
Kopīgot, izmantojot

How to use the BlobFuse2 mountv1 command

Use the blobfuse2 mountv1 command to generate a configuration file for BlobFuse2 from a BlobFuse v1 configuration file.


blobfuse2 mountv1 [path] --[flag-name]=[flag-value]



Specify a file path to the directory where the storage container will be mounted. Example:

blobfuse2 mountv1 ./mount_path ...

Flags (options)

Some flags are inherited from the parent command, blobfuse2, and others only apply to the blobfuse2 mountv1 command.

Flags inherited from the BlobFuse2 command

The following flags are inherited from parent command blobfuse2):

Flag Short version Value type Default value Description
disable-version-check boolean false Enables or disables automatic version checking of the BlobFuse2 binaries
help -h n/a n/a Help info for the blobfuse2 command and subcommands

Flags that apply only to the BlobFuse2 mountv1 command

The following flags apply only to command blobfuse2 mountv1 command:

Flag Short
background-download boolean false File download to run in the background on open call
basic-remount-check boolean false Check for an already mounted status using /etc/mtab
block-size-mb uint Size of a block to be downloaded during streaming
(in MB)
ca-cert-file string Specifies the proxy pem certificate path if it's not in the default path
cache-on-list boolean true Cache attributes on listing
cache-poll-timeout-msec uint Time in milliseconds in order to poll for possible expired files awaiting cache eviction
(in milliseconds)
cache-size-mb float File cache size
(in MB)
cancel-list-on-mount-seconds uint16 A list call to the container is by default issued on mount
(in seconds)
config-file string ./config.cfg Input BlobFuse configuration file
container-name string Required if no configuration file is specified
convert-config-only boolean Don't mount - only convert v1 configuration to v2
d -d boolean false Mount with foreground and FUSE logs on
empty-dir-check boolean false Disallows remounting using a non-empty tmp-path
enable-gen1 boolean false To enable Gen1 mount
file-cache-timeout-in-seconds uint32 120 During this time, blobfuse will not check whether the file is up to date or not
(in seconds)
high-disk-threshold uint32 High disk threshold
(as a percentage)
http-proxy string HTTP Proxy address
https-proxy string HTTPS Proxy address
invalidate-on-sync boolean true Invalidate file/dir on sync/fsync
log-level LOG_OFF
LOG_WARNING The level of logging written to syslog.
low-disk-threshold uint32 Low disk threshold
(as a percentage)
max-blocks-per-file int Maximum number of blocks to be cached in memory for streaming
max-concurrency uint16 Option to override default number of concurrent storage connections
max-eviction uint32 Number of files to be evicted from cache at once
max-retry int32 Maximum retry count if the failure codes are retryable
max-retry-interval-in-seconds int32 Maximum length of time between 2 retries
(in seconds)
no-symlinks boolean false Whether or not symlinks should be supported
o -o strings FUSE options
output-file string ./config.yaml Output Blobfuse configuration file
pre-mount-validate boolean true Validate blobfuse2 is mounted
required-free-space-mb int Required free space
(in MB)
retry-delay-factor int32 Retry delay between two tries
(in seconds)
set-content-type boolean false Turns on automatic 'content-type' property based on the file extension
stream-cache-mb uint Limit total amount of data being cached in memory to conserve memory footprint of blobfuse
(in MB)
streaming boolean false Enable Streaming
tmp-path string n/a Configures the tmp location for the cache.
(Configure the fastest disk (SSD or ramdisk) for best performance).
upload-modified-only boolean false Turn off unnecessary uploads to storage
use-adls boolean false Enables blobfuse to access Azure DataLake storage account
use-attr-cache boolean false Enable attribute cache
use-https boolean false Enables HTTPS communication with Blob storage


  1. Mount a blob container in an Azure Data Lake Storage account using a BlobFuse v1 configuration file:

    sudo blobfuse2 mountv1 ./mount_dir --config-file=./config.cfg --use-adls=true
  2. Create a BlobFuse2 configuration file from a v1 configuration file in the same directory, but do not mount any containers:

    sudo blobfuse2 mountv1 --config-file=./config.cfg --output-file=./config.yaml --convert-config-only=true

See also