Bendrinti naudojant

Azure Blob Storage error codes

You might see the following error codes returned by an operation against Azure Blob Storage.

Error code HTTP status code User message
AppendPositionConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The append position condition specified was not met.
BlobAlreadyExists Conflict (409) The specified blob already exists.
BlobImmutableDueToLegalHold Conflict (409) This operation is not permitted as the blob is immutable due to one or more legal holds.
BlobImmutableDueToPolicy Conflict (409) This operation is not permitted as the blob is immutable due to a policy.
BlobNotFound Not Found (404) The specified blob does not exist.
BlobOperationNotSupported Conflict (409) The operation is not supported in this scenario. This error can appear if you use the PutBlock or PutBlockList operation against a blob that was created by using Path - Create operation of the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST API.
BlobOverwritten Conflict (409) The blob has been recreated since the previous snapshot was taken.
BlobTierInadequateForContentLength Conflict (409) The specified blob tier size limit cannot be less than content length.
BlockCountExceedsLimit Conflict (409) The committed block count cannot exceed the maximum limit of 50,000 blocks.
BlockCountExceedsLimit Conflict (409) The uncommitted block count cannot exceed the maximum limit of 100,000 blocks.
BlockListTooLong Bad Request (400) The blocklist may not contain more than 50,000 blocks.
CannotChangeToLowerTier Conflict (409) A higher blob tier has already been explicitly set.
CannotVerifyCopySource Internal Server Error (500) Could not verify the copy source within the specified time. Examine the HTTP status code and message for more information about the failure.
ContainerAlreadyExists Conflict (409) The specified container already exists.
ContainerBeingDeleted Conflict (409) The specified container is being deleted.
ContainerDisabled Conflict (409) The specified container has been disabled by the administrator.
ContainerHasLegalHold Conflict (409) The requested operation is not allowed as the container has one or more legal holds.
ContainerImmutabilityPolicyLocked Conflict (409) The requested operation is not allowed as the container has a locked immutability policy.
ContainerNotFound Not Found (404) The specified container does not exist.
ContentLengthLargerThanTierLimit Conflict (409) The blob's content length cannot exceed its tier limit.
CopyAcrossAccountsNotSupported Bad Request (400) The copy source account and destination account must be the same.
CopyIdMismatch Conflict (409) The specified copy ID did not match the copy ID for the pending copy operation.
DirectorySasNotSupportedVersion Conflict (409) Directory SAS is not supported in this version.
FeatureVersionMismatch Conflict (409) The operation for AppendBlob requires at least version 2015-02-21.
FeatureVersionMismatch Conflict (409) The type of blob in the container is unrecognized by this version.
IncrementalCopyBlobMismatch Conflict (409) The specified source blob is different than the copy source of the existing incremental copy blob.
IncrementalCopyOfEarlierVersionSnapshotNotAllowed Conflict (409) The specified snapshot is earlier than the last snapshot copied into the incremental copy blob.
IncrementalCopySourceMustBeSnapshot Conflict (409) The source for incremental copy request must be a snapshot.
InfiniteLeaseDurationRequired Precondition Failed (412) The lease ID matched, but the specified lease must be an infinite-duration lease.
InvalidBlobOrBlock Bad Request (400) The specified blob or block content is invalid.
InvalidBlobTier Bad Request (400) The specified blob tier is invalid.
InvalidBlobType Conflict (409) The blob type is invalid for this operation.
InvalidBlockId Bad Request (400) The specified block ID is invalid. The block ID must be Base64-encoded.
InvalidBlockList Bad Request (400) The specified blocklist is invalid.
InvalidOperation Bad Request (400) Invalid operation against a blob snapshot.
InvalidPageRange Requested Range Not Satisfiable (416) The page range specified is invalid.
InvalidSourceBlobType Conflict (409) The copy source blob type is invalid for this operation.
InvalidSourceBlobUrl Conflict (409) The source URL for incremental copy request must be valid Azure Storage blob URL.
InvalidVersionForPageBlobOperation Bad Request (400) All operations on page blobs require at least version 2009-09-19.
LeaseAlreadyPresent Conflict (409) There is already a lease present.
LeaseAlreadyBroken Conflict (409) The lease has already been broken and cannot be broken again.
LeaseIdMismatchWithBlobOperation Precondition Failed (412) The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the blob.
LeaseIdMismatchWithContainerOperation Precondition Failed (412) The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the container.
LeaseIdMismatchWithLeaseOperation Conflict (409) The lease ID specified did not match the lease ID for the blob/container.
LeaseIdMissing Precondition Failed (412) There is currently a lease on the blob/container and no lease ID was specified in the request.
LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeAcquired Conflict (409) The lease ID matched, but the lease is currently in breaking state and cannot be acquired until it is broken.
LeaseIsBreakingAndCannotBeChanged Conflict (409) The lease ID matched, but the lease is currently in breaking state and cannot be changed.
LeaseIsBrokenAndCannotBeRenewed Conflict (409) The lease ID matched, but the lease has been broken explicitly and cannot be renewed.
LeaseLost Precondition Failed (412) A lease ID was specified, but the lease for the blob/container has expired.
LeaseNotPresentWithBlobOperation Precondition Failed (412) There is currently no lease on the blob.
LeaseNotPresentWithContainerOperation Precondition Failed (412) There is currently no lease on the container.
LeaseNotPresentWithLeaseOperation Conflict (409) There is currently no lease on the blob/container.
MaxBlobSizeConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The max blob size condition specified was not met.
NoPendingCopyOperation Conflict (409) There is currently no pending copy operation.
OperationNotAllowedOnIncrementalCopyBlob Conflict (409) The specified operation is not allowed on an incremental copy blob.
PendingCopyOperation Conflict (409) There is currently a pending copy operation.
PreviousSnapshotCannotBeNewer Bad Request (400) The prevsnapshot query parameter value cannot be newer than snapshot query parameter value.
PreviousSnapshotNotFound Conflict (409) The previous snapshot is not found.
PreviousSnapshotOperationNotSupported Conflict (409) Differential Get Page Ranges is not supported on the previous snapshot.
QueryParameterSddInvalid Forbidden (403) Invalid sdd parameter.
QueryParameterSasMandatory Forbidden (403) The sdd parameter is mandatory in case of directory SAS. Cannot be empty.
SequenceNumberConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The sequence number condition specified was not met.
SequenceNumberIncrementTooLarge Conflict (409) The sequence number increment cannot be performed because it would result in overflow of the sequence number.
SnapshotCountExceeded Conflict (409) The snapshot count against this blob has been exceeded.
SnapshotOperationRateExceeded Conflict (409) The rate of snapshot operations against this blob has been exceeded.
SnapshotsPresent Conflict (409) This operation is not permitted while the blob has snapshots.
SourceConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The source condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met.
SystemInUse Conflict (409) This blob is in use by the system.
TargetConditionNotMet Precondition Failed (412) The target condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met.
UnauthorizedBlobOverwrite Forbidden (403) This request is not authorized to perform blob overwrites.
UnsupportedHeader Bad Request (400) One of the headers specified in the request is not supported.
BlobBeingRehydrated Conflict (409) This operation is not permitted because the blob is being rehydrated.
BlobArchived Conflict (409) This operation is not permitted on an archived blob.
BlobNotArchived Conflict (409) This blob is currently not in the archived state.

See also

Common REST API error codes
Queue Storage error codes
Table Storage error codes
Troubleshooting API operations
HttpStatusCode enumeration
Storage services REST