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Tracking schemas for B2B transactions in Standard workflows for Azure Logic Apps (Preview)

Applies to: Azure Logic Apps (Standard)


This capability is in preview and is subject to the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews.

Azure Logic Apps includes built-in tracking that you can enable for parts of your Standard workflow. To help you monitor the successful delivery or receipt, errors, and properties for business-to-business (B2B) messages, this guide helps you better understand the tables that store B2B tracking data for your transactions.


This article applies only to Standard logic app workflows. For information about monitoring Consumption logic app workflows, see the following documentation:

AS2TrackRecords tracking table for AS2

The Azure Database Explorer table named AS2TrackRecords stores all AS2 tracking data. The following sample describes the query that creates this table and the required order for specifying the table columns:

.create table AS2TrackRecords (
   IntegrationAccountSubscriptionId: string, // Subscription ID for the integration account.
   IntegrationAccountResourceGroup: string, // Resource group for the integration account.
   IntegrationAccountName: string, // Name for the integration account.
   IntegrationAccountId: string, // ID for the integration account.
   WorkflowRunOperationInfo: dynamic, // Operation information for the workflow run. This dynamic type uses a specific JSON schema.
   ClientRequestId: string, // Client request ID.
   EventTime: datetime, // Time of the event.
   Error: dynamic, // Error, if any.
   RecordType: string, // Type of tracking record.
   Direction: string, // Message flow direction, which is either 'send' or 'receive'.
   IsMessageFailed: bool, // Whether the AS2 message failed.
   MessageProperties: dynamic, // Message properties. This dynamic type uses different schema based on the tracking record type.
   AdditionalProperties: dynamic, // Additional properties.
   TrackingId: string, // Custom tracking ID, if any.
   AgreementName: string, // Name for the AS2 agreement that resolves the messages.
   As2From: string, // Name for the AS2 message sender in the AS2 message headers.
   As2To: string, // Name for the AS2 message receiver in the AS2 headers.
   ReceiverPartnerName: string, // Partner name for the AS2 message receiver.
   SenderPartnerName: string, // Partner name for the AS2 message sender.
   MessageId: string, // AS2 message ID.
   OriginalMessageId: string,// Original AS2 message ID.
   CorrelationMessageId: string, // Message ID for correlating AS2 messages with Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs).
   IsMdnExpected: bool // Whether the Message Dispoition Notification (MDN) is expected.


The WorkflowRunOperationInfo table column has a dynamic type structure, which uses a specific JSON schema. The MessageProperties table column also has a dynamic type structure, but uses different JSON schema, based on the tracking record type. For more information, see the following sections:

AS2 tracking record - MessageProperties schemas

The MessageProperties table column has a dynamic type structure that uses different JSON schema, based on the tracking record type.

AS2 message - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an AS2 message:

   "direction": "",
   "messageId": "",
   "dispositionType": "",
   "fileName": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "isMessageSigned": "",
   "isMessageEncrypted": "",
   "isMessageCompressed": "",
   "correlationMessageId": "",
   "incomingHeaders": {},
   "outgoingHeaders": {},
   "isNrrEnabled": "",
   "isMdnExpected": "",
   "mdnType": ""
Property Type Description
direction String Message flow direction (send or receive)
messageId String AS2 message ID from AS2 message header
dispositionType String Disposition type for the Message Disposition Notification (MDN)
fileName String File name from the AS2 message header
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the AS2 message failed
isMessageSigned Boolean Whether the AS2 message was signed
isMessageEncrypted Boolean Whether the AS2 message was encrypted
isMessageCompressed Boolean Whether the AS2 message was compressed
correlationMessageId String Message ID for correlating AS2 messages with Message Disposition Notifications (MDNs)
incomingHeaders JToken dictionary Header details for the incoming AS2 message
outgoingHeaders JToken dictionary Header details for the outgoing AS2 message
isNrrEnabled Boolean Whether Non-Repudiation of Receipt (NRR) is enabled
isMdnExpected Boolean Is the Message Disposition Notification (MDN) expected
mdnType Enum Allowed values: NotConfigured, Sync, and Async

AS2 MDN - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an AS2 MDN:

   "direction": "",
   "messageId": "",
   "originalMessageId": "",
   "dispositionType": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "isMessageSigned": "",
   "isNrrEnabled": "",
   "statusCode": "",
   "micVerificationStatus" "",
   "correlationMessageId": "",
   "incomingHeaders": {},
   "outgoingHeaders": {},
Property Type Description
direction String Message flow direction (send or receive)
messageId String AS2 message ID from AS2 message header
originalMessageId String Message ID for the original AS2 message
dispositionType String Disposition type for the Message Disposition Notification (MDN)
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the AS2 message failed
isMessageSigned Boolean Whether the AS2 message was signed
isNrrEnabled Boolean Whether Non-Repudiation of Receipt (NRR) is enabled
statusCode Enum Allowed values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
micVerificationStatus Enum Allowed values: NotApplicable, Succeeded, and Failed
correlationMessageId String Correlation ID, which is the ID for the original message that has the MDN configured
incomingHeaders JToken dictionary Header details for the incoming AS2 message
outgoingHeaders JToken dictionary Header details for the outgoing AS2 message

