License-based reconciliation files fields in Partner Center
Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government
Appropriate roles: User management admin | Billing admin | Admin agent
To reconcile your changes against a customer's orders, compare the Syndication_Partner_Subscription_Number from the reconciliation file against the Subscription ID from Partner Center.
Fields in license-based reconciliation files
Column | Description | Sample value |
PartnerId | Unique identifier in GUID format for a specific billing entity. Not required for reconciliation. Same in all rows. | 8ddd03642-test-test-test-46b58d356b4e |
CustomerId | Unique Microsoft identifier for the customer in GUID format. | 12ABCD34-001A-BCD2-987C-3210ABCD5678 |
CustomerName | Customer's organization name, as reported in Partner Center. Important field for reconciling the invoice with your system information. | Test Customer A |
MpnId | Identifier of the Cloud Solution Provide program (CSP) partner. | 4390934 |
ResellerMpnId | Identifier of the reseller of record for the subscription. | |
OrderId | Unique identifier for an order in the Microsoft billing platform. May be useful to identify the order when contacting support. Not used for reconciliation. | 566890604832738111 |
SubscriptionId | Unique identifier for a subscription in the Microsoft billing platform. May be useful to identify the subscription when contacting support. Not used for reconciliation. This value isn't the same as the Subscription ID on the Partner Admin Console. See SyndicationPartnerSubscriptionNumber instead. | usCBMgAAAAAAAAIA |
SyndicationPartnerSubscriptionNumber | Unique identifier for subscriptions. A customer can have multiple subscriptions for the same plan. This column is important for reconciliation file analysis. This field maps to the Subscription ID in the Partner Admin Console. | aaaa0a0a-bb1b-cc2c-dd3d-eeeeee4e4e4e |
OfferId | Unique offer identifier. Standard offer identifier, as defined in the price list. This value doesn't match Offer ID from the price list. See DurableOfferID instead. | FE616D64-E9A8-40EF-843F-152E9BBEF3D1 |
DurableOfferId | Unique durable offer identifier, as defined in the price list. This value matches the Offer ID from the price list. | 1017D7F3-6D7F-4BFA-BDD8-79BC8F104E0C |
OfferName | The name of the service offering purchased by the customer, as defined in the price list. | Microsoft Office 365 (Plan E3) |
SubscriptionStartDate | The subscription start date in UTC. The time is always the beginning of the day, 0:00. This field is set to the day after the order was submitted. Used with the SubscriptionEndDate to determine: if the customer is still within the first year of the subscription, or if they renewed for the following year. | 2/1/2019 0:00 |
SubscriptionEndDate | The subscription end date in UTC. The time is always the beginning of the day, 0:00. Either 12 months plus x days after the start date to align with the partner's billing date or 12 months from the renewal date. At renewal, prices are updated to the current price list. Customer communication might be required in advance of automated renewal. | 2/1/2019 0:00 |
ChargeStartDate | Start day of the charges. The time is always the beginning of the day, 0:00. Used to calculate daily charges (pro rata charges) when a customer changes license numbers. | 2/1/2019 0:00 |
ChargeEndDate | End day of the charges. The time is always the end of the day, 23:59. Used to calculate daily charges (pro rata charges) when a customer changes license numbers. | 2/28/2019 23:59 |
ChargeType | The type of charge or adjustment. | See charge types. |
UnitPrice | Price per license, as published in the price list at the time of purchase. Be sure this price matches the information stored in your billing system during reconciliation. | 6.82 |
Quantity | Number of licenses. Be sure this matches the information stored in your billing system during reconciliation. | 2 |
Amount | Total of price for quantity. Used to check if the amount calculation matches how you calculate this value for your customers. | 13.32 |
TotalOtherDiscount | Amount of discount applied to these charges. Product licenses included with a competency or MAPS, or new subscriptions eligible for an incentive, also contains a discount amount in this column. | 2.32 |
Subtotal | Total before tax. Checks if your subtotal matches your expected total, if there's a discount. | 11 |
Tax | Tax amount charge. Based on your market's tax rules and specific circumstances. | 0 |
TotalForCustomer | Total after tax. Checks if you're charged tax in the invoice. | 11 |
Currency | Currency type. Each billing entity has only one currency. Check if it matches your first invoice. Check again after any major billing platform updates. | EUR |
DomainName | Customer's domain name. This field might appear blank until the second billing cycle. Don't use this field as a unique identifier for the customer. The customer/partner can update the vanity or default domain through the Office 365 portal. | |
SubscriptionName | Subscription nickname. If no nickname is specified, Partner Center uses the OfferName. | PROJECT ONLINE |
SubscriptionDescription | The name of the service offering purchased by the customer, as defined in the price list. (This field is an identical field to OfferName.) | PROJECT ONLINE PREMIUM WITHOUT PROJECT CLIENT |
BillingCycleType | One-time billing frequency. | Monthly |