGet GitHub 3.2 milestone

Known Issues

We continue to track issues on our GitHub issues list which can be found at: