CHttpFile Class
Provides the functionality to request and read files on an HTTP server.
class CHttpFile : public CInternetFile
Name | Description |
CHttpFile::CHttpFile | Creates a CHttpFile object. |
Name | Description |
CHttpFile::AddRequestHeaders | Adds headers to the request sent to an HTTP server. |
CHttpFile::EndRequest | Ends a request sent to an HTTP server with the SendRequestEx member function. |
CHttpFile::GetFileURL | Gets the URL for the specified file. |
CHttpFile::GetObject | Gets the target object of the verb in a request to an HTTP server. |
CHttpFile::GetVerb | Gets the verb that was used in a request to an HTTP server. |
CHttpFile::QueryInfo | Returns the response or request headers from the HTTP server. |
CHttpFile::QueryInfoStatusCode | Retrieves the status code associated with an HTTP request and places it in the supplied dwStatusCode parameter. |
CHttpFile::SendRequest | Sends a request to an HTTP server. |
CHttpFile::SendRequestEx | Sends a request to an HTTP server using the Write or WriteString methods of CInternetFile . |
If your Internet session reads data from an HTTP server, you must create an instance of CHttpFile
To learn more about how CHttpFile
works with the other MFC Internet classes, see the article Internet Programming with WinInet.
Header: afxinet.h
Call this member function to add one or more HTTP request headers to the HTTP request handle.
BOOL AddRequestHeaders(
LPCTSTR pstrHeaders,
int dwHeadersLen = -1);
BOOL AddRequestHeaders(
CString& str,
A pointer to a string containing the header or headers to append to the request. Each header must be terminated by a CR/LF pair.
Modifies the semantics of the new headers. Can be one of the following:
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE Merges headers of the same name, using the flag to add the first header found to the subsequent header. For example, "Accept: text/*" followed by "Accept: audio/*" results in the formation of the single header "Accept: text/*, audio/*". It is up to the calling application to ensure a cohesive scheme with respect to data received by requests sent with coalesced or separate headers.
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE Performs a remove and add to replace the current header. The header name will be used to remove the current header, and the full value will be used to add the new header. If the header-value is empty and the header is found, it is removed. If not empty, the header-value is replaced.
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW Only adds the header if it does not already exist. If one exists, an error is returned.
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD Used with REPLACE. Adds the header if it doesn't exist.
The length, in characters, of pstrHeaders. If this is -1L, then pstrHeaders is assumed to be zero-terminated and the length is computed.
A reference to a CString object containing the request header or headers to be added.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, the Win32 function GetLastError may be called to determine the cause of the error.
appends additional, free-format headers to the HTTP request handle. It is intended for use by sophisticated clients who need detailed control over the exact request sent to the HTTP server.
The application can pass multiple headers in pstrHeaders or str for an AddRequestHeaders
call using HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW. If the application tries to remove or replace a header using HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REMOVE or HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE, only one header can be supplied in lpszHeaders.
This member function is called to construct a CHttpFile
LPCTSTR pstrObject,
LPCTSTR pstrServer,
LPCTSTR pstrVerb,
DWORD_PTR dwContext);
LPCTSTR pstrVerb,
LPCTSTR pstrObject,
CHttpConnection* pConnection);
A handle to an Internet file.
A handle to an Internet session.
A pointer to a string containing the CHttpFile
A pointer to a string containing the name of the server.
A pointer to a string containing the method to be used when sending the request. Can be POST, HEAD, or GET.
The context identifier for the CHttpFile
object. See Remarks for more information about this parameter.
A pointer to a CHttpConnection object.
You never construct a CHttpFile
object directly; rather call CInternetSession::OpenURL or CHttpConnection::OpenRequest instead.
The default value for dwContext
is sent by MFC to the CHttpFile
object from the CInternetSession object that created the CHttpFile
object. When you call CInternetSession::OpenURL
or CHttpConnection
to construct a CHttpFile
object, you can override the default to set the context identifier to a value of your choosing. The context identifier is returned to CInternetSession::OnStatusCallback to provide status on the object with which it is identified. See the article Internet First Steps: WinInet for more information about the context identifier.
Call this member function to end a request sent to an HTTP server with the SendRequestEx member function.
BOOL EndRequest(
DWORD dwFlags = 0,
DWORD_PTR dwContext = 1);
Flags describing the operation. For a list of the appropriate flags, see HttpEndRequest in the Windows SDK.
Pointer to an initialized INTERNET_BUFFERS that describes the input buffer used for the operation.
The context identifier for the CHttpFile
operation. See Remarks for more information about this parameter.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException object.
The default value for dwContext is sent by MFC to the CHttpFile
object from the CInternetSession object that created the CHttpFile
object. When you call CInternetSession::OpenURL or CHttpConnection to construct a CHttpFile
object, you can override the default to set the context identifier to a value of your choosing. The context identifier is returned to CInternetSession::OnStatusCallback to provide status on the object with which it is identified. See article Internet First Steps: WinInet for more information about the context identifier.
Call this member function to get the name of the HTTP file as a URL.
virtual CString GetFileURL() const;
A CString object containing a URL referencing the resource associated with this file.
Use this member function only after a successful call to SendRequest or on a CHttpFile
object successfully created by OpenURL.
Call this member function to get the name of the object associated with this CHttpFile
CString GetObject() const;
A CString object containing the name of the object.
Use this member function only after a successful call to SendRequest or on a CHttpFile
object successfully created by OpenURL.
Call this member function to get the HTTP verb (or method) associated with this CHttpFile
CString GetVerb() const;
A CString object containing the name of the HTTP verb (or method).
Use this member function only after a successful call to SendRequest or on a CHttpFile
object successfully created by OpenURL.
Call this member function to return response or request headers from an HTTP request.
