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Developing OpenType Fonts for Korean Hangul Script

This document presents information that will help font developers create or support OpenType fonts for the Korean Hangul script covered by the Unicode Standard.


The Korean Hangul script is a 'syllabic' script. The syllables are formed by combining sequences of elemental, alphabetic consonants and vowels. The process of composing syllables is additive in nature and follows a set of predefined rules. The glyph elements of each composed syllable are shaped and positioned into a square display cell, often referred to as a 'syllable block', or 'syllable glyph'.

The Unicode Standard provides encodings for pre-composed Hangul syllables known as 'Modern Hangul', as well as encodings for individual Hangul alphabetic elements, called 'Jamo' and known as 'Old Hangul'. 'Modern Hangul' has 11,172 pre-composed characters in the Unicode range U+AC00 through U+D7AF. 'Old Hangul' syllables can be composed from the individual Hangul Jamos encoded in the Unicode Hangul Jamo block (U+1100 through U+11FF). More specifically, only certain sequences of these Jamo characters can combine to form Old Hangul syllables. These sequences are defined in Appendix B. Only sequences defined in Appendix B will result in formation of Old Hangul syllables. Sequences of character codes from the Hangul Jamo Block that do not match any sequence pattern in Appendix B, will be considered as a sequence of individual non-Old Hangul characters.

Hangul shaping

In this specification, font developers will learn how to address Old Hangul syllable formation, encode complex script features in their fonts, choose character sets, organize font information, and use existing tools to produce Old Hangul fonts. Registered features of the Korean Hangul script are defined and illustrated, encodings are listed, and templates are included for compiling Korean Hangul layout tables for OpenType fonts.

This document also presents information about the Korean OpenType shaping engine of Uniscribe, the Windows component responsible for text layout.

In addition to being a primer and specification for the creation and support of Hangul fonts, this document is intended to more broadly illustrate the OpenType Layout architecture, feature schemes, and operating system support for shaping and positioning text.


The following terms are useful for understanding the layout features and script rules discussed in this document.

Jamo - Individual Hangul alphabetic elements or atomic unit in a syllable. Consonants and vowels are both known as Jamos.

Consonant - Represents a single consonant sound. Consonants are further divided into leading consonants and trailing consonants.

  • Leading consonant (Leading Jamo) "Choseong" - the syllable initial character
  • Trailing Consonant (Trailing Jamo) "Jongseong" - the syllable final character

Vowel (Vowel Jamo) "Jungseong" - A phoneme; an independent unit in a syllable. It does not combine with any consonant to result in the transformation of any consonant-vowel combination.


The following notation is used in this document to illustrate layout operations:

L – Leading consonant

V – Vowel

T – Trailing consonant

S – Syllable

X – Non-Jamo character

{ } – Indicates 0, 1 or multiple occurrence

[ ] – Indicates 0 or 1 occurrence

() – Indicates 1 or multiple occurrence

Shaping Engine

The Uniscribe Korean shaping engine processes text in stages. The stages are:

  1. Compose Old Hangul Jamo combinations
  2. Identify syllable boundaries with OTLS
  3. Analyze the syllables
  4. Shape glyphs with OTLS (OpenType Library Services)

The descriptions which follow will help font developers understand the rationale for the Korean Hangul feature encoding model, and help application developers better understand how layout clients can divide responsibilities with operating system functions.

Compose Old Hangul Jamo combinations

The shaping engine receives a sequence of characters (character run), which have been identified into sequences of leading consonant (L), vowel (V) and trailing consonant (T) Jamos. In each of these sequences, the shaping engine identifies the maximum length of characters which can combine to form registered Jamos. This is done according to the list of standard character combinations in Appendix B.

Next, it replaces these with the corresponding old Hangul Jamo. This process is repeated on the next longest string in the sequence. This process of identification and replacement is repeated for all sequences.

The result of this process is a string of registered Old Hangul Jamos like the example below:

---> V1L1(L2L3)V2V3(T1T2T3)L4L5V4T4(V5V6)L6V7
---> V1L1(L23)V2V3(T123)L4L5V4T4(V56)L6V7

Analyze the Syllables

The syllable unit that the shaping engine receives for the purpose of shaping is a string of Unicode characters, in a sequence. Since each Hangul syllable has the canonical format of LVT, fillers Lf and Vf, are then added, where required, in the registered Jamo sequence to convert each of them to canonical form. The shaping engine then flags each of these for appropriate feature processing. OTLS will then be called to perform OpenType layout processing for each syllable in turn.

It is important to note that if any of the Jamo sequences being analyzed is capable of forming a Modern Hangul Syllable, the shaping engine does not apply OpenType features to shape them. Composition of Modern Hangul syllables is expected to be done using the pre-composed section (U+AC00 – U+D7AF), as described in the Unicode Standard.

Shaping with OTLS

The first step Uniscribe takes in shaping the character string is to map all characters to their nominal form glyphs.

Next, Uniscribe calls the OTL Services Library to shape the Old Hangul syllable. All OTL processing is divided into a set of predefined features (described and illustrated in the Features section of this document). Each feature is applied, one by one, to the appropriate glyphs in the syllable and OTLS processes them. Uniscribe makes as many calls to the OTL Services as there are features. This ensures that the features are executed in the desired order.

The steps of the shaping process are outlined below.

