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원격 서비스 예: 비동기 원격 서비스

다음 샘플 응용 프로그램에서는 원격 시나리오에서의 비동기 프로그래밍을 보여 줍니다. 이 예에서는 먼저 원격 개체에 대한 동기 대리자를 만들고 이 대리자를 호출하여 반환을 기다리는 스레드를 보여 줍니다. 그런 다음 비동기 대리자와 ManualResetEvent 개체를 사용하여 원격 개체 메서드를 호출하고 응답을 기다립니다.

이 응용 프로그램은 한 컴퓨터나 네트워크에서 실행됩니다. 이 응용 프로그램을 네트워크에서 실행하려는 경우 클라이언트 구성의 **"localhost"**를 원격 컴퓨터의 이름으로 바꿔야 합니다.


.NET Framework Remoting에서는 기본적으로 인증이나 암호화 작업을 수행하지 않습니다. 따라서 원격으로 클라이언트나 서버와 상호 작용하기 전에 클라이언트나 서버의 ID를 확인하는 데 필요한 모든 단계를 수행하는 것이 좋습니다. .NET Framework Remoting 응용 프로그램을 실행하려면 FullTrust 권한이 필요하므로 권한이 없는 클라이언트에게 서버에 대한 액세스 권한을 부여하면 해당 클라이언트는 완전 신뢰 상태처럼 코드를 실행할 수 있습니다. IIS(인터넷 정보 서비스)에서 원격화된 형식을 호스팅하거나 사용자 지정 채널 싱크 쌍을 만들어서 항상 끝점을 인증하고 통신 스트림을 암호화하십시오.

이 샘플을 컴파일하려면

  1. 명령 프롬프트에서 다음 명령을 입력합니다.

    csc /t:library /out:ServiceClass.dll ServiceClass.cs

    vbc -r:ServiceClass.dll RemoteAsyncVB.vb

    csc /r:ServiceClass.dll Server.cs

    csc /r:ServiceClass.dll RemoteAsync.cs

  2. 동일한 디렉터리를 가리키는 두 개의 명령 프롬프트를 엽니다. 한 명령 프롬프트에는 server를 입력합니다. 다른 명령 프롬프트에는 RemoteAsyncVB 또는 RemoteAsync를 입력합니다.


Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Public Class RemotingDelegates
   Public Shared e As ManualResetEvent
   ' Declares two delegates, each of which represents 
   ' a function that returns a string. The names are strictly 
   ' for clarity in the code – there is no difference between
   ' the two delegates. (In fact, the same delegate type 
   ' could be used for both synchronous and asynchronous 
   ' calls.)
   Delegate Function RemoteSyncDelegate() As String
   Delegate Function RemoteAsyncDelegate() As String
   <MTAThread()> _
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      e = New ManualResetEvent(False)
      Console.WriteLine("Remote synchronous and asynchronous delegates.")
      Console.WriteLine(New [String]("-"c, 80))
      ' Configuration is required in a remoting scenario, for both
      ' synchronous and asynchronous programming. You can use either
      ' a configuration file, as shown here, or method calls.
      ' The remaining steps are identical to single-
      ' AppDomain programming. First, create the service class. In this 
      ' case, the object is actually created on the server, and only a 
      ' single instance is created. (See the server configuration file, 
      ' ServerVB.exe.config.)
      Dim obj As New ServiceClass()
      If RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(obj) Then
         Console.WriteLine("It's remote.")
         Console.WriteLine("Uh-oh. It's local.")
      End If
      ' This delegate is a remote synchronous delegate.
      Dim RemoteSyncDel As New RemoteSyncDelegate(AddressOf obj.VoidCall)

      ' When invoked, program execution waits until the method returns.
      ' The return value is displayed to the console.

      ' Next, the remote asynchronous call.
      ' First, create an AsyncCallback delegate that represents 
      ' the method to be executed when the asynchronous method has finished 
      ' executing.
      Dim RemoteCallback As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf RemotingDelegates.OurRemoteAsyncCallBack)
      ' Second, create the delegate to the method to 
      ' executed asynchronously.
      Dim RemoteDel As New RemoteAsyncDelegate(AddressOf obj.TimeConsumingRemoteCall)
      ' Finally, begin the method invocation.
      ' Note that execution on this thread continues immediately without 
      ' waiting for the return of the method call.
      Dim RemAr As IAsyncResult = RemoteDel.BeginInvoke(RemoteCallback, Nothing)
      ' If you want to block on the return:
      '      RemAr.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne();
      '      RemoteCallback(RemAr);

      ' Provide some feedback to indicate continued processing prior to 
      ' the return of the asynchronous call.
      Dim count As Integer = 0
      While Not RemAr.IsCompleted
         Console.Write("Not completed -- " & count & vbCr)
         count += 1
         ' The callback is made on a low priority worker thread. Blocking 
         ' the foreground thread for a millisecond each time enables the
         ' callback to execute. 
         Thread.Sleep(New TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond))
      End While
      Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Completed.")

