
Bendrinti naudojant

Add a landing page to your Power BI visual

A Power BI visual's landing page can display information in your Power BI visual card before the card gets data. A visual's landing page can display:

  • Text that explains how to use the visual.
  • A link to your website.
  • A link to a video.

Screenshot of a Power BI visual's example landing page.

This article explains how to design a landing page for your visual. The landing page appears whenever the visual has no data in it.


Designing a Power BI visual landing page is supported in API version 2.3.0 and above. To find out which version you're using, check the apiVersion in the pbiviz.json file.

Create a landing page

To create a landing page, two capabilities must be set in the capabilities.json file.

  • For the landing page to work, enable supportsLandingPage.
  • For the landing page to be displayed in view mode, or for the visual to be interactive even when in no data-roles mode, enable supportsEmptyDataView.
        "supportsLandingPage": true,
        "supportsEmptyDataView": true,

Example of a visual with a landing page

The following code shows how a landing page can be added to a bar chart visual.

export class BarChart implements IVisual {
    private element: HTMLElement;
    private isLandingPageOn: boolean;
    private LandingPageRemoved: boolean;
    private LandingPage: d3.Selection<any>;

    constructor(options: VisualConstructorOptions) {
            this.element = options.element;

    public update(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {

    private HandleLandingPage(options: VisualUpdateOptions) {
        if(!options.dataViews || !options.dataViews[0]?.metadata?.columns?.length){
            if(!this.isLandingPageOn) {
                this.isLandingPageOn = true;
                const SampleLandingPage: Element = this.createSampleLandingPage(); //create a landing page
                this.LandingPage =;

        } else {
                if(this.isLandingPageOn && !this.LandingPageRemoved){
                    this.LandingPageRemoved = true;

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