Shaping features:

  1. Language forms
    1. Apply feature 'ccmp' to preprocess any glyphs that require composition
    2. Apply feature 'ljmo' to get the leading consonant Jamo
    3. Apply feature 'vjmo' to get the vowel Jamo
    4. Apply feature 'tjmo' to get the trailing consonant Jamo

Handling Invalid Combining Marks

Combining marks and signs that appear in text not in conjunction with a valid consonant base are considered invalid. When an invalid combination of letters is encountered, Uniscribe simply starts a new syllable/cluster.

Please note that to render a sign standalone (in apparent isolation from any base) one should apply it on a space (see section 2.5 'Combining Marks' of Unicode Standard 3.1). Uniscribe requires a ZWJ to be placed between the space and a mark for them to combine into a standalone sign.

Illustration that shows the Unicode characters zero width non joiner and zero width joiner with suggested glyphs.

While not required for OpenType functionality, inclusion of the ZWJ (zero width joiner; U+200C), the ZWNJ (zero width non-joiner; U+200D) and the ZWSP (zero width space; U+200B) are recommended for inclusion in Korean Hangul fonts.


The features listed below have been defined to create the basic forms for the languages that are supported on Korean Hangul systems. Regardless of the model an application chooses for supporting layout of complex scripts, Uniscribe requires a fixed order for executing features within a run of text to consistently obtain the proper basic form. This is achieved by calling features one-by-one in the standard order listed below.

The order of the lookups within each feature is also very important. For more information on lookups and defining features in OpenType fonts, see the Encoding section of the OpenType Development document.

The standard order for applying Korean Hangul features encoded in OpenType fonts:

Feature Feature function Layout operation Required
Language based forms:
ccmp Character composition/decomposition substitution GSUB
ljmo Leading consonant Jamo GSUB X
vjmo Vowel Jamo GSUB X
tjmo Trailing consonant Jamo GSUB X
[GSUB = glyph substitution, GPOS = glyph positioning]

Descriptions and examples of above features

Character composition (and decomposition)

Feature Tag: "ccmp"

The 'ccmp' feature is used to compose a number of glyphs into one glyph (GSUB lookup type 4). This feature is implemented before any other features because there may be times when a font vender wants to control certain shaping of glyphs.

This feature permits the composition of Old Hangul Jamos corresponding to sequences described in Appendix B. To compose Old Hangul syllables, these Jamo glyphs are then substituted to the appropriate form using the 'ljmo', 'vjmo' and 'tjmo' features. The 'ccmp' feature should be implemented before any other feature, so that these actions are given topmost priority. It is applicable to each of: Leading, Vowel and Trailing Jamo sequences.

For example: the below sequence (U1107 + U1109 + U1110) of leading Jamos composed with the 'ccmp' feature.
Illustration that shows U 1 1 0 7, U 1 1 0 9, and U 1 1 1 0 as separate glyphs and then combined into one glyph.

Leading consonant Jamo

Feature Tag: "ljmo"

The 'ljmo' feature is used to substitute the correct shape of a leading consonant Jamo for a Hangul syllable. The shaping of leading consonant Jamos is context based and depends on whether the leading Jamo is followed by a vowel Jamo alone or a sequence of vowel and trailing Jamo.

For example: the leading Jamo (U1113) is replaced by the correct leading form when followed by a vowel Jamo alone.
Illustration that shows U 1 1 1 3 with an arrow pointing to the correct leading form which consists of the same character, but the shape is altered.

Vowel Jamo

Feature Tag: "vjmo"

The 'vjmo' feature is used to substitute the correct shape of a vowel Jamo for a Hangul syllable. The shaping of vowel Jamos is context based and depends on whether it is preceded by a leading Jamo alone, or a leading Jamo and followed by a trailing Jamo.

For example: the Hangul vowel Jungseong AE (U1162) is replaced by the correct form when preceded by a leading Jamo alone.
Illustration that shows U 1 1 6 2 with an arrow pointing to the correct form which is narrower, the horizontal lines are more spread out, and all of the lines are thicker.

Trailing consonant Jamo

Feature Tag: "tjmo"

The 'tjmo' feature is used to substitute the correct shape of a trailing consonant Jamo for a Hangul syllable. The shaping of trailing consonant Jamos is context based and depends on whether the trailing Jamo is preceded by a leading Jamo filler and vowel Jamo or by a leading Jamo and vowel Jamo.

For example: U11C7 is replaced by the correct trailing consonant when preceded by a leading Jamo and vowel Jamo.
Illustration that shows U 1 1 C 7 with an arrow pointing to the correct trailing consonant which is a smaller version of the original.

More Examples

1. Old Hangul Jamo containing leading consonants, vowels and trailing Jamos.

Input sequence: This sequence consists of: Choseong Pieup, Choseong Sios, Choseong Thieuth, Jungseong O, Jungseong Ya, Jungseong I, Jongseong Rieul, Jongseong Mieum, Jongseong Hieuh.
Illustration that shows a sequence of nine jamos in three groups. The first group is the leading consonant, or choseong, jamos. The second group is the vowel, or jungseong, jamos. The third group is the final consonant, or jongseong, jamos.

'ccmp' feature applied:
Illustration of the glyph sequence after the C C M P feature has been applied. The three leading jamo glyphs have been substituted by one combined jamo glyph. The three vowel jamo glyphs have been substituted by one combined jamo glyph. The three trailing jamo glyphs have been substituted by one combined jamo glyph.

