
Kopīgot, izmantojot

GraphQL operations

GraphQL operation logs are part of the workspace monitoring logs and are registered in the Eventhouse KQL database, which is part of the Real-Time Intelligence solution. You can use these logs to monitor the usage and performance of your workspace.

GraphQL operation logs

A log event for each query run by the Fabric API for GraphQL on its connected data sources, is stored in two tables: GraphQLMetrics and GraphQLLog.

Use query logs to:

  • Identify behavior changes and potential API degradation.
  • Detect unusual or resource-heavy queries.
  • Identify users and applications with the highest number of queries
  • Analyze query performance and trends.
  • Troubleshoot slow queries.
  • Diagnose issues with specific GraphQL queries.

This table lists the GraphQL logs.

Column Name Type Description
Timestamp datetime The timestamp (UTC) of when the log entry was generated when the record was created by the data source.
ItemId string Unique ID of the resource logging the data.
ItemKind string Type of artifact logging the operation.
ItemName string The name of the Fabric artifact logging this operation.
WorkspaceId string Unique identifier of the Fabric workspace that contains the artifact being operated on
WorkspaceName string Name of the Fabric workspace containing the artifact.
CapacityId string Unique identifier of the capacity hosting the artifact being operated on.
CustomerTenantId string Customer Tenant ID, where the operation was performed.
PlatformMonitoringTableName string The name of the table to records belongs to (or the certified event type of the record). Format is <WorkloadName> + [OperationType>]+ <TelemetryType>
Region string The region of the resource emitting the event; for example, East US or France South.
MetricTimeGrain string Time grain of the metric (ISO 8601 Duration).
MetricUnitName string Unit of the metric.
MetricSumValue long The aggregated sum value of a metric during a single minute.
DatasourceTypes dynamic Array of DataSource types that are used by the model.
ResultCode string Error Code of the failed activities, used to extend usage to reliability.
Status string Status of the operation. Query executed successfully/successfully with errors/failed.

GraphQL log attributes

This table describes the GraphQLLogs attributes. For more information on the events and a drill-down into the ExecutionMetrics event, see Events and schema.

Column Name Type Description
Timestamp datetime The timestamp (UTC) of when the log entry was generated when the record was created by the data source.
OperationName string The name of the operation.
ItemId string Unique ID of the resource logging the data.
ItemKind string Type of artifact logging the operation.
ItemName string The name of the Fabric artifact logging this operation.
WorkspaceId string Unique identifier of the Fabric workspace that contains the artifact being operated on.
WorkspaceName string Name of the Fabric workspace containing the artifact.
CapacityId string Unique identifier of the capacity hosting the artifact being operated on.
CorrelationId string Root Activity ID.
OperationId string Unique identifier for the operation being logged.
Identity dynamic User and claim details. The user associated with the operation that is being reported.
CustomerTenantId string Customer Tenant ID, where the operation was performed.
DurationMs long Elapsed CPU time that has passed while all required operations have been processed. Unit is in milliseconds.
Status string Status of the operation. Query executed successfully/successfully with errors/failed.
Level string Metadata required by platform monitoring team.
Region string The region of the resource emitting the event; for example, East US or France South.
PlatformMonitoringTableName string The name of the table to records belongs to (or the certified event type of the record). Format is <WorkloadName> + [OperationType>]+ <TelemetryType>
QueryText string The text of the query.
GraphQLOverheadDurationMs long The GraphQL overhead in ms for a dataplane request.
ProcessedBytes long Processed data volume in byte.
TransportProtocol string Transport protocol for a request.
QueryResultMessage string This dimension is used to give additional context to the result of a query operation.

Sample queries

You can find sample queries in the fabric-samples GitHub repository.