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Order resources

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

A partner places an order when a customer wants to buy a subscription from a list of offers.


The Order resource has a rate limit of 500 requests per minute per tenant identifier.


Describes a partner's order.

Property Type Description
id string An order identifier that is supplied upon successful creation of the order.
alternateId string A friendly identifier for the order.
referenceCustomerId string The customer identifier.
billingCycle string Indicates the frequency with which the partner is billed for this order. Supported values are the member names found in BillingCycleType. The default is Monthly or OneTime at order creation. This field is applied upon successful creation of the order.
transactionType string Read-only. The transaction type of the order. Supported values are UserPurchase, SystemPurchase, or SystemBilling
lineItems array of OrderLineItem resources An itemized list of the offers the customer is purchasing including the quantity.
currencyCode string Read-only. The currency used when placing the order. Applied upon successful creation of the order.
currencySymbol string Read-only. The currency symbol associated with the currency code.
creationDate datetime Read-only. The date the order was created, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the order.
status string Read-only. The status of the order. Supported values are the member names found in OrderStatus.
links OrderLinks The resource links corresponding to the Order.
attributes ResourceAttributes The metadata attributes corresponding to the Order.


An order contains an itemized list of offers, and each item is represented as an OrderLineItem.

Property Type Description
lineItemNumber int Each line item in the collection gets a unique line number, counting up from 0 to count-1.
offerId string The ID of the offer.
subscriptionId string The ID of the subscription.
parentSubscriptionId string Optional. The ID of the parent subscription in an add-on offer. Applies to PATCH only.
friendlyName string Optional. The friendly name for the subscription defined by the partner to help disambiguate.
quantity int The number of licenses or instances.
customTermEndDate DateTime The end date of the first billing term of the new subscription.
termDuration string An ISO 8601 representation of the term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (1 month), P1Y (1 year) and P3Y (3 years).
transactionType string Read-only. The transaction type of the line item. Supported Values are new, renew, addQuantity, removeQuantity, cancel, convert, or customerCredit.
partnerIdOnRecord string When an indirect provider places an order on behalf of an indirect reseller, populate this field with the PartnerID of the indirect reseller only (never the ID of the indirect provider). This ensures proper accounting for incentives.
provisioningContext ProvisioningContext Information required for provisioning for some items in the catalog. The provisioningVariables property in a SKU indicates which properties are required for specific items in the catalog.
links OrderLineItemLinks Read-only. The resource links corresponding to the order line item.
renewsTo RenewsTo Renewal term duration details.
AttestationAccepted bool Indicates agreement to offer or sku conditions. Required only for offers or skus where SkuAttestationProperties or OfferAttestationProperties enforceAttestation is True.
Pricing Pricing List price details.
purchaseCommitment PurchaseCommitment The fixed amount committed on compute services.


Represents the renewal term duration details.

Property Type Required Description
termDuration string No An ISO 8601 representation of the renewal term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (1 month) and P1Y (1 year).


Represents the price details. Price amounts are provided before taxation.

Property Type Required Description
listPrice double No Price listed in the catalog without any pricing modifiers applied.
discountedPrice double No Price after applying all applicable pricing modifier.
proratedPrice double No Discounted price after proration is performed.
price double No Price in the applicable billing currency after all discounts are applied and proration is performed.
extendedPrice double No Price of the line item with quantity, discounts and proration applied, in the applicable billing currency.

Represents the resource links corresponding to the order.

Property Type Description
provisioningStatus Link When populated, the link to retrieve provisioning status for the order.
self Link The link to retrieve the order resource.

Represents the full subscription associated with the order.

Property Type Description
provisioningStatus Link When populated, the link to retrieve the provisioning status of the line item.
sku Link The link to retrieve SKU information for the catalog item bought.
subscription Link When populated, the link to the full subscription information.
activationLinks Link When populated, the GET resource for links to activate the subscription.


An [Enum/dotnet/api/system.enum) with values that indicate the state of the order.

Value Position Description
unknown 0 Enum initializer.
completed 1 The order is completed.
pending 2 The order is processing.
cancelled 3 The order is cancelled.
suspended 4 The order is suspended. To learn more, see: Subscription lifecycle states - NCE suspended.
pending review 5 The order is pending secondary review. Partners might be required to upload documentation. See Secondary deal review training deck to learn what to expect if you're selected for a secondary deal review.
pending po upload 6 The partner is to upload their Customer Purchase Order and enter details as outlined within for review by Microsoft.
po upload complete 7 The purchase order (PO) was submitted by the partner, and Microsoft is reviewing. No further action required by the partner.
po review rejected 8 This order didn't pass the secondary review and won't be processed.
partial success 9 One or more subscriptions in the order have an issue. Partners should repurchase unfulfilled subscriptions.
error 10 The order resulted in an error. Partners should repurchase.


Represents the provisioning status of an OrderLineItem.

Property Type Description
lineItemNumber int The unique line number of the order line item. Values range from 0 to count-1.
status string The provisioning status of the order line item. Values include:
Fulfilled: Fulfillment of the order is successfully completed and the user will be able to use the reservations
Unfulfilled: Not fulfilled due to cancellation
PrefulfillmentPending: Your request is still processing, fulfillment isn't yet complete
quantityProvisioningInformation List<QuantityProvisioningStatus> A list of quantity provisioning status information for the order line item.


Represents the provisioning status by quantity.

Property Type Description
quantity int The number of items.
status string The status of the number of items.


Information required for provisioning for some items in the catalog. The provisioningVariables property in a SKU indicates which properties are required for specific items in the catalog.

Property Type Description
scope string The scope type for a purchase that indicates where the benefits apply: Single, Shared.
entitlementId string The ID of the Azure subscription that would be used for a purchase. Required for Single scope.


The fixed amount committed on compute services.

Property Type Description
amount int The fixed amount commitment.
currency string The currency of the commitment.
grain string The period of the commitment.