'ljmo', 'vjmo' and 'tjmo' features applied:
Illustration that shows the complete syllable after the L J M O feature, the V J M O feature, and the T J M O feature have been applied. Each of the three glyphs in the sequence has been substituted with a variant glyph with the required size and position needed for the combination.

2. Leading consonant Jamo + vowel Jamo + trailing Jamo.

Input sequence: This sequence consists of: Choseong Ssangkiyeok, Jungseong A, Jongseong Nieun-Sios.
Illustration that shows the sequence Choseong Ssangkiyeok plus Jungseong A plus Jongseong Nieun-Sios.

'ljmo', 'vjmo' and 'tjmo' features applied:
Illustration that shows variants of the three glyphs after the L J M O feature, the V J M O feature, and the T J M O feature have been applied. An arrow points to an illustration of how the three glyphs combine to form the syllable.

3. Leading consonant Jamo + vowel Jamo

Input sequence: This sequence consists of: Choseong Nieun-Kiyeok, Jungseong Ae.
Illustration that shows the sequence of two glyphs, Choseong Nieun Kiyeok plus Jungseong Ae.

'ljmo' and 'vjmo' features applied:
Illustration that shows variants of the two glyphs after the L J M O feature, the V J M O feature, and the T J M O feature have been applied. An arrow points to an illustration of how the two glyphs combine to form the syllable.


Appendix A: Writing System Tags

Features are encoded according to both a designated script and language system. The language system tag specifies a typographic convention associated with a language or linguistic subgroup.

Currently, the Uniscribe engine only supports the "default" language for each script. However, font developers may want to build language specific features which are supported in other applications and will be supported in future Microsoft OpenType implementations.

  • NOTE: It is strongly recommended to include the "dflt" language tag in all OpenType fonts because it defines the basic script handling for a font. The "dflt" language system is used as the default if no other language specific features are defined or if the application does not support that particular language. If the "dflt" tag is not present for the script being used, the font may not work in some applications.

The following tables list the registered tag names for scripts and language systems.

Registered tags for the Korean Hangul script Registered tags for Korean Hangul language systems
Script tag Script Language system tag Language
"hang" Korean Hangul "dflt" *default script handling
"KOR " Korean

Note: both the script and language tags are case sensitive (script tags should be lowercase, language tags are all caps) and must contain four characters (ie. you must add a space to the three character language tags).

