
Kopīgot, izmantojot

Image compression

Extension name

The Learn Authoring Pack is comprised of multiple sub extensions. This image feature is included in the Learn Images extension. It's automatically included in the Learn Authoring Pack, so there's no need to install it separately.


All documentation is provided via the web, with the exception of PDF versions of documentation articles. When serving static content, it's best to minimize the number of bytes sent over the wire. One way to do that is to compress images at rest.

The Learn Images extension within the Learn Authoring Pack includes image compression context menu items. The following image types / extensions are supported:

  • *.png
  • *.jpg
  • *.jpeg
  • *.gif
  • *.svg
  • *.webp

The lossless image compression algorithms are used, where applicable.

Compress image

From the Explorer navigation pane, right-click on an image file - then select the Compress image option. The image is then compressed.

Compress images in folder

From the Explorer navigation pane, right-click on a folder containing images - then select the Compress images in folder option. All images in the folder are compressed.


Large resolution images are implicitly resized. The maximum dimensions are based on the platform suggested max width of 1,200px. The max is only used when images are larger than they're recommended to be. They maintain the aspect ratio when automatically resized.


The maximum dimensions are configurable, but a default max width of 1200 pixels exists. To configure the max dimensions, select File -> Preferences -> Settings and filter by "Learn Images Extension".

Configure image compression


A value of 0 in either the Max Width or Max Height will simply ignore resolution variances.

In action

Below is a brief demonstration of this feature.

Compress image demo