
Bendrinti naudojant

Considerations for running the Azure CLI in a PowerShell scripting language

Azure CLI is a tool to manage Azure resources through Azure CLI reference commands that run in both a Bash and PowerShell scripting language. However, there are slight syntax differences in parameter formatting between scripting languages that can result in unexpected results. The purpose of this article is to help you resolve Azure CLI syntax errors when working in a PowerShell scripting language.

This article compares syntax differences of Azure CLI commands executed in the following scripting languages:

  • Bash running in a Linux operating system using Azure Cloud Shell.
  • PowerShell running in a Linux operating system using Azure Cloud Shell.
  • Windows PowerShell running in Windows 11 using the PowerShell 5 terminal.
  • PowerShell running in a Windows 11 using the PowerShell 7 terminal.

If you're new to CLI, differentiating between a tool and a scripting language might be confusing. How-to choose the right command-line tool provides a good comparison.


This article is intended for you to read and learn. However, if you want to run the examples, select the Prepare your environments tab to install the scripting languages used in this article.


When you have an Azure CLI script that is producing an error, consider how the scripting language you are working in is parsing the Azure CLI command syntax.

Pass spaces in Azure CLI parameters

In Azure CLI, when you need to pass a parameter value containing a space, there are quoting differences between operating systems and scripting languages. In this example, use az storage account list and rename output columns with a word containing a space.

In this example, notice the single quote ('...') wrapper with embedded double quotes ("..."). This example also works in PowerShell in Linux.

az storage account list --query '[].{"SA Name":name, "Primary endpoint":primaryEndpoints.blob}' --output table

If you want to add a filter, the syntax changes. Notice how this example wraps the --query parameter value in double quotes ("...") and uses a backslash (\) escape character. This script doesn't run in PowerShell.

 az storage account list --query "[?creationTime >='2024-02-01'].{\"SA Name\":name,\"Primary endpoint\":primaryEndpoints.blob}" --output table

If you just tried to run the filter syntax in a PowerShell scripting language, you received error message argument --query: invalid jmespath_type value: "[?creationTime >=...". However, in Bash within a Linux environment, your output is similar to this:

SA Name           Primary Endpoint
-----------       -----------------

Pass parameters in a URL containing a query string

Question marks in URLs indicate the end of the URL and the beginning of a query string. Here's an example that opens step 3 in Learn to use the Azure CLI:

The ?view=azure-cli-2020-09-01-hybrid results in the desired version of the Azure CLI reference content.

When you execute Azure CLI commands in a PowerShell scripting language, PowerShell allows question marks to be part of a variable name. This might create confusion in Azure CLI parameter values.

Here's an example from the Use the Azure REST API article:

Notice how $containerRegistryName?api-version concatenates together without error in Bash.

# Script for a Bash scripting language

# Variable block
let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"

# prior to this GET example, the resource group and container registry were created in the article.

az rest --method get --url$subscriptionId/resourceGroups/$resourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/$containerRegistryName?api-version=2023-01-01-preview

Pass parameters containing the ampersand symbol

If you have a scenario where you need to pass an ampersand in a parameter value, be aware that the ampersand (&) symbol is interpreted by PowerShell. You can see this happen using the --debug parameter:

az "a&b" --debug

# output
'a' is misspelled or not recognized by the system.
'b' is not recognized as an internal or external command

However, if you use this same test to add a tag to a resource group, the ampersand in the tag value doesn't cause an error.

az group create --location eastus2 --name "msdocs-rg-test"
az group update --name "msdocs-rg-test" --tags "company name=Contoso & Sons"

# output
  "id": "/subscriptions/3618afcd-ea52-4ceb-bb46-53bb962d4e0b/resourceGroups/msdocs-rg-test",
  "location": "eastus2",
  "managedBy": null,
  "name": "msdocs-rg-test",
  "properties": {
    "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
  "tags": {
    "company name": "Contoso & Sons"
  "type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"

If you have a scenario where the ampersand in a parameter value is causing an error, here are some solutions:

# When quoted by single quotes ('), double quotes (") are preserved by PowerShell and sent
# to Command Prompt, so that ampersand (&) is treated as a literal character
> az '"a&b"' --debug
Command arguments: ['a&b', '--debug']

# Escape double quotes (") with backticks (`) as required by PowerShell
> az "`"a&b`"" --debug
Command arguments: ['a&b', '--debug']

# Escape double quotes (") by repeating them
> az """a&b""" --debug
Command arguments: ['a&b', '--debug']

# With a whitespace in the argument, double quotes (") are preserved by PowerShell and
# sent to Command Prompt
> az "a&b " --debug
Command arguments: ['a&b ', '--debug']

# Use --% to stop PowerShell from parsing the argument
> az --% "a&b" --debug
Command arguments: ['a&b', '--debug']

Pass parameters containing an at (@) symbol

There are special characters of PowerShell, such as the at (@) symbol which is a splatting operator in PowerShell. Add a backtick ` before the special character to escape it. You can also enclose the value in single (') or double (") quotes.