EdiTrackRecords tracking table for X12

The Azure Database Explorer table named EdiTrackRecords stores all X12 tracking data. The following sample describes the query that creates this table and the required order for specifying the table columns:

.create table EdiTrackRecords (
   IntegrationAccountSubscriptionId: string, // Subscription ID for the integration account.
   IntegrationAccountResourceGroup: string, // Resource group for the integration account.
   IntegrationAccountName: string, // Name for the integration account.
   IntegrationAccountId: string, // ID for the integration account.
   WorkflowRunOperationInfo: dynamic, // Operation information for the workflow run.
   ClientRequestId: string, // Client request ID.
   EventTime: datetime, // Time of the event.
   Error: dynamic, // Error, if any.
   RecordType: string, // Type of tracking record.
   Direction: string, // Message flow direction, which is either 'receive' or 'send'.
   IsMessageFailed: bool, // Whether the message failed.
   MessageProperties: dynamic, // Message properties.
   AdditionalProperties: dynamic, // Additional properties.
   TrackingId: string, // Custom tracking ID, if any.
   AgreementName: string, // Name for the agreement that resolves the messages.
   SenderPartnerName: string, // Partner name for the message sender.
   ReceiverPartnerName: string, // Partner name for the X12 message receiver.
   SenderQualifier: string, // Qualifier for the partner X12 message sender.
   SenderIdentifier: string, // Identifier for the partner X12 message sender.
   ReceiverQualifier: string, // Qualifier for the partner X12 message receiver.
   ReceiverIdentifier: string, // Identiifer for the partner X12 message receiver.
   TransactionSetControlNumber: string, // Control number for the transaction set.
   FunctionalGroupControlNumber: string, // Control number for the functional group.
   InterchangeControlNumber: string, // Control number for the interchange.
   MessageType: string, // Transaction set or document type.
   RespondingTransactionSetControlNumber: string, // Control number for the responding transaction set, in case of acknowledgment.
   RespondingFunctionalGroupControlNumber: string, // Control number for the responding functional group, in case of acknowledgment.
   RespondingInterchangeControlNumber: string, // Control number for the responding interchange, in case of acknowledgement.
   ProcessingStatus: string // Acknowledgment processing status with these permitted values: 'Received', 'Generated', and 'Sent'

X12 tracking record - MessageProperties schemas

The MessageProperties table column has a dynamic type structure that uses different JSON schema, based on the tracking record type.

X12 transaction set - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an X12 transaction set:

   "direction": "",
   "interchangeControlNumber": "",
   "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
   "transactionSetControlNumber": "",
   "correlationMessageId": "",
   "messageType": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
   "isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
   "needAk2LoopForValidMessages": "",
   "segmentsCount": ""
Property Type Description
direction Enum Message flow direction (send or receive)
interchangeControlNumber String Control number for the interchange
functionalGroupControlNumber String Control number for the functional group
transactionSetControlNumber String Control number for the transaction set
correlationMessageId String Message correlation ID, which combines these values: {AgreementName}{Interchange-or-FunctionalGroup-ControlNumber}{TransactionSetControlNumber}
messageType String Transaction set or document type
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected Boolean Whether the technical acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected Boolean Whether the functional acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
needAk2LoopForValidMessages Boolean Whether the AK2 loop is required for a valid message
segmentsCount Integer Number of segments in the X12 transaction set

X12 transaction set acknowledgment - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an X12 transaction set acknowledgment:

   "direction": "",
   "interchangeControlNumber": "",
   "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
   "respondingFunctionalGroupControlNumber": "",
   "respondingFunctionalGroupId": "",
   "respondingTransactionSetId": "",
   "statusCode": "",
   "processingStatus": "",
   "correlationMessageId": "",
   "isMessageFailed": ""
Property Type Description
direction String Message flow direction (send or receive)
interchangeControlNumber String Interchange control number for the functional acknowledgment. This value populates only for the sender when a functional acknowledgment is received for the messages sent to the partner.
functionalGroupControlNumber String Functional group control number for the functional acknowledgment. This value populates only for the sender when a functional acknowledgment is received for the messages sent to the partner.
respondingFunctionalGroupControlNumber String Control number for the responding functional group
respondingFunctionalGroupId String Control number for the responding functional group
respondingTransactionSetId String ID for the responding functional group that maps to AK101 in the acknowledgment
statusCode Boolean Acknowledgment status code for the transaction set
processingStatus Enum Acknowledgment processing status with these permitted values: Received, Generated, and Sent
correlationMessageId String Message correlation ID, which combines these values: {AgreementName}{InterchangeORFunctionalGroupControlNumber}{TransactionSetControlNumber}
isMessageFailed String Whether the X12 message failed

