
Bendrinti naudojant

GitHub Connector Sample

The GitHub M extension shows how to add support for an OAuth 2.0 protocol authentication flow. You can learn more about the specifics of GitHub's authentication flow on the GitHub Developer site.

Before you get started creating an M extension, you need to register a new app on GitHub, and replace the client_id and client_secret files with the appropriate values for your app.

Note about compatibility issues in Visual Studio: The Power Query SDK uses an Internet Explorer based control to popup OAuth dialogs. GitHub has deprecated its support for the version of IE used by this control, which will prevent you from completing the permission grant for you app if run from within Visual Studio. An alternative is to load the extension with Power BI Desktop and complete the first OAuth flow there. After your application has been granted access to your account, subsequent logins will work fine from Visual Studio.

OAuth and Power BI

OAuth is a form of credentials delegation. By logging in to GitHub and authorizing the "application" you create for GitHub, the user is allowing your "application" to login on their behalf to retrieve data into Power BI. The "application" must be granted rights to retrieve data (get an access_token) and to refresh the data on a schedule (get and use a refresh_token). Your "application" in this context is your Data Connector used to run queries within Power BI. Power BI stores and manages the access_token and refresh_token on your behalf.


To allow Power BI to obtain and use the access_token, you must specify the redirect url as

When you specify this URL and GitHub successfully authenticates and grants permissions, GitHub will redirect to PowerBI's oauthredirect endpoint so that Power BI can retrieve the access_token and refresh_token.

How to register a GitHub app

Your Power BI extension needs to login to GitHub. To enable this, you register a new OAuth application with GitHub at

  1. Application name: Enter a name for the application for your M extension.
  2. Authorization callback URL: Enter
  3. Scope: In GitHub, set scope to user, repo.


A registered OAuth application is assigned a unique Client ID and Client Secret. The Client Secret should not be shared. You get the Client ID and Client Secret from the GitHub application page. Update the files in your Data Connector project with the Client ID (client_id file) and Client Secret (client_secret file).

How to implement GitHub OAuth

This sample will walk you through the following steps:

  1. Create a Data Source Kind definition that declares it supports OAuth.
  2. Provide details so the M engine can start the OAuth flow (StartLogin).
  3. Convert the code received from GitHub into an access_token (FinishLogin and TokenMethod).
  4. Define functions that access the GitHub API (GithubSample.Contents).

Step 1 - Create a Data Source definition

A Data Connector starts with a record that describes the extension, including its unique name (which is the name of the record), supported authentication type(s), and a friendly display name (label) for the data source. When supporting OAuth, the definition contains the functions that implement the OAuth contract—in this case, StartLogin and FinishLogin.

// Data Source definition
GithubSample = [
    Authentication = [
        OAuth = [
            StartLogin = StartLogin,
            FinishLogin = FinishLogin
    Label = Extension.LoadString("DataSourceLabel")

Step 2 - Provide details so the M engine can start the OAuth flow

The GitHub OAuth flow starts when you direct users to the page. For the user to login, you need to specify a number of query parameters:

Name Type Description
client_id string Required. The client ID you received from GitHub when you registered.
redirect_uri string The URL in your app where users will be sent after authorization. See details below about redirect urls. For M extensions, the redirect_uri must be "".
scope string A comma separated list of scopes. If not provided, scope defaults to an empty list of scopes for users that don't have a valid token for the app. For users who do already have a valid token for the app, the user won't be shown the OAuth authorization page with the list of scopes. Instead, this step of the flow will automatically complete with the same scopes that were used last time the user completed the flow.
state string An un-guessable random string. It's used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.