The following three examples will work in PowerShell:

  • parameterName `@parameters.json
  • parameterName '@parameters.json'
  • parameterName "@parameters.json"

This example will not work in PowerShell:

  • parameterName @parameters.json

Here's another example in the az ad app create command: Notice the double quotes ("...") around the JSON file name needed in a PowerShell scripting language.

# Script for a PowerShell scripting language

az ad app create --display-name myTestAppName `
    --is-fallback-public-client `
    --required-resource-accesses "@manifest.json"

Pass parameters containing JSON

For complex arguments like a JSON string, the best practice is to use Azure CLI's @<file> convention to load from a file to bypass the shell's interpretation. For JSON syntax examples for Bash, PowerShell and Cmd.exe, see Quoting differences between scripting languages - JSON strings.

Pass parameters containing key:value pairs

Some Azure CLI parameter values, such as Azure resource tags, require key:value pairs. If your key or value contains a space or special character, the Bash and PowerShell syntax aren't always the same.

For syntax examples for Bash, PowerShell and Cmd, see Create tags to practice quoting differences in the Learn to use the Azure CLI tutorial. This tutorial step gives examples for the following key:value pair scenarios:

  • spaces
  • empty values
  • special characters
  • variables

Stop-parsing symbol

The stop-parsing symbol (--%), introduced in PowerShell 3.0, directs PowerShell to refrain from interpreting input as PowerShell commands or expressions. When it encounters a stop-parsing symbol, PowerShell treats the remaining characters in the line as a literal.

az --% vm create --name xxx

Error handling for Azure CLI in PowerShell

You can run Azure CLI commands in PowerShell, as described in Choose the right Azure command-line tool. If you do, be sure you understand Azure CLI error handling in PowerShell. In particular, Azure CLI doesn't create exceptions for PowerShell to catch.

An alternative is to use the $? automatic variable. This variable contains the status of the most recent command. If the previous command fails, $? has the value of $False. For more information, see about_Automatic_Variables.

The following example shows how this automatic variable can work for error handling:

# Script for a PowerShell scripting language

az group create --name MyResourceGroup
if ($? -eq $false) {
    Write-Error "Error creating resource group."

The az command fails because it's missing the required --location parameter. The conditional statement finds that $? is false and writes an error.

If you want to use the try and catch keywords, you can use throw to create an exception for the try block to catch:

# Script for a PowerShell scripting language

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
try {
    az group create --name MyResourceGroup
    if ($? -eq $false) {
        throw 'Group create failed.'
catch {
    Write-Error "Error creating the resource group."
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"

By default, PowerShell catches only terminating errors. This example sets the $ErrorActionPreference global variable to Stop so PowerShell can handle the error.

The conditional statement tests the $? variable to see if the previous command failed. If so, the throw keyword creates an exception to catch. The catch block can be used to write an error message or handle the error.

The example restores $ErrorActionPreference to its default value.

For more information about PowerShell error handling, see Everything you wanted to know about exceptions.

Enable Tab Completion in PowerShell

Tab completion, also known as "Azure CLI completers", provides completion on inputs to provide hints, enable discovery and speed up input entry. Command names, command group names, parameters and certain parameter values can be automatically inserted into the command line by pressing the Tab key.

Tab completion is enabled by default in Azure Cloud Shell and in most Linux distributions. Starting in Azure CLI version 2.49, you can enable tab completion for the Azure CLI in PowerShell. Follow these steps:

  1. Create or edit the profile stored in the variable $PROFILE. The simplest way is to run notepad $PROFILE in PowerShell. For more information, see How to create your profile and Profiles and execution policy.

  2. Add the following code to your PowerShell profile:

    Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName az -ScriptBlock {
        param($commandName, $wordToComplete, $cursorPosition)
        $completion_file = New-TemporaryFile
        $env:_ARGCOMPLETE_STDOUT_FILENAME = $completion_file
        $env:COMP_LINE = $wordToComplete
        $env:COMP_POINT = $cursorPosition
        $env:_ARGCOMPLETE = 1
        $env:_ARGCOMPLETE_IFS = "`n"
        $env:_ARGCOMPLETE_SHELL = 'powershell'
        az 2>&1 | Out-Null
        Get-Content $completion_file | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object {
            [System.Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new($_, $_, "ParameterValue", $_)
  3. To display all available options in the menu, add Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete to your PowerShell profile.

See also