Appendix B: Standard Composition for Old Hangul Jamos

Leading Consonants
Code point Glyph Code point Glyph Code point Glyph
U+1100 Illustration one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 0 as a glyph.
U+1101 Illustration two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 1 as a glyph.
U+1102 Illustration three of leading consonant U 1 1 0 2 as a glyph.
U+1113 Illustration four of leading consonant U 1 1 1 3 as a glyph.
U+1114 Illustration five of leading consonant U 1 1 1 4 as a glyph.
U+1115 Illustration six of leading consonant U 1 1 1 5 as a glyph.
U+1116 Illustration seven leading consonant U 1 1 1 6 as a glyph.
U+1102 Illustration eight of leading consonant U 1 1 0 2 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph.
U+1102 Illustration ten of leading consonant U 1 1 0 2 as a glyph. + U+110C Illustration eleven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 C as a glyph.
U+1102 Illustration twelve of leading consonant U 1 1 0 2 as a glyph. + U+1112 Illustration thirteen of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph.
U+1103 Illustration fourteen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph.
U+1117 Illustration fifteen of leading consonant U 1 1 1 7 as a glyph.
U+1104 Illustration sixteen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 4 as a glyph.
U+1103 Illustration seventeen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph. + U+1105 Illustration eighteen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph.
U+1103 Illustration nineteen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph. + U+1106 Illustration twenty of leading consonant U 1 1 0 6 as a glyph.
U+1103 Illustration twenty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph. + U+1107 Illustration twenty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph.
U+1103 Illustration twenty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration twenty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph.
U+1103 Illustration twenty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph. + U+110C Illustration twenty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 0 C as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration twenty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration twenty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1100 Illustration twenty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 0 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration thirty of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1100 Illustration thirty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 0 as a glyph. + U+1100 Illustration thirty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 0 as a glyph.
U+1118 Illustration thirty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 1 8 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration thirty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1103 Illustration thirty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration thirty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1103 Illustration thirty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph. + U+1103 Illustration thirty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph.
U+1119 Illustration thirty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 1 9 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration forty of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1106 Illustration forty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 6 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration forty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1107 Illustration forty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration forty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1107 Illustration forty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph. + U+1107 Illustration forty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration forty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+112B Illustration forty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 2 B as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration forty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration fifty of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration fifty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+110C Illustration fifty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 C as a glyph.
U+1105 Illustration fifty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph. + U+110F Illustration fifty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 0 F as a glyph.
U+111A Illustration fifty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 1 A as a glyph.
U+111B Illustration fifty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 1 B as a glyph.
U+1106 Illustration fifty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 6 as a glyph.
U+1106 Illustration fifty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 0 6 as a glyph. + U+1100 Illustration fifty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 0 as a glyph.
U+1106 Illustration sixty of leading consonant U 1 1 0 6 as a glyph. + U+1103 Illustration sixty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 3 as a glyph.
U+111C Illustration sixty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 1 C as a glyph.
U+1106 Illustration sixty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 6 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration sixty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph.
U+111D Illustration sixty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 1 D as a glyph.
U+1107 Illustration sixty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph.
U+111E Illustration sixty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 1 E as a glyph.
U+111F Illustration sixty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 1 F as a glyph.
U+1120 Illustration sixty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 2 0 as a glyph.
U+1108 Illustration sixty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 8 as a glyph.
U+1121 Illustration seventy of leading consonant U 1 1 2 1 as a glyph.
U+1122 Illustration seventy-one of leading consonant U 1 1 2 2 as a glyph.
U+1123 Illustration seventy-two of leading consonant U 1 1 2 3 as a glyph.
U+1124 Illustration seventy-three of leading consonant U 1 1 2 4 as a glyph.
U+1125 Illustration seventy-four of leading consonant U 1 1 2 5 as a glyph.
U+1126 Illustration seventy-five of leading consonant U 1 1 2 6 as a glyph.
U+1107 Illustration seventy-six of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration seventy-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph. + U+1110 Illustration seventy-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 1 0 as a glyph.
U+1127 Illustration seventy-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 2 7 as a glyph.
U+1128 Illustration eighty of leading consonant U 1 1 2 8 as a glyph.
U+1107 Illustration eighty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph. + U+110F Illustration eighty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 0 F as a glyph.
U+1129 Illustration eighty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 2 9 as a glyph.
U+112A Illustration eighty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 2 A as a glyph.
U+1107 Illustration eighty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph. + U+1112 Illustration eighty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph.
U+112B Illustration eighty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 2 B as a glyph.
U+112C Illustration eighty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 2 C as a glyph.
U+1109 Illustration eighty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph.
U+112D Illustration ninety of leading consonant U 1 1 2 D as a glyph.
U+112E Illustration ninety-one of leading consonant U 1 1 2 E as a glyph.
U+112F Illustration ninety-two of leading consonant U 1 1 2 F as a glyph.
U+1130 Illustration ninety-three of leading consonant U 1 1 3 0 as a glyph.
U+1131 Illustration ninety-four of leading consonant U 1 1 3 1 as a glyph.
U+1132 Illustration ninety-five of leading consonant U 1 1 3 2 as a glyph.
U+1133 Illustration ninety-six of leading consonant U 1 1 3 3 as a glyph.
U+110A Illustration ninety-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 A as a glyph.
U+1109 Illustration ninety-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration ninety-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph. + U+1107 Illustration one hundred of leading consonant U 1 1 0 7 as a glyph.
U+1134 Illustration one hundred one of leading consonant U 1 1 3 4 as a glyph.
U+1135 Illustration one hundred two of leading consonant U 1 1 3 5 as a glyph.
U+1136 Illustration one hundred three of leading consonant U 1 1 3 6 as a glyph.
U+1137 Illustration one hundred four of leading consonant U 1 1 3 7 as a glyph.
U+1138 Illustration one hundred five of leading consonant U 1 1 3 8 as a glyph.
U+1139 Illustration one hundred six of leading consonant U 1 1 3 9 as a glyph.
