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Fallback to internet for Azure Private DNS zones

This article shows you how to set the ResolutionPolicy property in Azure Private DNS to enable fallback to internet recursion when an authoritative NXDOMAIN response is received for a Private Link zone. NXDOMAIN is also known as a negative response. When a DNS resolver receives (or has cached) a negative response, it sends no DNS response to the DNS client and the query fails.


Private DNS queries for Azure Private Link and network isolation scenarios across different tenants and resource groups have unique name resolution paths. This can affect the ability to reach Private Link-enabled resources outside a tenant's control. VM-based workarounds exist to address this issue, but these solutions increase operational complexity and are associated with security risks and higher costs.


The ResolutionPolicy property in Azure Private DNS is a fully managed native solution. This property enables public recursion via Azure’s recursive resolver fleet when an authoritative NXDOMAIN response is received for a private link zone, and the private address fails to resolve. Resolution policy is enabled at the virtual network link level with the NxDomainRedirect setting. In the Azure portal, NxDomainRedirect is enabled by selecting Enable fallback to internet in virtual network link configuration.

Policy definition

The ResolutionPolicy property is available in API version 2024-06-01 or higher. In the following example, resolutionPolicy is set to NxDomainRedirect at the virtualNetworkLinks resource level:

  "id": "'string'",
  "name": '"string'",
  "type": "Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/virtualNetworkLinks",
  "location": "global",
  "properties": {
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded",
    "registrationEnabled": bool,
    "resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
    "virtualNetwork": {
      "id": "'string'"

This setting is available in the Azure portal at: Private DNS zones > Virtual Network Links > Enable fallback to internet.

How it works

An NXDOMAIN (RCODE3) response means the (Private Link) queried domain name doesn't exist. This negative answer typically prevents resolvers from retrying the query until the cached negative answer expires.

When the NxDomainRedirect resolution policy is enabled on a virtual network link, the Azure recursive resolver retries the query. The resolver uses the public endpoint QNAME as the query label each time an NXDOMAIN response is received from PrivateEdge for that private zone scope.

This change can be seen in the CNAME chain resolution.

Server:  UnKnown

Non-authoritative answer:


  • This policy is only available for Private DNS zones associated to Private Link resources.
  • The ResolutionPolicy parameter only accepts Default or NxDomainRedirect as possible values.

Demonstrate fallback to internet resolution

The following example shows how to enable fallback to internet resolution for a private link zone (for example:


  • At least two resource groups: each with a virtual network, and a private endpoint.
    • The resource groups can be in different regions, or the same region.
    • Storage accounts are used with private endpoints in this example, but other PaaS services can be linked.
  • At least one virtual machine in one of the virtual networks is required to run DNS queries.
    • The virtual network where the virtual machine resides should be linked to one of the private link zones.

This guide assumes you have provisioned the prerequisite resources before proceeding. For more information, see Use Azure Private Endpoints.

Review Private DNS zones

  1. On the Azure portal Home page, search for and select Private DNS zones.

  2. Review the list of names and verify that at least two private DNS zones have the same name ( See the following example:

    Screenshot of the list of Private DNS zones.

  3. Select the private link zones and then select Recordsets.

  4. Verify that records for storage accounts are present in each private zone.


    Storage accounts that are in the same resource group have resource records in the same Private DNS zone.
    Storage accounts that are in different resource groups have resource records in different (identically named) Private DNS zones.

Demonstrate DNS resolution failure

  1. Write down the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and IP address for a storage account in the first private link zone shown (for example:,

  2. Also write down the FQDN and IP address for a different Private DNS zone with the same name (for example:,

    • At least one of these Private DNS zones must have a virtual network link to the VNet where you can run queries from a virtual machine.
  3. Open a command prompt on your Azure virtual machine and attempt to resolve the FQDN of both storage accounts. See the following example:

    C:\>dig +short
    C:\>dig +short
  4. Notice that one storage account resolves and the other storage account doesn't resolve.

Configure fallback to internet resolution

  1. Select each of the private DNS zones again, select Virtual Network Links, and then select the pencil "edit" icon. See the following example:

    Screenshot of the editing the virtual network link.

  2. At the bottom of the page, select Enable fallback to internet and then select Save.

    Screenshot of how to enable fallback.

  3. Repeat these steps for each private link zone, and allow time for the virtual network links to update.

  4. Attempt to resolve the FQDN of the storage accounts again. See the following example:

    C:\>dig +short
    C:\>dig +short

    The storage account that wasn't resolving is now successfully resolving via the internet, enabling you to reach this Private Link-enabled resource.

You can use Azure Resource Graph Explorer or the Azure CLI to query for fallback-enabled virtual network links. See the following examples:

| where tostring(properties.resolutionPolicy) contains 'NxDomainRedirect'
| extend privateDnsZone = extract("/privateDnsZones/([^/]+)/", 1, id)
| project privateDnsZone, resourceGroup, properties.resolutionPolicy

Screenshot of a resource graph query.


az graph query -q "resources
| where tostring(properties.resolutionPolicy) contains 'NxDomainRedirect'
| extend privateDnsZone = extract('/privateDnsZones/([^/]+)/', 1, id)
| project privateDnsZone, resourceGroup, properties.resolutionPolicy"


  "count": 4,
  "data": [
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "myresourcegroup"
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "mywestrg2"
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "mywestrg"
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "myeastrg"
  "skip_token": null,
  "total_records": 4

To display the resolution policy values for all private link enabled zones, you can use the following Azure Resource Graph Explorer and Azure CLI queries:

| where tostring(properties) contains 'resolutionPolicy'
| extend privateDnsZone = extract("/privateDnsZones/([^/]+)/", 1, id)
| project privateDnsZone, resourceGroup, properties.resolutionPolicy


az graph query -q "resources
| where tostring(properties) contains 'resolutionPolicy'
| extend privateDnsZone = extract('/privateDnsZones/([^/]+)/', 1, id)
| project privateDnsZone, resourceGroup, properties.resolutionPolicy"

The following Azure CLI example output has one of the private link enabled zones set to Default (fallback disabled) to demonstrate how this is displayed.


  "count": 4,
  "data": [
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "Default",
      "resourceGroup": "mywestrg"
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "myresourcegroup"
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "mywestrg2"
      "privateDnsZone": "",
      "properties_resolutionPolicy": "NxDomainRedirect",
      "resourceGroup": "myeastrg"
  "skip_token": null,
  "total_records": 4

Next steps