
Bendrinti naudojant

Use delegated authentication with Postman for Microsoft Graph

This article describes how you can use delegated authentication with Postman for Microsoft Graph to run requests on behalf of the signed-in user.


Complete the setup instructions in the Use Postman with the Microsoft Graph API article, before you can continue with this tutorial.

Step 1: Get a delegated access token

The first time you run a request as a delegated authentication flow, you need to get an access token:

  1. Select the Delegated folder.
  2. Select the Authorization tab.
  3. In the Configure New Token section, make sure the callback URL matches with what you provided when you created the application registration, for example, Leave all the fields as preconfigured, including the Grant type that is set to Authorization Code.
  4. Scroll down on the right and select Get New Access Token.
  5. Sign in with your developer tenant administrator account.
  6. Select Proceed, and then select the Use Token button.

You have now a valid access token to use for delegated requests.

Step 2: Run your first delegated request

The Delegated folder contains many requests for Microsoft Graph workloads that you can consume:

  1. Expand the Delegated folder, and then expand the Mail folder.
  2. Double-click Get my messages to open the request.
  3. On the top right, select Send.

You have now successfully run a Microsoft Graph request using delegated authentication.

You can repeat these steps to run other requests to Microsoft Graph. Note that you have to add permissions to your Microsoft Entra application for other requests to work; otherwise, you get permission denied errors in your responses. To find the right permissions, check the Permissions section of the relevant API and look for the delegated permission type.

Next steps

Now that you have successfully made a Microsoft Graph call using delegated authentication, proceed to the next article to run your first application request.

Contributing to the collection

If you want to contribute your own requests to the Microsoft Graph Postman collection, you need a Postman license. You can make your changes to the forked collection, and then hover over the collection top node and select Create pull request.

Known issues

Authentication fails with "You can't get there from here"

Certain conditional access policies configured by your organization's administrators can block the authentication flow from Postman. To explore alternatives, contact your administrators.

"Access to OData is disabled."

See 403 Forbidden "Access to OData is disabled.".