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Release notes 2025: Azure Health Data Services

This article describes features, enhancements, and bug fixes released in 2025 for the FHIR® service, Azure API for FHIR, DICOM® service, and MedTech service in Azure Health Data Services.

March 2025

Bulk Delete Enhancement: Added support for _include and _revinclude to conditional and bulk delete requests. Users can now use _include and _revinclude in the search criteria for conditional and bulk delete. Please note that this does not affect current behavior of singular deletes, which does not support extra parameters.

February 2025

Selectable Search Parameters: Customers can tune search parameters using the selectable search parameters capability. The capability provides a $status endpoint to validate the status of the search parameter. To avoid conflicts, the change now prevents updates to the search parameter status when a reindex job is in progress.

Schema Upgrade Changes: To improve customer experience during schema upgrades, the service now ensures that instances are initialized up to the minimum supported schema version. If a schema upgrade is in progress, the service continues to respond while initializing the instance in parallel.

Incremental Import Enhancement: Error handling has been added for lastUpdated input values marked in the future during ingestion using the import operation. The error handling includes a check to ensure that if the input lastUpdated is set to less than 10 seconds in the future, the input resources with dates in the future are rejected.

Date Search Logic Update: When searching for a date, the logic now ensures that any date range containing the searched date is included in the results. Previously, it only matched a date if the entire range was inside the searched date.

Health Checks for Improved Resiliency: Added health checks to enhance the resilience of the service such as retriable exceptions, enhanced diagnostic logging, and catching time out exceptions.

January 2025

FHIR service

Enhancement: Improved error handling and validation

HTTP Method Validation for Transaction Bundle Requests: Added validation to ensure the HTTP method in the Request component of the transaction bundle is a valid HTTPVerb enum value. If the HTTP method is invalid or null, a RequestNotValidException is thrown with a 400 Bad Request status, providing a clearer error message to users.

CMK Error Handling: Improved error handling for operations dependent on customer-managed keys. Users now see a more specific error message and a link to Microsoft's troubleshooting guide if issues occur related to CMK.

100 items limit on include and revinclude searches

The FHIR® server has a limit of 100 items on include and revinclude searches. A recent update fixed an issue where this limit wasn't being applied in specific conditions. Customers will receive a warning and truncated results if the limit is exceeded. Details on limits can be found in the Overview of FHIR search. To manage this, use the _count parameter to reduce the number of returned results. In the short term, we plan to increase the limit to 1000

Bug Fixes

Billing in Sweden Central region: An issue was discovered where subscriptions in the Sweden Central region weren't being billed correctly. We corrected the error, and billing has now been enabled in Sweden Central region. If you were affected by this error, you won't be responsible for any missed charges prior to your January bill.

Release notes 2021

Release notes 2022

Release notes 2023

Release notes 2024

Known issues


FHIR® is a registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.

DICOM® is the registered trademark of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association for its Standards publications relating to digital communications of medical information.