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Modify an existing site page

This article describes how to modify an existing site page in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

When you must modify a page, the first step is to open it in the page editor. Go to the site that contains your page, and then, in the list of pages, find the page that you want. If you can't find the page, you can use the authoring tool's rich search functionality. Either type the exact page name, or type the first few letters of it and then an asterisk (*). A filtered list of pages appears. You can use this list to find the page that you want. After you find the correct page, select the page name to open the page in the page editor.


If your page is visible in the page inspector, you can select Edit and check the page out before you open it in the page editor. In this way, you can check out multiple pages at the same time.

After the page is open in the page editor, you must make sure that it's checked out to you. The command bar in the authoring tool is dynamic, context-sensitive, and state-sensitive. Therefore, it shows only the actions that you can currently perform on the page. For example, if the page isn't checked out to you, the Save and Finish editing buttons don't appear on the command bar. The state of the page is also shown on the right side of the window.

If the page isn't already checked out to you, select Edit on the command bar. The command bar changes to reflect the new state of the page. You also receive a notification that states that the page was checked out to you.

The next step is to make your actual changes. Often, you will use the page outline tree on the left to find and select the module that you want to change, and then make changes in the properties pane on the right.

However, your change might sometimes involve adding or removing models or fragments. To add a fragment or module, use the page outline tree to find the slot that you want to add the module or fragment to, and then select the ellipsis button (...) for that slot. A menu appears that includes commands for adding a module or fragment. To remove a module or fragment, find and select it in the page outline tree, select the ellipsis button, and then select the command to delete the module or fragment.


You can also view and edit the properties for any module that is visible in the visual page builder preview by selecting it directly.

After you've finished making your changes and previewing their effect, you should check in the page by selecting Finish editing on the command bar.

To publish your changes immediately, select Publish on the command bar. The latest checked-in version of the page that you modified is published and becomes available to external users who view your site.

Example: Change the video on the home page

The following example shows how to modify the home page by changing the video that appears in the video player module.

  1. Under Sites, select Fabrikam (or the name of your site).
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, select Pages.
  3. Find and select the home page to open it in the page editor.
  4. On the command bar, select Edit.
  5. In the page outline, select the Main slot.
  6. Under the Main slot, expand all the fluid container modules.
  7. Find and select the video player module.
  8. In the properties pane on the right, select the video property. The asset picker appears.
  9. In the asset picker, select an available video asset, or select Upload new asset to upload a new video asset.
  10. Select OK.
  11. Select Save, and then select Finish editing.
  12. In the Comments field, enter Changed the video, and then select OK.
  13. Select Preview to preview the updated page. When you've finished, close the preview tab to return to the authoring tool.
  14. Select Publish.

Additional resources

Add a new site page

Select page layouts

Manage SEO metadata

Save, preview, and publish a page

Enrich a product page

Enrich a category landing page

Verify page content accessibility

Create dynamic e-commerce pages based on URL parameters