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PowerShell Cmdlets for On-premises data gateway management (Public Preview)

Welcome to the PowerShell reference for the On-premises data gateway. Here you will find resources for PowerShell modules for managing On-premises data gateway and also Power BI data sources.

Supported environments and PowerShell versions

PowerShell 7.0.6 or higher


The cmdlets are available on PowerShell Gallery and can be installed in an elevated PowerShell session:

Install-Module -Name DataGateway


If you want to uninstall all the Power BI PowerShell cmdlets, run the following in an elevated PowerShell session:

Get-Module DataGateway* -ListAvailable | Uninstall-Module -Force


User needs to connect to the Data Gateway Service with the appropriate environment using the Connect-DataGatewayServiceAccount cmdlet before running the other cmdlets.

Two scopes are supported by cmdlets :

  • Individual is used to access entities that belong to the current user.
  • Organization is used to access entities across the entire tenant. Only Power BI service admins or the O365 global admins are allowed to use this option.


These PowerShell scripts may not work as expected for GCC customers and hence aren't supported in GCC. These PowerShell scripts are also not supported for VNET gateways.