
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Specify the default channel for education assignment notifications using the Microsoft Graph API

This article describes how to use the education API in Microsoft Graph to specify the default Microsoft Teams channel to send notifications to about an assignment. Specifying the default channel involves building the notificationChannelUrl string property for an educationAssignment. The default value for this property is null.


Before building the property, identify the corresponding team for the assignment and the name of the channel.

To identify the team for the assignment, in the left menu in Teams, click Teams and then select the appropriate team.

Screenshot of a team selected from the Teams navigation element

Identify the appropriate channel within the team that you selected.

Screenshot of a channel selected in a team

Build the notificationChannelUrl property value

The following steps describe how to build the property value.

Step 1 - Get the team ID based on your team name

To find the team id, make a GET request with the team name. If you already have the team id, skip this step.


The following example shows the request.

GET$filter=displayName eq 'English Fall ''21'


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#teams",
    "@odata.count": 1,
    "value": [
            "id": "72a7baec-c3e9-4213-a850-f62de0adad5f",
            "createdDateTime": null,
            "displayName": "English Fall '21",
            "description": "English Fall '21",
            "internalId": null,
            "classification": null,
            "specialization": null,
            "visibility": null,
            "webUrl": null,
            "isArchived": null,
            "isMembershipLimitedToOwners": null,
            "memberSettings": null,
            "guestSettings": null,
            "messagingSettings": null,
            "funSettings": null,
            "discoverySettings": null

Step 2 - Get the channel ID based on channel name and team ID

Make a GET request with the team ID obtained in the previous step and the channel name. Skip this step if you already have the channel id.


The following example shows the request.

GET$filter=displayName eq 'General'


The following example shows the response.

HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#teams('72a7baec-c3e9-4213-a850-f62de0adad5f')/channels",
    "@odata.count": 1,
    "value": [
            "id": "19:jb2-ckDy2jONyW6ElO1phAVD5cTjuswYgoumI0oxrUw1@thread.tacv2",
            "createdDateTime": "2021-08-25T12:33:49.124Z",
            "displayName": "General",
            "description": "English Fall '21",
            "isFavoriteByDefault": null,
            "email": "",
            "webUrl": "",
            "membershipType": "standard"

Step 3 - Construct the value for the notificationChannelUrl property

Build the value for the notificationChannelUrl property using the following format:{team-id}/channels/{channel-id}

Replace the {team-id} and {channel-id} placeholders with the values described in the following table.

Placeholder Description Example
{team-id} The team ID from the response in step 1. This is the team that the current assignment belongs to. 72a7baec-c3e9-4213-a850-f62de0adad5f
{channel-id} Item ID from the response body obtained in step 2. 19:jb2-ckDy2jONyW6ElO1phAVD5cTjuswYgoumI0oxrUw1@thread.tacv2

The following example shows a notificationChannelUrl based on this format.

Step 4 - Assign the value to the notificationChannelUrl property for the assignment

You have now successfully built the url, it's time to assign the value to the property. You can perform this operation by updating either the educationAssignment or educationAssignmentDefaults resources.

Example 1: Update an educationAssignment


The following example shows a request.

Content-type: application/json

    "displayName": "Property update",
    "notificationChannelUrl": ""

The following example shows the response.

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#education/classes('72a7baec-c3e9-4213-a850-f62de0adad5f')/assignments/$entity",
    "classId": "72a7baec-c3e9-4213-a850-f62de0adad5f",
    "displayName": "Property update",
    "closeDateTime": null,
    "dueDateTime": "2021-09-10T00:00:00Z",
    "assignDateTime": null,
    "assignedDateTime": null,
    "allowLateSubmissions": true,
    "resourcesFolderUrl": null,
    "createdDateTime": "2021-09-03T23:57:14.6088791Z",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-09-04T15:01:35.3361649Z",
    "allowStudentsToAddResourcesToSubmission": true,
    "status": "draft",
    "notificationChannelUrl": "",
    "webUrl": ",%5C%22config%5C%22%3A%7B%5C%22classes%5C%22%3A%5B%7B%5C%22id%5C%22%3A%5C%2272a7baec-c3e9-4213-a850-f62de0adad5f%5C%22,%5C%22displayName%5C%22%3Anull,%5C%22assignmentIds%5C%22%3A%5B%5C%224679bc1b-90c5-45af-ae1a-d5357672ed39%5C%22%5D%7D%5D%7D,%5C%22action%5C%22%3A%5C%22navigate%5C%22,%5C%22view%5C%22%3A%5C%22assignment-viewer%5C%22%7D%22,%22channelId%22%3Anull%7D",
    "addToCalendarAction": "studentsAndPublisher",
    "addedStudentAction": "none",
    "id": "4679bc1b-90c5-45af-ae1a-d5357672ed39",
    "instructions": {
        "content": "Read chapter 5 and write your review",
        "contentType": "text"
    "grading": {
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.educationAssignmentPointsGradeType",
        "maxPoints": 50
    "assignTo": {
        "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.educationAssignmentClassRecipient"
    "createdBy": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "f3a5344e-dbde-48b0-be24-b5b62a243836",
            "displayName": null
    "lastModifiedBy": {
        "application": null,
        "device": null,
        "user": {
            "id": "f3a5344e-dbde-48b0-be24-b5b62a243836",
            "displayName": null

Example 2: Update educationAssignmentDefaults

Content-Type: application/json

  "addToCalendarAction": "studentsOnly",
  "notificationChannelUrl": ""

Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "addedStudentAction": "assignIfOpen",
  "addToCalendarAction": "studentsOnly",
  "dueTime": "23:59:00",
  "notificationChannelUrl": ""