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Restore a soft deleted enterprise application

In this article, you learn how to restore a soft deleted enterprise application in your Microsoft Entra tenant. Soft deleted enterprise applications can be restored from the recycle bin within the first 30 days after their deletion. After the 30-day window, the enterprise application is permanently deleted and can't be restored.

If you deleted an application registration in its home tenant through app registrations in the Microsoft Entra admin center, the enterprise application, which is its corresponding service principal also got deleted.

If you restore the deleted application registration through the Microsoft Entra admin center, its corresponding service principal, is also restored. You therefore be able to recover the service principal's previous configurations, except its previous policies such as Conditional Access policies, which aren't restored.


To restore an enterprise application, you need:

Take the following steps to recover a recently deleted enterprise application. For more information on frequently asked questions about deletion and recovery of applications, see Deleting and recovering applications FAQs.

View restorable enterprise applications using Microsoft Entra PowerShell

Make sure you're using the Microsoft Entra PowerShell module.

You need to sign in as at least a Cloud Application Administrator.

  1. Run the following command to view the recently deleted enterprise application.

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'Application.Read.All'

Replace ID with the object ID of the service principal that you want to restore.

View restorable enterprise applications using Microsoft Graph PowerShell

  1. Run connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Application.ReadWrite.All". You need to sign in as at least a Cloud Application Administrator.

  2. To view the recently deleted enterprise applications, run the following command.

    Get-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId <id>

Replace ID with the object ID of the service principal that you want to restore.

View restorable enterprise applications using Microsoft Graph API

View and restore recently deleted enterprise applications using Graph Explorer. You need to sign in as at least a Cloud Application Administrator.

To get the list of deleted enterprise applications in your tenant, run the following query.


From the list of deleted service principals generated, record the ID of the enterprise application you want to restore.

Alternatively, if you want to get the specific enterprise application that was deleted, fetch the deleted service principal and filter the results by the client's application ID (appId) property using the following syntax:$filter=appId eq '{appId}'. Once you retrieved the object ID of the deleted service principal, proceed to restore it.

Restore an enterprise app using Microsoft Entra PowerShell

  1. To restore the soft-deleted enterprise application, run the following command:

    Connect-Entra -Scopes 'Application.ReadWrite.All'
    #get the deleted service principal by filtering by the display name.
    $deletedServicePrincipal = Get-EntraDeletedServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName eq 'test-App1-Deleted'"
    #assign the value returned to a variable and restore the deleted service principal
    Id = $deletedServicePrincipal.Id
    Restore-EntraDeletedDirectoryObject -Id $deletedServicePrincipal.Id

Restore an enterprise app using Microsoft Graph PowerShell

  1. To restore the enterprise application, run the following command:

    Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId <id>

Replace ID with the object ID of the service principal that you want to restore.

Restore an enterprise app using Microsoft Graph API

To restore the enterprise application, run the following query:


Replace ID with the object ID of the service principal that you want to restore.

Soft-deleted managed identity service principals can be viewed but can't be recovered or permanently deleted by customers.


Permanently deleting an enterprise application is an irreversible action. Any present configurations on the app are lost. Carefully review the details of the enterprise application to be sure you still want to hard delete it.

Permanently delete an enterprise app using Microsoft Entra PowerShell

To permanently delete a soft deleted enterprise application, run the following command:

   Connect-Entra -Scopes 'Application.ReadWrite.All'
   #get the deleted service principal by filtering by the display name.
   $deletedServicePrincipal = Get-EntraDeletedServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName eq 'test-App1-Deleted'"

   #assign the value returned to a variable and permanently delete the service principal
   $Id = $deletedServicePrincipal.Id
   Remove-EntraDeletedDirectoryObject -Id $deletedServicePrincipal.Id

Permanently delete an enterprise app using Microsoft Graph PowerShell

  1. To permanently delete the soft deleted enterprise application, run the following command:

    Remove-MgDirectoryDeletedItem -DirectoryObjectId <id>

Permanently delete an enterprise app using Microsoft Graph API

To permanently delete a soft deleted enterprise application, run the following query in Microsoft Graph explorer.
