
Bendrinti naudojant

BlobFuse2 help command

Use the blobfuse2 help command to get help info for the BlobFuse2 command and subcommands.


The blobfuse2 help command has 2 formats:

blobfuse2 help --[flag-name]=[flag-value]

blobfuse2 help [command] --[flag-name]=[flag-value]



You can get help information for any of the specific BlobFuse2 commands. The supported blobfuse2 commands are:

Command Description
mount Mounts blob storage containers and displays existing mount points
unmount Unmounts previously mounted blob storage containers
mountv1 Generates a configuration file for BlobFuse2 from a BlobFuse v1 configuration file
completion Generates the autocompletion script for BlobFuse2 for a specified shell
secure Encrypts, decrypts, or accesses settings in a BlobFuse2 configuration file
version Displays the current version of BlobFuse2, and optionally checks for the latest version

Select one of the command links in the table above to view the documentation for the individual commands, including the arguments and flags they support.

Flags (options)

The flags available for blobfuse2 help are inherited from the parent command, blobfuse2.

Flags inherited from the BlobFuse2 command

The following flags are inherited from parent command blobfuse2):

Flag Short version Value type Default value Description
disable-version-check boolean false Enables or disables automatic version checking of the BlobFuse2 binaries
help -h n/a n/a Help info for the blobfuse2 command and subcommands


Get general BlobFuse2 help:

blobfuse2 help

Get help for the blobfuse2 mount command:

blobfuse2 help mount

Get help for the blobfuse2 secure encrypt subcommand:

blobfuse2 help secure encrypt

See also