3 vragen met de tags Windows Server-identiteit en -toegang

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1 antwoord

Weird on-prem authentication issues on AzureAD-Joined Laptops

I’m experiencing an intermittent issue in our hybrid network setup and would love your insights. We have laptops that are AzureAD-joined but not domain-joined, connecting to an on-premises server environment through Zscaler. We also use Windows Hello for…

Windows Server-identiteit en -toegang
gevraagd 2024-12-23T09:51:11+00:00
beantwoord 2024-12-23T11:49:46+00:00
3 antwoorden Een van de antwoorden is geaccepteerd door de auteur van de vraag.

New update FRSM anti-ransomware File Groups list

Dear, To update the list of Anti-Ransomware File Groups on a Windows server, I used to update the list monthly via: (https://fsrm.experiant.ca/api/v1/). However, I recently discovered that the website is down and has not been updated since…

Windows Server-identiteit en -toegang
gevraagd 2024-11-29T10:15:20+00:00
beantwoord 2024-11-29T11:58:34+00:00
1 antwoord

Powershell script run in system context does not have permission to New-DfsReplicationGroup

I am trying to automate our DFS configuration on Windows Server 2022 Datacenter in Azure. We currently have two servers running solely for the purpose of DFS. In this server, we have a Powershell script located at C:\Scripts. We call this script using…

Windows Server-identiteit en -toegang
gevraagd 2024-08-14T13:21:26+00:00
beantwoord 2024-08-14T13:58:03+00:00