MarketplaceSubscriptionId |
The unique identifier associated with the Azure subscription that customer used to purchase. This ID was formerly the Azure Subscription GUID. |
MonthStartDate |
Month Start Date represents the month of purchase. |
OfferType |
The type of commercial marketplace offering like VM, SaaS, Azure apps etc. |
AzureLicenseType |
The type of licensing agreement used by customers to purchase Azure. It's also known as the sales channel. The possible values are: - Cloud Solution Provider - Enterprise - Enterprise through Reseller - Pay as You Go |
MarketplaceLicenseType |
The billing method of the commercial marketplace offer. The possible values are: - Billed Through Azure - Bring Your Own License - Free - Microsoft as Reseller |
Plan associated with the offer. |
CustomerCountry |
The country/region name provided by the customer. It could be different than the country/region in customer's Azure subscription. |
IsPreviewSKU |
The value lets you know if you tagged the plan as preview. - Yes: The plan is tagged as preview, and only authorized Azure subscriptions can deploy and use. - No: The plan isn't tagged as preview. |
SKUBillingType |
The billing type associated with each plan in the offer. The possible values are: - Free - Paid |
VMSize |
For VM-based offers, this field shows the size of the VM associated with the offer plan. |
CloudInstanceName |
Microsoft Cloud Instance in which a VM deployment occurred. |
OfferName |
Offer name corresponding to the usage. |
IsPrivateOffer |
Flag to identify if it's a private offer. - 0 value indicates false. - 1 value indicates true. |
DeploymentMethod |
This field signifies the method used for deployment. |
CustomerName |
Name of the customer who is billed for the transaction. |
CustomerCompanyName |
Company name provided by the customer. The name could be different than the name in customer's Azure subscription. |
UsageDate |
Date of usage event generation. |
IsMultisolution |
Signifies whether the offer is a Multisolution offer type. |
IsNewCustomer |
Flag to indicate that the customer is new. |
CoreSize |
Number of cores associated with the VM-based offer. |
TrialEndDate |
End date for trial period. |
CustomerCurrencyCC |
Currency used by the customer for the marketplace transaction. |
PriceCC |
Unit price of the plan shown in customer currency. |
PayoutCurrencyPC |
Currency configured by the publisher for receiving payouts. |
EstimatedPricePC |
Unit price of the plan in the payout currency. |
UsageReference |
A concatenated GUID that is used to connect this Usage report with the Payout transaction report. UsageReference is connected with OrderId and LineItemId in the Payout transaction report. |
UsageUnit |
Unit of consumption associated with the plan. |
CustomerId |
The unique identifier assigned to a customer. A customer can have zero or more Azure Marketplace subscriptions. |
BillingAccountId |
Identifier of the account on which billing is generated. Map BillingAccountID to CustomerID to connect your Payout Transaction Report with the Customer, Order, and Usage Reports. |
NormalizedUsage |
The total normalized usage units consumed by the deployed asset. Normalized usage hours are defined as the usage hours normalized to account for the number of VM cores ([number of VM vCPU] x [hours of raw usage]). VMs designated as "SHAREDCORE" use 1/6 (or 0.1666) as the [number of VM vCPU] multiplier. |
MeteredUsage |
Total usage units consumed by the meters configured for deployed asset. |
RawUsage |
The total raw usage units consumed by the deployed asset. It's defined as the hours VMs have been running in terms of usage units. |
EstimatedExtendedChargeCC |
Estimated charges associated with the usage in customer currency. |
EstimatedExtendedChargePC |
Estimated charges associated with the usage in payout currency. |
EstimatedFinancialImpactUSD |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. Estimated financial impact in USD for partner center flagged anomaly in reported usage. |
MeterDimension |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. Metered dimension of the custom meter. For example, user/device - billing unit |
MeterId |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. Meter ID configured for the plan. |
PartnerCenterDetectedAnomaly |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. Flag to indicate if the publisher reported overage usage for the custom meter dimension was flagged as an anomaly by Partner Center. The possible values are: - 0 (Not an anomaly) - 1 (Anomaly) |
PublisherMarkedAnomaly |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. Flag to indicate if the publisher acknowledged the overage usage by the customer for the custom meter dimension as anomaly. The possible values are:
- 0 (Publisher marked it as not an anomaly) - 1 (Publisher marked it as an anomaly) |
NewReportedUsage |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. New usage reported by the publisher if there was anomaly. |
ActionTakenAt |
Applicable for offers with custom meter. Timestamp when publisher acknowledged the anomaly. |
ActionTakenBy |
Applicable for offers with custom meter dimensions. Person who acknowledged the anomaly. |
PlanId |
Plan display name associated with the offer. It was originally a number. |
ReferenceId |
A key to link transactions of usage-based offers with corresponding transactions in the orders report. For SaaS offers with custom meters, this key represents the AssetId. For VM software reservations, this key can be used for linking orders and usage reports. |
ListPriceUSD |
Publicly listed price of the offer plan in U.S Dollars |
DiscountedPriceUSD |
Discounted price of the offer plan in U.S Dollars. |
IsPrivatePlan |
Flag to identify if it's a private plan: - 0 indicates false. - 1 indicates true. |
OfferId |
Marketplace offer ID associated with the transaction. |
PrivateOfferId |
Private offer ID associated with the transaction. |
PrivateOfferName |
Private offer name associated with the transaction. |
BillingId |
The Billing ID of the enterprise customer |
PlanType |
Type of Azure App deployed. It can be either Managed Application or Solution Templates and it can't be private. |
CustomerAccess |
This column denotes if customer has Full access or Restricted access for deployment of Azure app. |
PublisherAccess |
This column denotes if publisher access is Enabled or Disabled for deployment of Azure app. |
CustomerAdjustmentUSD |
The price offered by the Channel partner to the billed customer in U.S Dollars. This value is empty for ISV partners, as only channel partners can see the final adjusted price for the customer. |
MultiParty |
Flag indicating whether a private offer transaction involved multiple parties. - 1 indicates that multi parties like ISV and channel partner were involved. - 0 indicates only ISV partner was involved. |
PartnerInfo |
If the value for MultiParty is 1, then this field shows the SellerID and name of the partners involved in transaction. |
Sales Notes |
If the value for MultiParty is 1, then this field shows the sales notes added by ISV or channel partner during private offer creation. ISV can't view Channel Partner’s Sales notes and vice versa. |
Asset ID |
Applicable for offers with custom meter dimensions. The unique identifier of the customer's order subscription for your commercial marketplace service. Virtual machine usage-based offers aren't associated with an order. |