BOOL QueryInfo(
DWORD dwInfoLevel,
LPVOID lpvBuffer,
LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength,
LPDWORD lpdwIndex = NULL) const;
BOOL QueryInfo(
DWORD dwInfoLevel,
CString& str,
LPDWORD dwIndex = NULL) const;
BOOL QueryInfo(
DWORD dwInfoLevel,
LPDWORD dwIndex = NULL) const;
A combination of the attribute to query and the following flags that specify the type of information requested:
HTTP_QUERY_CUSTOM Finds the header name and returns this value in lpvBuffer on output. HTTP_QUERY_CUSTOM throws an assertion if the header isn't found.
HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_REQUEST_HEADERS Typically, the application queries the response headers, but an application can also query request headers by using this flag.
HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_SYSTEMTIME For those headers whose value is a date/time string, such as "Last-Modified-Time," this flag returns the header value as a standard Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure that does not require the application to parse the data. If you use this flag, you may want to use the
override of the function.HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER For those headers whose value is a number, such as the status code, this flag returns the data as a 32-bit number.
See the Remarks section for a list of the possible values.
A pointer to the buffer that receives the information.
On entry, this points to a value containing the length of the data buffer, in number of characters or bytes. See the Remarks section for more detailed information about this parameter.
A pointer to a zero-based header index. Can be NULL. Use this flag to enumerate multiple headers with the same name. On input, lpdwIndex indicates the index of the specified header to return. On output, lpdwIndex indicates the index of the next header. If the next index cannot be found, ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND is returned.
A reference to the CString object receiving the returned information.
An index value. See lpdwIndex.
A pointer to a Win32 SYSTEMTIME structure.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, the Win32 function GetLastError may be called to determine the cause of the error.
Use this member function only after a successful call to SendRequest or on a CHttpFile
object successfully created by OpenURL.
You can retrieve the following types of data from QueryInfo
strings (default)
(for "Data:" "Expires:" etc, headers)DWORD (for STATUS_CODE, CONTENT_LENGTH, etc.)
When a string is written to the buffer, and the member function succeeds, lpdwBufferLength
contains the length of the string in characters minus 1 for the terminating NULL character.
The possible dwInfoLevel values include:
Call this member function to get the status code associated with an HTTP request and place it in the supplied dwStatusCode parameter.
BOOL QueryInfoStatusCode(DWORD& dwStatusCode) const;
A reference to a status code. Status codes indicate the success or failure of the requested event. See Remarks for a selection of status code descriptions.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, the Win32 function GetLastError may be called to determine the cause of the error.
Use this member function only after a successful call to SendRequest or on a CHttpFile
object successfully created by OpenURL.
HTTP status codes fall into groups indicating the success or failure of the request. The following tables outline the status code groups and the most common HTTP status codes.
Group | Meaning |
200-299 | Success |
300-399 | Information |
400-499 | Request error |
500-599 | Server error |
Common HTTP Status Codes:
Status code | Meaning |
200 | URL located, transmission follows |
400 | Unintelligible request |
404 | Requested URL not found |
405 | Server does not support requested method |
500 | Unknown server error |
503 | Server capacity reached |
Call this member function to send a request to an HTTP server.
BOOL SendRequest(
LPCTSTR pstrHeaders = NULL,
DWORD dwHeadersLen = 0,
LPVOID lpOptional = NULL,
DWORD dwOptionalLen = 0);
BOOL SendRequest(
CString& strHeaders,
LPVOID lpOptional = NULL,
DWORD dwOptionalLen = 0);
A pointer to a string containing the name of the headers to send.
The length of the headers identified by pstrHeaders.
Any optional data to send immediately after the request headers. This is generally used for POST and PUT operations. This can be NULL if there is no optional data to send.
The length of lpOptional.
A string containing the name of the headers for the request being sent.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException object.
Call this member function to send a request to an HTTP server.
BOOL SendRequestEx(
DWORD dwTotalLen,
DWORD_PTR dwContext = 1);
BOOL SendRequestEx(
DWORD_PTR dwContext = 1);
Number of bytes to be sent in the request.
Flags describing the operation. For a list of appropriate flags, see HttpSendRequestEx in the Windows SDK.
The context identifier for the CHttpFile
operation. See Remarks for more information about this parameter.
Pointer to an initialized INTERNET_BUFFERS that describes the input buffer used for the operation.
Pointer to an initialized INTERNET_BUFFERS that describes the output buffer used for the operation.
Nonzero if successful. If the call fails, determine the cause of the failure by examining the thrown CInternetException object.
This function allows your application to send data using the Write and WriteString methods of CInternetFile
. You must know the length of the data to send before calling either override of this function. The first override allows you to specify the length of data you'd like to send. The second override accepts pointers to INTERNET_BUFFERS structures, which can be used to describe the buffer in great detail.
After content is written to the file, call EndRequest to end the operation.
The default value for dwContext is sent by MFC to the CHttpFile
object from the CInternetSession object that created the CHttpFile
object. When you call CInternetSession::OpenURL or CHttpConnection to construct a CHttpFile
object, you can override the default to set the context identifier to a value of your choosing. The context identifier is returned to CInternetSession::OnStatusCallback to provide status on the object with which it is identified. See the article Internet First Steps: WinInet for more information about the context identifier.
This code fragment sends the content of a string to a DLL named MFCISAPI.DLL on the LOCALHOST server. While this example uses only one call to WriteString
, using multiple calls to send data in blocks is acceptable.
CString strData = _T("Some very long data to be POSTed here!");
pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(_T("localhost"));
pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(CHttpConnection::HTTP_VERB_POST,
CInternetFile Class
Hierarchy Chart
CInternetFile Class
CGopherFile Class
CHttpConnection Class