   End Sub 'Main
   ' This is the method that the server calls when asynchronous 
   ' execution is complete. The method is represented by an AsyncCallBack 
   ' delegate, which determines its signature.
   Public Shared Sub OurRemoteAsyncCallBack(ByVal iar As IAsyncResult)
      ' The following nested cast looks confusing, because of the nature 
      ' of the Visual Basic casting operator, CType. Note that you could 
      ' get the same result with two separate casts:
      '    Dim ar As AsyncResult = CType(iar, AsyncResult)
      '    Dim del As RemoteAsyncDelegate = CType(ar.AsyncDelegate, RemoteAsyncDelegate)
      ' The first line casts the interface to an AsyncResult object to 
      ' access the AsyncDelegate property (in the second 
      ' line). This property returns a reference to the original delegate, 
      ' which must be cast back to its own type.
      Dim del As RemoteAsyncDelegate = CType(CType(iar, AsyncResult).AsyncDelegate, RemoteAsyncDelegate)
      Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Result of the remote AsyncCallBack: " & del.EndInvoke(iar))
   End Sub 'OurRemoteAsyncCallBack
End Class 'RemotingDelegates


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
using System.Threading;

public class RemotingDelegates : MarshalByRefObject{

    public static ManualResetEvent e;

    public delegate string RemoteSyncDelegate();
    public delegate string RemoteAsyncDelegate();

    // This is the call that the AsyncCallBack delegate references.
   public void OurRemoteAsyncCallBack(IAsyncResult ar){
      RemoteAsyncDelegate del = (RemoteAsyncDelegate)((AsyncResult)ar).AsyncDelegate;
      Console.WriteLine("\r\n**SUCCESS**: Result of the remote AsyncCallBack: "  + del.EndInvoke(ar) );
        // Signal the thread.

    public static void Main(string[] Args){

        // IMPORTANT: .NET Framework remoting does not remote
        // static members. This class must be an instance before
        // the callback from the asynchronous invocation can reach this client.
        RemotingDelegates HandlerInstance = new RemotingDelegates();

    public void Run(){
        // Enable this and the e.WaitOne call at the bottom if you 
        // are going to make more than one asynchronous call.
        e = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        Console.WriteLine("Remote synchronous and asynchronous delegates.");
        Console.WriteLine(new String('-',80));

        // This is the only thing you must do in a remoting scenario
        // for either synchronous or asynchronous programming 
        // configuration.

        // The remaining steps are identical to single-
        // AppDomain programming.
        ServiceClass obj = new ServiceClass();
        // This delegate is a remote synchronous delegate.
        RemoteSyncDelegate Remotesyncdel = new RemoteSyncDelegate(obj.VoidCall);
        // When invoked, program execution waits until the method returns.
        // This delegate can be passed to another application domain
        // to be used as a callback to the obj.VoidCall method.

        // This delegate is an asynchronous delegate. Two delegates must 
        // be created. The first is the system-defined AsyncCallback 
        // delegate, which references the method that the remote type calls 
        // back when the remote method is done.

        AsyncCallback RemoteCallback = new AsyncCallback(this.OurRemoteAsyncCallBack);

        // Create the delegate to the remote method you want to use 
        // asynchronously.
        RemoteAsyncDelegate RemoteDel = new RemoteAsyncDelegate(obj.TimeConsumingRemoteCall);
        // Start the method call. Note that execution on this 
        // thread continues immediately without waiting for the return of 
        // the method call. 
        IAsyncResult RemAr = RemoteDel.BeginInvoke(RemoteCallback, null);

        // If you want to stop execution on this thread to 
        // wait for the return from this specific call, retrieve the 
        // IAsyncResult returned from the BeginIvoke call, obtain its 
        // WaitHandle, and pause the thread, such as the next line:
        // RemAr.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne();

        // To wait in general, if, for example, many asynchronous calls 
        // have been made and you want notification of any of them, or, 
        // like this example, because the application domain can be 
        // recycled before the callback can print the result to the 
        // console.

   // This simulates some other work going on in this thread while the 
   // async call has not returned. 
   int count = 0;
      Console.Write("\rNot completed: " + (++count).ToString());
      // Make sure the callback thread can invoke callback.


using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;

public class Server{

   public static void Main(){


using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting;

public class ServiceClass : MarshalByRefObject{

   public ServiceClass() {
      Console.WriteLine("ServiceClass created.");

   public string VoidCall(){
      Console.WriteLine("VoidCall called.");
      return "You are calling the void call on the ServiceClass.";

   public int GetServiceCode(){
      return this.GetHashCode();

   public string TimeConsumingRemoteCall(){
      Console.WriteLine("TimeConsumingRemoteCall called.");
      for(int i = 0; i < 20000; i++){
         Console.Write("Counting: " + i.ToString());
      return "This is a time-consuming call.";


               type="ServiceClass, ServiceClass"


               type="ServiceClass, ServiceClass"

참고 항목


비동기 원격 서비스

기타 리소스

원격 서비스 예