U+113A Illustration one hundred seven of leading consonant U 1 1 3 A as a glyph.
U+113B Illustration one hundred eight of leading consonant U 1 1 3 B as a glyph.
U+113C Illustration one hundred nine of leading consonant U 1 1 3 C as a glyph.
U+113D Illustration one hundred ten of leading consonant U 1 1 3 D as a glyph.
U+113E Illustration one hundred eleven of leading consonant U 1 1 3 E as a glyph.
U+113F Illustration one hundred twelve of leading consonant U 1 1 3 F as a glyph.
U+1140 Illustration one hundred thirteen of leading consonant U 1 1 4 0 as a glyph.
U+110B Illustration one hundred fourteen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 B as a glyph.
U+1141 Illustration one hundred fifteen of leading consonant U 1 1 4 1 as a glyph.
U+1142 Illustration one hundred sixteen of leading consonant U 1 1 4 2 as a glyph.
U+110B Illustration one hundred seventeen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 B as a glyph. + U+1105 Illustration one hundred eighteen of leading consonant U 1 1 0 5 as a glyph.
U+1143 Illustration one hundred nineteen of leading consonant U 1 1 4 3 as a glyph.
U+1144 Illustration one hundred twenty of leading consonant U 1 1 4 4 as a glyph.
U+1145 Illustration one hundred twenty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 4 5 as a glyph.
U+1146 Illustration one hundred twenty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 4 6 as a glyph.
U+1147 Illustration one hundred twenty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 4 7 as a glyph.
U+1148 Illustration one hundred twenty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 4 8 as a glyph.
U+1149 Illustration one hundred twenty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 4 9 as a glyph.
U+114A Illustration one hundred twenty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 4 A as a glyph.
U+114B Illustration one hundred twenty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 4 B as a glyph.
U+110B Illustration one hundred twenty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 0 B as a glyph. + U+1112 Illustration one hundred twenty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph.
U+114C Illustration one hundred thirty of leading consonant U 1 1 4 C as a glyph.
U+110C Illustration one hundred thirty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 C as a glyph.
U+114D Illustration one hundred thirty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 4 D as a glyph.
U+110D Illustration one hundred thirty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 0 D as a glyph.
U+110C Illustration one hundred thirty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 0 C as a glyph. + U+110C Illustration one hundred thirty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 0 C as a glyph. + U+1112 Illustration one hundred thirty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph.
U+114E Illustration one hundred thirty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 4 E as a glyph.
U+114F Illustration one hundred thirty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 4 F as a glyph.
U+1150 Illustration one hundred thirty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 5 0 as a glyph.
U+1151 Illustration one hundred forty of leading consonant U 1 1 5 1 as a glyph.
U+110E Illustration one hundred forty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 0 E as a glyph.
U+1152 Illustration one hundred forty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 5 2 as a glyph.
U+1153 Illustration one hundred forty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 5 3 as a glyph.
U+1154 Illustration one hundred forty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 5 4 as a glyph.
U+1155 Illustration one hundred forty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 5 5 as a glyph.
U+110F Illustration one hundred forty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 0 F as a glyph.
U+1110 Illustration one hundred forty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 1 0 as a glyph.
U+1110 Illustration one hundred forty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 1 0 as a glyph. + U+1110 Illustration one hundred forty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 1 0 as a glyph.
U+1111 Illustration one hundred fifty of leading consonant U 1 1 1 1 as a glyph.
U+1156 Illustration one hundred fifty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 5 6 as a glyph.
U+1111 Illustration one hundred fifty-two of leading consonant U 1 1 1 1 as a glyph. + U+1112 Illustration one hundred fifty-three of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph.
U+1157 Illustration one hundred fifty-four of leading consonant U 1 1 5 7 as a glyph.
U+1112 Illustration one hundred fifty-five of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph.
U+1112 Illustration one hundred fifty-six of leading consonant U 1 1 1 2 as a glyph. + U+1109 Illustration one hundred fifty-seven of leading consonant U 1 1 0 9 as a glyph.
U+1158 Illustration one hundred fifty-eight of leading consonant U 1 1 5 8 as a glyph.
U+1159 Illustration one hundred fifty-nine of leading consonant U 1 1 5 9 as a glyph.
U+1159 Illustration one hundred sixty of leading consonant U 1 1 5 9 as a glyph. + U+1159 Illustration one hundred sixty-one of leading consonant U 1 1 5 9 as a glyph.
Code point Glyph Code point Glyph Code point Glyph
U+1161 Illustration one of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph.
U+1176 Illustration two of vowel U 1 1 7 6 represented as a glyph.
U+1177 Illustration three of vowel U 1 1 7 7 represented as a glyph.
U+1161 Illustration four of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph. + U+1173 Illustration five of vowel U 1 1 7 3 represented as a glyph.
U+1162 Illustration six of vowel U 1 1 6 2 represented as a glyph.
U+1163 Illustration seven of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph.
U+1178 Illustration eight of vowel U 1 1 7 8 represented as a glyph.
U+1179 Illustration nine of vowel U 1 1 7 9 represented as a glyph.
U+1163 Illustration ten of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph. + U+116E Illustration eleven of vowel U 1 1 6 E represented as a glyph.
U+1164 Illustration twelve of vowel U 1 1 6 4 represented as a glyph.
U+1165 Illustration thirteen of vowel U 1 1 6 5 represented as a glyph.
U+117A Illustration fourteen of vowel U 1 1 7 A represented as a glyph.
U+117B Illustration fifteen of vowel U 1 1 7 B represented as a glyph.
U+117C Illustration sixteen of vowel U 1 1 7 C represented as a glyph.
U+1166 Illustration seventeen of vowel U 1 1 6 6 represented as a glyph.
U+1167 Illustration eighteen of vowel U 1 1 6 7 represented as a glyph.
U+1167 Illustration nineteen of vowel U 1 1 6 7 represented as a glyph. + U+1163 Illustration twenty of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph.
U+117D Illustration twenty-one of vowel U 1 1 7 D represented as a glyph.
U+117E Illustration twenty-two of vowel U 1 1 7 E represented as a glyph.
U+1168 Illustration twenty-three of vowel U 1 1 6 8 represented as a glyph.
U+1169 Illustration twenty-four of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph.
U+116A Illustration twenty-five of vowel U 1 1 6 A represented as a glyph.
U+116B Illustration twenty-six of vowel U 1 1 6 B represented as a glyph.
U+1169 Illustration twenty-seven of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph. + U+1163 Illustration twenty-eight of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph.
U+1169 Illustration twenty-nine of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph. + U+1163 Illustration thirty of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration thirty-one of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+117F Illustration thirty-two of vowel U 1 1 7 F represented as a glyph.
U+1180 Illustration thirty-three of vowel U 1 1 8 0 represented as a glyph.
U+1169 Illustration thirty-four of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph. + U+1167 Illustration thirty-five of vowel U 1 1 6 7 represented as a glyph.
U+1181 Illustration thirty-six of vowel U 1 1 8 1 represented as a glyph.
U+1182 Illustration thirty-seven of vowel U 1 1 8 2 represented as a glyph.
U+1169 Illustration thirty-eight of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph. + U+1169 Illustration thirty-nine of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration forty of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1183 Illustration forty-one of vowel U 1 1 8 3 represented as a glyph.
U+116C Illustration forty-two of vowel U 1 1 6 C represented as a glyph.
U+116D Illustration forty-three of vowel U 1 1 6 D represented as a glyph.
U+116D Illustration forty-four of vowel U 1 1 6 D represented as a glyph. + U+1161 Illustration forty-five of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph.
U+116D Illustration forty-six of vowel U 1 1 6 D represented as a glyph. + U+1161 Illustration forty-seven of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration forty-eight of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1184 Illustration forty-nine of vowel U 1 1 8 4 represented as a glyph.
