
Bendrinti naudojant

Vendor - List (report)

The Vendor - List report shows basic information for vendors, such as the vendor posting group, discount and payment information, and priority level.

The report also shows the vendor's default currency, and their current balance in local currency.

Use cases

Maintain information about the vendor.

Procurement officers use the report to:

  • Manage vendor information, such as the vendor posting group, payment terms, and discount information, to ensure they process vendor transactions accurately and efficiently.
  • Identify opportunities to save cost or generate revenue by negotiating payment terms or discounts with vendors.
  • Get data to prepare vendor performance reports or dashboards for internal or external stakeholders.

Vendor managers use the report to:

  • Monitor vendor information, such as the vendor's priority level and payment history, to ensure they manage vendor relationships effectively.
  • Identify areas for improvement in vendor performance and proactively address potential issues.
  • Get data to prepare vendor scorecards or performance reports for internal or external stakeholders.

Financial analysts use the report to:

  • Analyze vendor information, such as payment terms and discount rates, to identify opportunities to save cost or generate revenue.
  • Get data to prepare financial reports such as income statements or balance sheets for internal or external stakeholders.
  • Monitor vendor performance and identify potential risks to financial performance.

Try the report

Try the report here: Vendor - List


If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.

Alternative reports

There are several ways to analyze your vendors. One popular choice is to use the Data Analysis feature on the Vendors page. You might need to personalize the page to add some fields.

Screenshot of a data analysis tab on the Vendors page

You can also use the Purchases by Vendor report in the Power BI Purchasing app.

Screenshot of the Purchases by Vendor Power BI report

Purchases by Vendor (Power BI)
Accounts payable analytics
Purchasing analytics overview

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