Roadmap for Python developers learning C#
C# and Python share similar concepts. These familiar constructs help you learn C# when you already know Python.
- Object oriented: Both Python and C# are object-oriented languages. All the concepts around classes in Python apply in C#, even if the syntax is different.
- Cross-platform: Both Python and C# are cross-platform languages. Apps written in either language can run on many platforms.
- Garbage collection: Both languages employ automatic memory management through garbage collection. The runtime reclaims the memory from objects that aren't referenced.
- Strongly typed: Both Python and C# are strongly typed languages. Type coercion doesn't occur implicitly. There are differences described later, as C# is statically typed whereas Python is dynamically typed.
- Async / Await: Python's
feature was directly inspired by C#'sasync
support. - Pattern matching: Python's
expression and pattern matching is similar to C#'s pattern matchingswitch
expression. You use them to inspect a complex data expression to determine if it matches a pattern. - Statement keywords: Python and C# share many keywords, such as
, and many others. While not all syntax is the same, there's enough similarity that you can read C# if you know Python.
As you learn C#, you discover these important concepts where C# is different than Python:
- Indentation vs. tokens: In Python, newlines and indentation are first-class syntactic elements. In C#, whitespace isn't significant. Tokens, like
separate statements, and other tokens{
control block scope forif
and other block statements. However, for readability, most coding styles (including the style used in these docs) use indentation to reinforce the block scopes declared by{
. - Static typing: In C#, a variable declaration includes its type. Reassigning a variable to an object of a different type generates a compiler error. In Python, the type can change when reassigned.
- Nullable types: C# variables can be nullable or non-nullable. A non-nullable type is one that can't be null (or nothing). It always refers to a valid object. By contrast, a nullable type might either refer to a valid object, or null.
- LINQ: The query expression keywords that make up Language Integrated Query (LINQ) aren't keywords in Python. However, Python libraries like
, andpy-linq
provide similar functionality. - Generics: C# generics use C# static typing to make assertions about the arguments supplied for type parameters. A generic algorithm might need to specify constraints that an argument type must satisfy.
Finally, there are some features of Python that aren't available in C#:
- Structural (duck) typing: In C#, types have names and declarations. Except for tuples, types with the same structure aren't interchangeable.
- REPL: C# doesn't have a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) to quickly prototype solutions.
- Significant whitespace: You need to correctly use braces
to note block scope.
Learning C# if you know Python is a smooth journey. The languages have similar concepts and similar idioms to use.
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