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Maintenance - Analysis (report)

The Maintenance - Analysis report shows detailed maintenance expenses for fixed assets.

You can choose whether to use posting dates or fixed asset posting dates to control the data the report shows.

The report has three amount fields that can show maintenance amounts broken down by different maintenance types. Select the maintenance code for the maintenance type you want to include in the report.

The report has three period fields in which you can select one of the following options:

  • Before Starting Date
  • Net Change
  • Ending Date

Net Change is the period between the starting and ending date. The option you select determines how the report calculates maintenance amounts.

The report lets you group fixed assets and calculate totals by category. For example, it can show maintenance expenses for fixed assets in each fixed asset class. You can also choose to show amounts for each fixed asset.

Use cases

Review your maintenance expenses for fixed assets for different time periods. The information is broken down by maintenance types or other categories, such as fixed asset class.

Try the report

Try the report here: Maintenance - Analysis


If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.

See also

Fixed assets report overview
Ad hoc analysis of fixed assets data
Fixed assets analytics overview

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