U+1185 Illustration fifty of vowel U 1 1 8 5 represented as a glyph.
U+116D Illustration fifty-one of vowel U 1 1 6 D represented as a glyph. + U+1165 Illustration fifty-two of vowel U 1 1 6 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1186 Illustration fifty-three of vowel U 1 1 8 6 represented as a glyph.
U+1187 Illustration fifty-four of vowel U 1 1 8 7 represented as a glyph.
U+1188 Illustration fifty-five of vowel U 1 1 8 8 represented as a glyph.
U+116E Illustration fifty-six of vowel U 1 1 6 E represented as a glyph.
U+1189 Illustration fifty-seven of vowel U 1 1 8 9 represented as a glyph.
U+118A Illustration fifty-eight of vowel U 1 1 8 A represented as a glyph.
U+116F Illustration fifty-nine of vowel U 1 1 6 F represented as a glyph.
U+118B Illustration sixty of vowel U 1 1 8 B represented as a glyph.
U+1170 Illustration sixty-one of vowel U 1 1 7 0 represented as a glyph.
U+116E Illustration sixty-two of vowel U 1 1 6 E represented as a glyph. + U+1167 Illustration sixty-three of vowel U 1 1 6 7 represented as a glyph.
U+118C Illustration sixty-four of vowel U 1 1 8 C represented as a glyph.
U+118D Illustration sixty-five of vowel U 1 1 8 D represented as a glyph.
U+1171 Illustration sixty-six of vowel U 1 1 7 1 represented as a glyph.
U+116E Illustration sixty-seven of vowel U 1 1 6 E represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration sixty-eight of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration sixty-nine of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1172 Illustration seventy of vowel U 1 1 7 2 represented as a glyph.
U+118E Illustration seventy-one of vowel U 1 1 8 E represented as a glyph.
U+1172 Illustration seventy-two of vowel U 1 1 7 2 represented as a glyph. + U+1161 Illustration seventy-three of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration seventy-four of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+118F Illustration seventy-five of vowel U 1 1 8 F represented as a glyph.
U+1190 Illustration seventy-six of vowel U 1 1 9 0 represented as a glyph.
U+1191 Illustration seventy-seven of vowel U 1 1 9 1 represented as a glyph.
U+1192 Illustration seventy-eight of vowel U 1 1 9 2 represented as a glyph.
U+1172 Illustration seventy-nine of vowel U 1 1 7 2 represented as a glyph. + U+1169 Illustration eighty of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph.
U+1193 Illustration eighty-one of vowel U 1 1 9 3 represented as a glyph.
U+1194 Illustration eighty-two of vowel U 1 1 9 4 represented as a glyph.
U+1173 Illustration eighty-three of vowel U 1 1 7 3 represented as a glyph.
U+1173 Illustration eighty-four of vowel U 1 1 7 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1161 Illustration eighty-five of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph.
U+1173 Illustration eighty-six of vowel U 1 1 7 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1165 Illustration eighty-seven of vowel U 1 1 6 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1173 Illustration eighty-eight of vowel U 1 1 7 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1165 Illustration eighty-nine of vowel U 1 1 6 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration ninety of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1173 Illustration ninety-one of vowel U 1 1 7 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1169 Illustration ninety-two of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph.
U+1195 Illustration ninety-three of vowel U 1 1 9 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1196 Illustration ninety-four of vowel U 1 1 9 6 represented as a glyph.
U+1174 Illustration ninety-five of vowel U 1 1 7 4 represented as a glyph.
U+1197 Illustration ninety-six of vowel U 1 1 9 7 represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration ninety-seven of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1198 Illustration ninety-eight of vowel U 1 1 9 8 represented as a glyph.
U+1199 Illustration ninety-nine of vowel U 1 1 9 9 represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1163 Illustration one hundred one of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1169 Illustration one hundred two of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred three of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1163 Illustration one hundred four of vowel U 1 1 6 3 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration one hundred five of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred six of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1167 Illustration one hundred seven of vowel U 1 1 6 7 represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred eight of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1167 Illustration one hundred nine of vowel U 1 1 6 7 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration one hundred ten of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+119A Illustration one hundred eleven of vowel U 1 1 9 A represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred twelve of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1169 Illustration one hundred thirteen of vowel U 1 1 6 9 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration one hundred fourteen of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred fifteen of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+116D Illustration one hundred sixteen of vowel U 1 1 6 D represented as a glyph.
U+119B Illustration one hundred seventeen of vowel U 1 1 9 B represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred eighteen of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1172 Illustration one hundred nineteen of vowel U 1 1 7 2 represented as a glyph.
U+119C Illustration one hundred twenty of vowel U 1 1 9 C represented as a glyph.
U+1175 Illustration one hundred twenty-one of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration one hundred twenty-two of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+119D Illustration one hundred twenty-three of vowel U 1 1 9 D represented as a glyph.
U+119E Illustration one hundred twenty-four of vowel U 1 1 9 E represented as a glyph.
U+119E Illustration one hundred twenty-five of vowel U 1 1 9 E represented as a glyph. + U+1161 Illustration one hundred twenty-six of vowel U 1 1 6 1 represented as a glyph.
U+119F Illustration one hundred twenty-seven of vowel U 1 1 9 F represented as a glyph.
U+119E Illustration one hundred twenty-eight of vowel U 1 1 9 E represented as a glyph. + U+1165 Illustration one hundred twenty-nine of vowel U 1 1 6 5 represented as a glyph. + U+1175 Illustration one hundred thirty of vowel U 1 1 7 5 represented as a glyph.
U+11A0 Illustration one hundred thirty-one of vowel U 1 1 A 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11A1 Illustration one hundred thirty-two of vowel U 1 1 A 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11A2 Illustration one hundred thirty-three of vowel U 1 1 A 2 represented as a glyph.
**Trailing Consonants**
Code point Glyph Code point Glyph Code point Glyph
U+11A8 Illustration one of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11A9 Illustration two of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 9 represented as a glyph.
U+11A8 Illustration three of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11AB Illustration four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph.
U+11C3 Illustration five of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 3 represented as a glyph.
U+11A8 Illustration six of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11AA Illustration eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 A A represented as a glyph.
U+11C4 Illustration nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 4 represented as a glyph.
U+11A8 Illustration ten of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11BE Illustration eleven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B E represented as a glyph.
U+11A8 Illustration twelve of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11BF Illustration thirteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 B F represented as a glyph.
U+11A8 Illustration fourteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration fifteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11AB Illustration sixteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph.
U+11C5 Illustration seventeen of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 5 represented as a glyph.
U+11AB Illustration eighteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph. + U+11AB Illustration nineteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph.
U+11C6 Illustration twenty of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11AB Illustration twenty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph. + U+11AF Illustration twenty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph.
