
Bendrinti naudojant

GCP data connector reference for the Codeless Connector Platform

To create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) data connector with the Codeless Connector Platform (CCP), use this reference as a supplement to the Microsoft Sentinel REST API for Data Connectors docs.

Each dataConnector represents a specific connection of a Microsoft Sentinel data connector. One data connector might have multiple connections, which fetch data from different endpoints. The JSON configuration built using this reference document is used to complete the deployment template for the CCP data connector.

For more information, see Create a codeless connector for Microsoft Sentinel.

Build the GCP CCP data connector

Simplify the development of connecting your GCP data source with a sample GCP CCP data connector deployment template.

GCP CCP example template

With most of the deployment template sections filled out, you only need to build the first two components, the output table and the DCR. For more information, see the Output table definition and Data Collection Rule (DCR) sections.

Data Connectors - Create or update

Reference the Create or Update operation in the REST API docs to find the latest stable or preview API version. The difference between the create and the update operation is the update requires the etag value.

PUT method{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{{workspaceName}}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/dataConnectors/{{dataConnectorId}}?api-version={{apiVersion}}

URI parameters

For more information about the latest API version, see Data Connectors - Create or Update URI Parameters.

Name Description
dataConnectorId The data connector ID must be a unique name and is the same as the name parameter in the request body.
resourceGroupName The name of the resource group, not case sensitive.
subscriptionId The ID of the target subscription.
workspaceName The name of the workspace, not the ID.
Regex pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]+[A-Za-z0-9]$
api-version The API version to use for this operation.

Request body

The request body for a GCP CCP data connector has the following structure:

   "name": "{{dataConnectorId}}",
   "kind": "GCP",
   "etag": "",
   "properties": {
        "connectorDefinitionName": "",
        "auth": {},
        "request": {},
        "dcrConfig": ""


GCP represents a CCP data connector where the paging and expected response payloads for your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) data source has already been configured. Configuring your GCP service to send data to a GCP Pub/Sub must be done separately. For more information, see Publish message in Pub/Sub overview.

Name Required Type Description
name True string The unique name of the connection matching the URI parameter
kind True string Must be GCP
etag GUID Leave empty for creation of new connectors. For update operations, the etag must match the existing connector's etag (GUID).
properties.connectorDefinitionName string The name of the DataConnectorDefinition resource that defines the UI configuration of the data connector. For more information, see Data Connector Definition.
properties.auth True Nested JSON Describes the credentials for polling the GCP data. For more information, see authentication configuration.
properties.request True Nested JSON Describes the GCP project Id and GCP subscription for polling the data. For more information, see request configuration.
properties.dcrConfig Nested JSON Required parameters when the data is sent to a Data Collection Rule (DCR). For more information, see DCR configuration.

Authentication configuration

Authentication to GCP from Microsoft Sentinel uses a GCP Pub/Sub. You must configure the authentication separately. Use the Terraform scripts here. For more information, see GCP Pub/Sub authentication from another cloud provider.

As a best practice, use parameters in the auth section instead of hard-coding credentials. For more information, see Secure confidential input.

In order to create the deployment template which also uses parameters, you need to escape the parameters in this section with an extra starting [. This allows the parameters to assign a value based on the user interaction with the connector. For more information, see Template expressions escape characters.

To enable the credentials to be entered from the UI, the connectorUIConfig section requires instructions with the desired parameters. For more information, see Data connector definitions reference for the Codeless Connector Platform.

GCP auth example:

"auth": {
    "serviceAccountEmail": "[[parameters('GCPServiceAccountEmail')]",
    "projectNumber": "[[parameters('GCPProjectNumber')]",
    "workloadIdentityProviderId": "[[parameters('GCPWorkloadIdentityProviderId')]"

Request configuration

The request section requires the projectId and subscriptionNames from the GCP Pub/Sub.

GCP request example:

"request": {
    "projectId": "[[parameters('GCPProjectId')]",
    "subscriptionNames": [

DCR configuration

Field Required Type Description
DataCollectionEndpoint True String DCE (Data Collection Endpoint) for example:
DataCollectionRuleImmutableId True String The DCR immutable ID. Find it by viewing the DCR creation response or using the DCR API
StreamName True string This value is the streamDeclaration defined in the DCR (prefix must begin with Custom-)

Example CCP data connector

Here's an example of all the components of the GCP CCP data connector JSON together.

    "kind": "GCP",
    "properties": {
        "connectorDefinitionName": "[[parameters('connectorDefinitionName')]",
        "dcrConfig": {
            "streamName": "[variables('streamName')]",
            "dataCollectionEndpoint": "[[parameters('dcrConfig').dataCollectionEndpoint]",
            "dataCollectionRuleImmutableId": "[[parameters('dcrConfig').dataCollectionRuleImmutableId]"
    "dataType": "[variables('dataType')]",
    "auth": {
        "serviceAccountEmail": "[[parameters('GCPServiceAccountEmail')]",
        "projectNumber": "[[parameters('GCPProjectNumber')]",
        "workloadIdentityProviderId": "[[parameters('GCPWorkloadIdentityProviderId')]"
    "request": {
        "projectId": "[[parameters('GCPProjectId')]",
        "subscriptionNames": [

For more information, see Create GCP data connector REST API example.