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Fixed Asset Projected Value Excel (report)

The Fixed Asset Projected Value Excel report shows how fixed asset ledger entries would depreciate in the dates specified on the request page for a given depreciation book. You can choose to include projected disposals and use the accounting periods specified in the Accounting Period table in the report.

The report Excel workbook contains two worksheets that you can use to analyze your fixed assets data:

  • Projected Value
  • FixedAssetData

Use the worksheets to analyze data in different ways.


If you configure OneDrive for system features, the Excel workbook opens in your browser in Excel online.


This report does the calculations when you view it in Excel online, or when you download and open it. If a banner displays text about external data connections, you might need to choose the Enable content button to load data. The report doesn't connect to any external data sources. All calculations are done in Excel with Power Query. In some cases (depending on the security configurations for your organization), you might also need to right-click on a pivot table in one of the worksheets and choose Refresh to update data in the reports.

Projected Value worksheet

This worksheet shows the projected posting date, posting type, number of depreciation days, amount, and book value for the fixed assets and period specified on the report request page.

The filters and slicers on the worksheet let you zoom in on a fixed asset's class, subclass, or location. You can also filter by department code or project code, if needed.

Screenshot of the Fixed Asset Details worksheet


The data is shown in an Excel pivot table. Choose any cell with data to open the Field List, where you can arrange fields, group or ungroup data, and filter data. To learn more, go to the following articles:

FixedAssetData worksheet

This worksheet shows the raw data used in the report.

Use this worksheet for data analysis assisted by built-in tools in Excel, such as Excel Copilot, or the What-if-analysis or Forecast Sheet tools.

Screenshot of the FixedAssetData worksheet

To learn more, go to Get started with Copilot in Excel.

Other worksheets

The Business Central platform always adds three system worksheets to Excel reports:

  • TranslationData, with text needed for multi-language reports.
  • CaptionData, with text from Business Central fields needed for multi-language reports
  • Aggregated Metadata, with data about the report, and when and how it was run.

All three worksheets are hidden by default. To learn more, go to System Excel workbooks in the developer documentation.

Use cases

Explore projected depreciation amounts and book value for a future period for your fixed assets.

Fixed asset managers use the report to:

  • Estimate the amount of accumulated depreciation of your assets at the end of the selected period.
  • Plan for the replacement of assets whose projected book value is less than their actual value.
  • Determine which assets are due for depreciation and plan for adjustments.

Finance managers use the report to:

  • Review and adjust the budgeted depreciation amounts for an upcoming period.
  • Analyze the projected book value of assets and determine whether to dispose of assets that aren't needed.
  • Forecast the financial performance of an organization based on the projected values of depreciation.

Accountants use the report to:

  • Calculate the tax implications of the projected depreciation amounts.
  • Reconcile financial statements by comparing the projected book value of assets with the actual book value.
  • Determine whether to adjust financial statements based on the projected values of depreciation.

Try the report

Try the report here: Fixed Asset Projected Value Excel


If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.

Make the report your own

You can create your own report layouts with Excel, either from scratch or based on an existing layout. To modify the layout for the report, export the layout (not the workbook that resulted from running the report) from Business Central, make your changes, and then import the layout into Business Central.

To learn more, go to Task 1: Create the Excel layout file.

Alternative reports

There are several other ways to analyze your fixed assets. To learn more, go to:


Microsoft maintains this article. The following contributors provided some or all of its contents.

Ad-hoc analysis of fixed assets data
Fixed assets analytics overview
Financial analytics overview

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