U+11C7 Illustration twenty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11C8 Illustration twenty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11AC Illustration twenty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 A C represented as a glyph.
U+11AB Illustration twenty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph. + U+11BE Illustration twenty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B E represented as a glyph.
U+11C9 Illustration twenty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 9 represented as a glyph.
U+11AD Illustration twenty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 A D represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration thirty of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph.
U+11CA Illustration thirty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 C A represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration thirty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11AE Illustration thirty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration thirty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11AE Illustration thirty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration thirty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11CB Illustration thirty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 C B represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration thirty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration thirty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration forty of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration forty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration forty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration forty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11A8 Illustration forty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration forty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11BD Illustration forty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration forty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11BE Illustration forty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B E represented as a glyph.
U+11AE Illustration forty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph. + U+11C0 Illustration fifty of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration fifty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph.
U+11B0 Illustration fifty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration fifty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11A8 Illustration fifty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11A8 Illustration fifty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11CC Illustration fifty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 C C represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration fifty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11A8 Illustration fifty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration fifty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11CD Illustration sixty of trailing consonant U 1 1 C D represented as a glyph.
U+11CE Illustration sixty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 C E represented as a glyph.
U+11CF Illustration sixty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 C F represented as a glyph.
U+11D0 Illustration sixty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration sixty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11AF Illustration sixty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11BF Illustration sixty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B F represented as a glyph.
U+11B1 Illustration sixty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11D1 Illustration sixty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11D2 Illustration sixty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration seventy of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11B7 Illustration seventy-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration seventy-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11B2 Illustration seventy-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration seventy-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration seventy-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11AE Illustration seventy-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph.
U+11D3 Illustration seventy-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 3 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration seventy-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration seventy-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11C1 Illustration eighty of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11D4 Illustration eighty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 4 represented as a glyph.
U+11D5 Illustration eighty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 5 represented as a glyph.
U+11B3 Illustration eighty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 3 represented as a glyph.
U+11D6 Illustration eighty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11D7 Illustration eighty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration eighty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11F0 Illustration eighty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11D8 Illustration eighty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11B4 Illustration eighty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 4 represented as a glyph.
U+11B5 Illustration ninety of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 5 represented as a glyph.
U+11B6 Illustration ninety-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11D9 Illustration ninety-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 D 9 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration ninety-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11F9 Illustration ninety-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 9 represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration ninety-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11AF Illustration ninety-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11BC Illustration ninety-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B C represented as a glyph.
U+11B7 Illustration ninety-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11DA Illustration ninety-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 D A represented as a glyph.
U+11B7 Illustration one hundred of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph. + U+11AB Illustration one hundred one of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph.
U+11B7 Illustration one hundred two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph. + U+11AB Illustration one hundred three of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph. + U+11AB Illustration one hundred four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A B represented as a glyph.
U+11DB Illustration one hundred five of trailing consonant U 1 1 D B represented as a glyph.
U+11B7 Illustration one hundred six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph. + U+11B7 Illustration one hundred seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11DC Illustration one hundred eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 D C represented as a glyph.
U+11B7 Illustration one hundred nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration one hundred ten of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration one hundred eleven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph.
U+11DD Illustration one hundred twelve of trailing consonant U 1 1 D D represented as a glyph.
U+11DE Illustration one hundred thirteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 D E represented as a glyph.
U+11DF Illustration one hundred fourteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 D F represented as a glyph.
U+11B7 Illustration one hundred fifteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph. + U+11BD Illustration one hundred sixteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph.
U+11E0 Illustration one hundred seventeen of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11E1 Illustration one hundred eighteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11E2 Illustration one hundred nineteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred twenty of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred twenty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11AE Illustration one hundred twenty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph.
