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Fixed Asset Analysis (report)

The Fixed Asset Analysis report provides a comprehensive examination of an organization's fixed assets, such as property, plant, and equipment, for different purposes.

You can specify two date columns and three data columns to display in the report.

For example, to generate a report for reconciling with the general ledger, add columns for:

  • Acquisition cost at an ending date.
  • Depreciation at an ending date.
  • Book value at an ending date.

A check report could have acquisitions/net change, write-down/net change, and appreciation/net change, so you can check every change to a fixed asset.

If you select the Budget Report field and specify an ending date in the future, the report calculates the future depreciation and gives estimates for future depreciation and book values, if you selected those fields as report columns.

Use cases

Get help with tasks such as reconciling asset values with your general ledger (G/L) and reviewing net values and write down values. You can also view information only for sold fixed assets.

Fixed asset managers use the report to:

  • Monitor fixed asset values and review net value along with write down value by selecting the relevant amount fields and amount fields for multiple periods.
  • Generate a check report with acquisitions/net change, write-down/net change, and appreciation/net change to verify every change to fixed assets.

Accountants use the report to:

  • Reconcile asset values with the general ledger by selecting fields like acquisition and depreciation at an ending date, and book value at an ending date.
  • Generate a budget report by selecting the Budget Report field and specifying an ending date in the future to calculate future depreciation and book values.

Controllers use the report to:

  • Analyze fixed asset values for an organization and make strategic decisions.
  • Review the depreciation expenses for all fixed assets for multiple periods.

Try the report

Try the report here: Fixed Asset Analysis


If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.

Alternative reports

There are several other ways to analyze your fixed assets. To learn more, go to:

See also

Fixed assets report overview
Ad hoc analysis of fixed assets data
Fixed assets analytics overview

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