The following code snippet describes how to implement a StartLogin function to start the login flow. A StartLogin function takes a resourceUrl, state, and display value. In the function, create an AuthorizeUrl that concatenates the GitHub authorize URL with the following parameters:

  • client_id: You get the client ID after you register your extension with GitHub from the GitHub application page.
  • scope: Set scope to "user, repo". This sets the authorization scope (that is, what your app wants to access) for the user.
  • state: An internal value that the M engine passes in.
  • redirect_uri: Set to
StartLogin = (resourceUrl, state, display) =>
            AuthorizeUrl = "" & Uri.BuildQueryString([
                client_id = client_id,
                scope = "user, repo",
                state = state,
                redirect_uri = redirect_uri])
                LoginUri = AuthorizeUrl,
                CallbackUri = redirect_uri,
                WindowHeight = windowHeight,
                WindowWidth = windowWidth,
                Context = null

If this is the first time the user is logging in with your app (identified by its client_id value), they'll see a page that asks them to grant access to your app. Subsequent login attempts will simply ask for their credentials.

Step 3 - Convert the code received from GitHub into an access_token

If the user completes the authentication flow, GitHub redirects back to the Power BI redirect URL with a temporary code in a code parameter, as well as the state you provided in the previous step in a state parameter. Your FinishLogin function will extract the code from the callbackUri parameter, and then exchange it for an access token (using the TokenMethod function).

FinishLogin = (context, callbackUri, state) =>
        Parts = Uri.Parts(callbackUri)[Query]

To get a GitHub access token, you pass the temporary code from the GitHub Authorize Response. In the TokenMethod function, you formulate a POST request to GitHub's access_token endpoint ( The following parameters are required for the GitHub endpoint:

Name Type Description
client_id string Required. The client ID you received from GitHub when you registered.
client_secret string Required. The client secret you received from GitHub when you registered.
code string Required. The code you received in FinishLogin.
redirect_uri string The URL in your app where users will be sent after authorization. See details below about redirect URLs.

Here are the details used parameters for the Web.Contents call.

Argument Description Value
url The URL for the Web site.
options A record to control the behavior of this function. Not used in this case
Query Programmatically add query parameters to the URL. Content = Text.ToBinary(
client_id = client_id,
client_secret = client_secret,
code = code,
redirect_uri = redirect_uri

  • client_id: Client ID from GitHub application page.
  • client_secret: Client secret from GitHub application page.
  • code: Code in GitHub authorization response.
  • redirect_uri: The URL in your app where users will be sent after authorization.
Headers A record with additional headers for the HTTP request. Headers= [
#"Content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
#"Accept" = "application/json"

This code snippet describes how to implement a TokenMethod function to exchange an auth code for an access token.

TokenMethod = (code) =>
        Response = Web.Contents("", [
            Content = Text.ToBinary(Uri.BuildQueryString([
                client_id = client_id,
                client_secret = client_secret,
                code = code,
                redirect_uri = redirect_uri])),
            Headers=[#"Content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",#"Accept" = "application/json"]]),
        Parts = Json.Document(Response)

The JSON response from the service will contain an access_token field. The TokenMethod method converts the JSON response into an M record using Json.Document, and returns it to the engine.

Sample response:


Step 4 - Define functions that access the GitHub API

The following code snippet exports two functions (GithubSample.Contents and GithubSample.PagedTable) by marking them as shared, and associates them with the GithubSample Data Source Kind.

[DataSource.Kind="GithubSample", Publish="GithubSample.UI"]
shared GithubSample.Contents = Value.ReplaceType(Github.Contents, type function (url as Uri.Type) as any);

shared GithubSample.PagedTable = Value.ReplaceType(Github.PagedTable, type function (url as Uri.Type) as nullable table);

The GithubSample.Contents function is also published to the UI (allowing it to appear in the Get Data dialog). The Value.ReplaceType function is used to set the function parameter to the Url.Type ascribed type.

By associating these functions with the GithubSample data source kind, they'll automatically use the credentials that the user provided. Any M library functions that have been enabled for extensibility (such as Web.Contents) will automatically inherit these credentials as well.

For more details on how credential and authentication works, see Handling Authentication.

Sample URL

This connector is able to retrieve formatted data from any of the GitHub v3 REST API endpoints. For example, the query to pull all commits to the Data Connectors repo would look like this:
