Pipelines - Deploy All
Deploys all supported items from the source stage of the specified deployment pipeline.
To learn about items that aren't supported in deployment pipelines, see Unsupported items.
The user must at least be a contributor on both source and target deployment workspaces. For more information, see Permissions.
Required Scope
Maximum 300 deployed items per request.
POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/pipelines/{pipelineId}/deployAll
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The deployment pipeline ID |
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
sourceStageOrder | True |
integer |
The numeric identifier of the pipeline deployment stage that the content should be deployed from. Development (0), Test (1), Production (2). |
isBackwardDeployment |
boolean |
Whether the deployment will be from a later stage in the deployment pipeline, to an earlier one. The default value is |
newWorkspace |
The configuration details for creating a new workspace. Required when deploying to a stage that has no assigned workspaces. The deployment will fail if the new workspace configuration details aren't provided when required. |
note |
string |
A note describing the deployment. |
options |
Options that control the behavior of the entire deployment |
updateAppSettings |
Update org app in the target workspace settings |
Name | Type | Description |
202 Accepted |
Accepted |
Example of deploying all Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) from the 'Development' stage
Sample request
POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/pipelines/a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824/deployAll
"sourceStageOrder": 0,
"options": {
"allowOverwriteArtifact": true,
"allowCreateArtifact": true
"note": "Deploying business ready items"
Sample response
"value": [
"id": "1065e6a3-a020-4c0c-ada7-92b5fe99eec5",
"type": "Deploy",
"status": "NotStarted",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2020-12-13T09:26:43.153",
"executionStartTime": "2020-12-13T09:25:43.153Z",
"executionEndTime": "2020-12-13T09:26:43.153Z",
"sourceStageOrder": 0,
"targetStageOrder": 1
Name | Description |
Deploy |
A request to deploy all supported items from a deployment pipeline stage |
Deployment |
Error details for the deployment step |
Deployment |
A deployment execution plan |
Deployment |
A deployment execution step |
Deployment |
Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment. |
Deployment |
Deployment configuration options. Can be specified either for the entire deployment or for a specific Power BI item (such as a report or dashboard). If both are specified, only the deployment options for the Power BI item are used. |
Deployment |
Source and target items |
Deployment |
The type of deployment step |
Pipeline |
The configuration details for creating a new workspace. Required when deploying to a stage that has no assigned workspaces. |
Pipeline |
A Power BI deployment pipeline operation |
Pipeline |
A note describing the deployment. |
Pipeline |
The pipeline operation status |
Pipeline |
The operation type |
Pipeline |
User or service principal that performed the pipeline operation. |
Pipeline |
Configuration update org app after deployment |
Pre |
The amount of new, different and identical deployed items before deployment. |
Principal |
The principal type |
A request to deploy all supported items from a deployment pipeline stage
Name | Type | Description |
isBackwardDeployment |
boolean |
Whether the deployment will be from a later stage in the deployment pipeline, to an earlier one. The default value is |
newWorkspace |
The configuration details for creating a new workspace. Required when deploying to a stage that has no assigned workspaces. The deployment will fail if the new workspace configuration details aren't provided when required. |
note |
string |
A note describing the deployment. |
options |
Options that control the behavior of the entire deployment |
sourceStageOrder |
integer |
The numeric identifier of the pipeline deployment stage that the content should be deployed from. Development (0), Test (1), Production (2). |
updateAppSettings |
Update org app in the target workspace settings |
Error details for the deployment step
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode |
string |
The error code |
errorDetails |
string |
Additional error details |
A deployment execution plan
Name | Type | Description |
steps |
The collection of execution plan steps |
A deployment execution step
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error details. Only applicable if the pipeline operation failed. |
index |
integer |
The step index |
preDeploymentDiffState |
Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment. |
sourceAndTarget |
The source and target items of the step |
status |
The status of the pipeline operation |
type |
The type of deployment step |
Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment.
Value | Description |
Different |
Before deployment, the item in the source stage wasn't identical to the one in the target stage. |
New |
A new deployed item that doesn't exist in the target stage. |
NoDifference |
Before deployment, the item in the source stage was identical to the one in the target stage. |
Deployment configuration options. Can be specified either for the entire deployment or for a specific Power BI item (such as a report or dashboard). If both are specified, only the deployment options for the Power BI item are used.