U+11E3 Illustration one hundred twenty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 3 represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred twenty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11AF Illustration one hundred twenty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 A F represented as a glyph. + U+11C1 Illustration one hundred twenty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred twenty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11B7 Illustration one hundred twenty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred twenty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration one hundred thirty of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11B9 Illustration one hundred thirty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 9 represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred thirty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration one hundred thirty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11AE Illustration one hundred thirty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred thirty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11BD Illustration one hundred thirty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph.
U+11B8 Illustration one hundred thirty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11BE Illustration one hundred thirty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B E represented as a glyph.
U+11E4 Illustration one hundred thirty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 4 represented as a glyph.
U+11E5 Illustration one hundred fourty of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 5 represented as a glyph.
U+11E6 Illustration one hundred fourty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred forty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph.
U+11E7 Illustration one hundred forty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11E8 Illustration one hundred forty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11E9 Illustration one hundred forty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 9 represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred forty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11B7 Illustration one hundred forty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11EA Illustration one hundred forty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 E A represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred forty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11E6 Illustration one hundred fifty of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11BB Illustration one hundred fifty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B B represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred fifty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration one hundred fifty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11A8 Illustration one hundred fifty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred fifty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration one hundred fifty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11AE Illustration one hundred fifty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 A E represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred fifty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11EB Illustration one hundred fifty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 E B represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred sixty of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11BD Illustration one hundred sixty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred sixty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11BE Illustration one hundred sixty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B E represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred sixty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11C0 Illustration one hundred sixty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11BA Illustration one hundred sixty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration one hundred sixty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11EB Illustration one hundred sixty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 E B represented as a glyph.
U+11EB Illustration one hundred sixty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 E B represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration one hundred seventy of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11EB Illustration one hundred seventy-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 E B represented as a glyph. + U+11E6 Illustration one hundred seventy-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 E 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11BC Illustration one hundred seventy-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B C represented as a glyph.
U+11EC Illustration one hundred seventy-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 E C represented as a glyph.
U+11ED Illustration one hundred seventy-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 E D represented as a glyph.
U+11BC Illustration one hundred seventy-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B C represented as a glyph. + U+11B7 Illustration one hundred seventy-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11BC Illustration one hundred seventy-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B C represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration one hundred seventy-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph.
U+11EE Illustration one hundred eighty of trailing consonant U 1 1 E E represented as a glyph.
U+11EF Illustration one hundred eighty-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 E F represented as a glyph.
U+11BC Illustration one hundred eighty-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B C represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration one hundred eighty-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11F0 Illustration one hundred eighty-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11F0 Illustration one hundred eighty-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 0 represented as a glyph. + U+11A8 Illustration one hundred eighty-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 A 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11F1 Illustration one hundred eighty-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11F2 Illustration one hundred eighty-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11F0 Illustration one hundred eighty-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 0 represented as a glyph. + U+11BF Illustration one hundred ninety of trailing consonant U 1 1 B F represented as a glyph.
U+11F0 Illustration one hundred ninety-one of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 0 represented as a glyph. + U+11C2 Illustration one hundred ninety-two of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11BD Illustration one hundred ninety-three of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph.
U+11BD Illustration one hundred ninety-four of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration one hundred ninety-five of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11BD Illustration one hundred ninety-six of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration one hundred ninety-seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph. + U+11B8 Illustration one hundred ninety-eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 B 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11BD Illustration one hundred ninety-nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph. + U+11BD Illustration two hundred of trailing consonant U 1 1 B D represented as a glyph.
U+11BE Illustration two hundred one of trailing consonant U 1 1 B E represented as a glyph.
U+11BF Illustration two hundred two of trailing consonant U 1 1 B F represented as a glyph.
U+11C0 Illustration two hundred three of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11C1 Illustration two hundred four of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 1 represented as a glyph.
U+11F3 Illustration two hundred five of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 3 represented as a glyph.
U+11C1 Illustration two hundred six of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 1 represented as a glyph. + U+11BA Illustration two hundred seven of trailing consonant U 1 1 B A represented as a glyph.
U+11C1 Illustration two hundred eight of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 1 represented as a glyph. + U+11C0 Illustration two hundred nine of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 0 represented as a glyph.
U+11F4 Illustration two hundred ten of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 4 represented as a glyph.
U+11C2 Illustration two hundred eleven of trailing consonant U 1 1 C 2 represented as a glyph.
U+11F5 Illustration two hundred twelve of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 5 represented as a glyph.
U+11F6 Illustration two hundred thirteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 6 represented as a glyph.
U+11F7 Illustration two hundred forteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 7 represented as a glyph.
U+11F8 Illustration two hundred fifteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 8 represented as a glyph.
U+11F9 Illustration two hundred sixteen of trailing consonant U 1 1 F 9 represented as a glyph.