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Available Provisioning and Power States for Azure Cloud Services (extended support)

Available Provisioning States for Azure Cloud Services (extended support)

This table lists the different Provisioning states for Cloud Services (extended support) resource.

Status Description
Creating The CSES resource is in the process of creating
Updating The CSES resource is in the state of being updated
Failed The CSES resource is unable to achieve the status requested in the deployment
Succeeded The CSES resource is successfully deployed with the latest deployment request
Deleting The CSES resource is in the process of deleting

Available Role Instance/Power States for Azure Cloud Services (extended support)

This table lists the different power states for Cloud Services (extended support) instances.

State Details
Started The Role Instance is healthy and is currently running
Stopping The Role Instance is in the process of getting stopped
Stopped The Role Instance is in the Stopped State
Unknown The Role Instance is either in the process of creating or isn't ready to service the traffic
Starting The Role Instance is in the process of moving to healthy/running state
Busy The Role Instance isn't responding
Destroyed The Role instance is destroyed

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