Name | Type | Description |
allowCreateArtifact |
boolean |
Whether creating a new Power BI item (such as a report or a dashboard) in the target stage workspace is allowed. If this option isn't set to |
allowOverwriteArtifact |
boolean |
Whether overwriting a Power BI item (such as a report or a dashboard) in the target stage workspace is allowed. If this option isn't set to |
allowOverwriteTargetArtifactLabel |
boolean |
Whether the label of a target Power BI item (such as a report or a dashboard) can be changed. The label gets changed when the source is protected but the target isn't. If this option isn't set to |
allowPurgeData |
boolean |
Whether to delete all data from the target Power BI item (such as a report or a dashboard) when there's a schema mismatch. If this option isn't set to |
allowSkipTilesWithMissingPrerequisites |
boolean |
Whether to skip tiles that don't have a model or a report in the target stage workspace. If this option isn't set to |
allowTakeOver |
boolean |
Whether to allow overriding the previous paginated report owner and becoming the owner of the paginated report. Applicable when deploying a paginated report to a stage that already contains a copy of the paginated report that isn't owned by you. If this option isn't set to |
Source and target items
Name | Type | Description |
source |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the Power BI item that's deployed from the source stage |
sourceDisplayName |
string |
The display name of the Power BI item that's deployed from the source stage |
target |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the Power BI item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Power BI item. |
targetDisplayName |
string |
The name of the Power BI item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Power BI item. |
type |
string |
The type of the Power BI item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Power BI item. |
The type of deployment step
Value | Description |
DashboardDeployment |
A step for deploying a single dashboard |
DataflowDeployment |
A step for deploying a single dataflow |
DatamartDeployment |
A step for deploying a single datamart |
DatasetDeployment |
A step for deploying a single dataset |
ReportDeployment |
A step for deploying a single report |
The configuration details for creating a new workspace. Required when deploying to a stage that has no assigned workspaces.
Name | Type | Description |
capacityId |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the capacity that the new workspace will be assigned to. If unspecified and the API caller has permissions for the source stage workspace capacity, then that capacity will be used. Otherwise, Power BI will select a capacity that the API caller has permissions for. |
name |
string |
The name of the new workspace |
A Power BI deployment pipeline operation
Name | Type | Description |
executionEndTime |
string (date-time) |
The date and time that the operation ended |
executionPlan |
The deployment execution plan. Only applicable to a single pipeline operation. |
executionStartTime |
string (date-time) |
The date and time that the operation started |
id |
string (uuid) |
The operation ID |
lastUpdatedTime |
string (date-time) |
The date and time that the operation was last updated |
note |
A note representing a description of the operation. |
performedBy |
User or service principal that performed the pipeline operation. |
preDeploymentDiffInformation |
The amount of deployed items in the source stage, that are new, identical or different to items in the target stage, before deployment. |
sourceStageOrder |
integer |
The numeric identifier of a source pipeline deployment stage. Development (0), Test (1), Production (2). |
status |
The pipeline operation status |
targetStageOrder |
integer |
The numeric identifier of a target pipeline deployment stage. Development (0), Test (1), Production (2). |
type |
The operation type |
A note describing the deployment.
Name | Type | Description |
content |
string |
Text describing the deployment. |
isTruncated |
boolean |
Indicates if the note is incomplete. True, only part of the note is returned. False, the note is complete. |
The pipeline operation status
Value | Description |
Executing |
Operation executing |
Failed |
Operation failed |
NotStarted |
Operation not started |
Succeeded |
Operation succeeded |
The operation type
Value | Description |
Deploy |
Deploy content between stages |
User or service principal that performed the pipeline operation.
Name | Type | Description |
principalObjectID |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the service principal that performed the deployment. |
principalType |
The type of user who performed the deployment. |
userPrincipalName |
string |
The UPN of the user who performed the deployment. |
Configuration update org app after deployment
Name | Type | Description |
updateAppInTargetWorkspace |
boolean |
Whether to update the app in the target workspace. Only deployed items that already exist in the app are updated. New deployed items are not added to the app. |
The amount of new, different and identical deployed items before deployment.
Name | Type | Description |
differentArtifactsCount |
integer |
The number of deployed items with differences between source and target stages, before deployment. |
newArtifactsCount |
integer |
The number of new items deployed to the target stage. |
noDifferenceArtifactsCount |
integer |
The number of identical deployed items in the source and target stages, before deployment. |
The principal type
Value | Description |
App |
Service principal type |
Group |
Group principal type |
None |
No principal type. Use for whole organization level access. |
User |
User principal type |