IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN (FS and filter drivers)
The I/O Manager or a file system driver sends the IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN request when the system is being shut down.
The file system should perform any necessary cleanup and complete the IRP with STATUS_SUCCESS.
The filter driver should pass this IRP down to the next-lower driver on the stack.
A file system or filter driver calls IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation for the given IRP to get a pointer to its own stack location in the IRP. In the following parameters, Irp points to the IRP and IrpSp points to the IO_STACK_LOCATION. The driver can use the information that is set in the following members of the IRP and the IRP stack location to process a shutdown request:
DeviceObject is a pointer to the target device object.
Irp->IoStatus points to an IO_STATUS_BLOCK structure that receives the final completion status and information about the requested operation.
IrpSp->MajorFunction is set to IRP_MJ_SET_SHUTDOWN.