다음을 통해 공유

Status Bar Control

Status bars display status information in a horizontal window at the bottom of an application window. Status bars are often divided into parts, called panes, and each pane displays different status information. Additionally, status bars can contain objects of different types, including buttons and progress bars. The window class name for a status bar control is STATUSCLASSNAME, which is defined as "msctls_statusbar32" in Commctrl.h.

Supported Properties and Methods

  • accHitTest
    The ChildCount property is the number of panes in the status bar.

  • get_accFocus
    The status bar object itself does not have a Name property. The Name property of each pane in the status bar is the same as the displayed text.

  • get_accParent
    The Parent property of the status bar object is a window (ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW) that surrounds the control and has the same window class name as the control. The Parent property of the panes in the status bar is the status bar object.

  • get_accRole
    The Role property for the status bar object itself is ROLE_SYSTEM_STATUSBAR. The text displayed in a status bar has ROLE_SYSTEM_STATICTEXT as its Role property .

  • get_accState
    The State property is a combination of one or more of the following values:


Events Generated



Because keyboard shortcuts are not supported for status bar controls or text areas on status bars, get_accKeyboardShortcut is not supported.

See Also

IAccessible Interface