X12 interchange - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an X12 interchange:

   "direction": "",
   "interchangeControlNumber": "",
   "isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "isa09": "",
   "isa10": "",
   "isa11": "",
   "isa12": "",
   "isa14": "",
   "isa15": "",
   "isa16": ""
Property Type Description
direction Enum Message flow direction (send or receive)
interchangeControlNumber String Control number for the interchange
isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected Boolean Whether the technical acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
isa09 String X12 document interchange date
isa10 String X12 document interchange time
isa11 String X12 interchange control standards identifier
isa12 String X12 interchange control version number
isa14 String X12 acknowledgment is requested
isa15 String Indicator for test or production
isa16 String Element separator

X12 interchange acknowledgment - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an X12 interchange acknowledgment:

   "direction": "",
   "interchangeControlNumber": "",
   "respondingInterchangeControlNumber": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "statusCode": "",
   "processingStatus": "",
   "ta102": "",
   "ta103": "",
   "ta105": ""
Property Type Description
direction Enum Message flow direction (send or receive)
interchangeControlNumber String Interchange control number for the technical acknowledgment that is received from partners
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
statusCode Boolean Interchange acknowledgment status code with these permitted values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
processingStatus Enum Acknowledgment processing status with these permitted values: Received, Generated, and Sent
ta102 String Interchange date
ta103 String Interchange time
ta103 String Interchange note code

X12 functional group - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an X12 functional group:

   "direction": "",
   "interchangeControlNumber": "",
   "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
   "isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
   "isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "gs01": "",
   "gs02": "",
   "gs03": "",
   "gs04": "",
   "gs05": "",
   "gs07": "",
   "gs08": ""
Property Type Description
direction Enum Message flow direction (send or receive)
interchangeControlNumber String Control number for the interchange
functionalGroupControlNumber String Control number for the functional group
isTechnicalAcknowledgmentExpected Boolean Whether the technical acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isFunctionalAcknowledgmentExpected Boolean Whether the functional acknowledgment is configured in the X12 agreement
isMessageFailed Boolean Whether the X12 message failed
gs01 String Functional group identifier code
gs02 String Application sender code
gs03 String Application receiver code
gs04 String Functional group date
gs05 String Functional group time
gs07 String Responsible agency code
gs08 String Identifier code for the version, release, or industry

X12 functional group acknowledgment - MessageProperties schema

The following syntax describes the MessageProperties schema when the tracking record type is an X12 functional group acknowledgment:

   "direction": "",
   "interchangeControlNumber": "",
   "functionalGroupControlNumber": "",
   "respondingFunctionalGroupControlNumber": "",
   "respondingFunctionalGroupId": "",
   "isMessageFailed": "",
   "statusCode": "",
   "processingStatus": "",
   "ak903": "",
   "ak904": "",
Property Type Description
direction Enum Message flow direction (send or receive)
interchangeControlNumber String Control number for the interchange. This value populates for the sender when a technical acknowledgment is received from partners.
functionalGroupControlNumber String Control number for the functional group
respondingFunctionalGroupControlNumber String Control number for the original functional group
respondingFunctionalGroupId String Maps to AK101 in the acknowledgment functional group ID
statusCode Enum Acknowledgment status code with these permitted values: Accepted, Rejected, and AcceptedWithErrors
processingStatus String Acknowledgment processing status with these permitted values: Received, Generated, and Sent
ak903 String Number of received transaction sets
ak903 String Number of accepted transaction sets in the identified functional group

WorkflowRunOperationInfo schema

The WorkflowRunOperationInfo table column in the AS2TrackRecords table and EdiTrackRecords table captures information about the Standard logic app workflow run. This column has a dynamic type structure that uses the following JSON schema:

   "title": "WorkflowRunOperationInfo",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "Workflow": {
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "SystemId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The workflow system ID."
            "SubscriptionId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The subscription ID of the workflow."
            "ResourceGroup": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The resource group name of the workflow."
            "LogicAppName": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The logic app name of the workflow."
            "Name": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The name of the workflow."
            "Version": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The version of the workflow."
      "RunInstance": {
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "RunId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The logic app run id."
            "TrackingId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The tracking id of the run."
            "ClientTrackingId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The client tracking id of the run."
      "Operation": {
         "type": "object",
         "properties": {
            "OperationName": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The logic app operation name."
            "RepeatItemScopeName": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The repeat item scope name."
            "RepeatItemIndex": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "The repeat item index."
            "RepeatItemBatchIndex": {
               "type": "integer",
               "description": "The index of the repeat item batch."
            "TrackingId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The tracking id of the logic app operation."
            "CorrelationId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The correlation id of the logic app operation."
            "ClientRequestId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The client request id of the logic app operation."
            "OperationTrackingId": {
               "type": "string",
               "description": "The operation tracking id of the logic app operation."